Children from the Meitin Religious School at Temple Israel together with members of the Temple Israel congregation were proud to participate in Steven Kluger's bar mitzvah project: Feeding Children Everywhere.
More than 4,300 meals were packed by the Temple Israel group for hungry children around the world and right here at home. Feeding Children Everywhere is a social charity that empowers and mobilizes people to assemble thousands of healthful meals for children lacking food.
"My purpose was to help families in Central Florida and the world that have no healthy meals," Kluger said. "I wanted to help the children, and I learned that you don't always have what you want or need, something as simple as food."
As to the large turnout of those who wanted to help, Kluger said, "I felt great seeing Temple Israel come out to support my project whether with monetary donations or their time to put together the meals Sunday morning."
To learn more about Feeding Children Everywhere, go to or go to and click on Facebook. For more information about Temple Israel, please call 407-647-3055.
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