Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Chabad offers new course that looks at medical dilemmas

Modern medicine has brought us near miracles. It’s also brought us some of the most difficult decisions we’ll ever have to face. Are we obliged to prolong life even at the cost of terrible suffering? Should we legalize the sale of organs, such as kidneys, to save the lives of transplant patients? May a woman with a multiple-fetus pregnancy opt for fetal reduction, thus forfeiting the lives of some to possibly save others? When it seems that every available option is morally questionable, how do we decide?

Torah and the Talmud are not silent about such matters, and the Chabad Center is offering a course, titled “Life in the balance: Jewish perspective on everyday medical dilemmas” that will address these issues.

When it comes to the ethics of medicine, this course will get real—in the most dramatic possible way. We’ll discuss actual case studies, examining many possible viewpoints as we come to grips with the issue that matters most: What kind of action —or inaction—should we take? When should we take it? And when do we edge too close to playing G-d?

choices that you or a loved one may be called upon to make. It is also a fascinating exposure to little-discussed aspects of Judaism.

This course is offering CLE credits for attorneys,

CME credits for medical professionals,

and CE credits for dentists.

The class will run for six Tuesdays,

starting Oct. 29, from

7 p.m. -8:30 p.m. at Chabad Center,

7504 Universal Blvd.

Orlando, Fla..

Chabad offers the same course in Lake Mary under the leadership of Chabad of North Orlando with Rabbi Yanky Majesky, from 7:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. at The Courtyard Marriott, 135 International Parkway, Lake Mary, Fla.

The cost is

$70 (textbook included;

10 percent couples discount;

5 percent early bird discount;

attend the first class free (with no obligation to continue).

For more information:

Visit: http://www.MyJli.com

Call: 407-354-3660

Email: office@JewishOrlando.com or Chabad North Orlando: 407-878-3011.


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