Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Jewish Pavilion helps families find support groups

As we approach the summer months, care-giving families must consider their loved ones with Alzheimer's Disease and how to appropriately celebrate family reunions and holidays with them. Perhaps individual visits work better than the large gatherings of years ago. Or would mom or dad enjoy a visit with the family at a restaurant rather than remaining in the memory care community. There are no set rules in how to approach these decisions, sharing such concerns with professionals may be helpful. The work that the Jewish Pavilion of Central Florida does to help families cope with the challenges of our aging loved ones is important and essential, however we cannot overlook the role that an organized support group plays in alleviating the stress placed on families trying to care for their family members.

Alzheimers's Disease Respite Care services available for caregiver relief

Many Alzheimer's patients require care 24 hours a day, especially in the late stages of the disease. The State's "Alzheimer's Disease Initiative" respite care program includes in-home, facility-based (usually at Adult Day Care Centers), emergency and extended care respite (up to 30 days) for caregivers of loved ones of memory disorders. In addition to Respite Care services, caregivers and consumers may receive supportive services essential to maintaining persons with Alzhiemer's Disease or related dementia in their own homes. The supportive services may include caregiver training and support groups, counseling, consumable medical supplies and nutritional supplements. Alzhiemer's Respite Care programs are established in all of Florida's 67 counties, many counties have multiple service sites. Alzheimer's Support Groups allow caregivers the opportunity to come together to share their feeling and experiences, learn how to manage stressful situations and improve care giving skills. Caregivers gain knowledge, social interaction and community involvement through these groups enabling them to become better caregivers and advocates for their loved ones.

To find an Alzheimer's Respite Provider or an Alzheimer's support Group in your area and to find out more about the grief support group taking place in the local area please contact the Orlando Senior Help Desk at 407-678-9363.

Alzheimer's & Dementia Resource Center

If you or someone you know is caring for a person with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias there is a support group for you.

Meeting are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Atria at Lake Forest, 5433 State Road 46, Sanford, FL 32771; and the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Oakmonte Village at Lake Mary, 1001 Royal Gardens Circle, Lake Mary, Fl 32746.

For a complete schedule of support groups and more information call 407-843-1910 or the Help Desk at 407-678-9363.


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