Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Kaplan is TI Sisterhood's woman of the year

Sunday, June 8, Fabienne Kaplan was chosen Woman of the Year at the closing luncheon of Temple Israel Sisterhood for the year 2013-14. The luncheon was held in the Roth Social Hall at the synagogue, and new officers for 2014-15 also were announced. The officers are: president, Cathy Swerdlow; VP education, Nancy Stern; Co-VPs of membership, Nicki D’Amato and Patty Rose; VP programming, Mollie Savage; VP fundraising, Sheri Denberg; corresponding secretary, Sandy Oser; recording secretary, Fanny Sernik; and treasurer, Roberta Schreiber. The past president is Valerie Kahn.

Fabienne Kaplan’s work on behalf of Sisterhood has been unending. She is in charge of preparing Onegs and Kiddush luncheons each Shabbat, and she oversees the entire kitchen. Kaplan is a professional photographer and is the official photographer for all occasions and events sponsored by Sisterhood. In addition, she is active on numerous committees and as an artist she is involved in many projects not only for Sisterhood but for the entire synagogue. Temple Israel Sisterhood gives her a hearty mazel tov.

The mitzvah project for this luncheon was working in conjunction with Community Based Care of Central Florida. Everyone was asked to bring a gift card from the store of one’s choice to give to children who are aging out of foster care and need to set up apartments/homes of their own. Enough gift cards were collected to give each child/young adult in the agency’s caseload one card to get him/her started on the road to independence.

For more information about Temple Israel Sisterhood, please visit http://www.tiflorida.org.


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