Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Jewish teens in Orlando debate Hollywood values

Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) Teens will present its new course, Hollywood Idol, beginning on Jan. 7, 2015. The course will offer Jewish teenagers the tools to make decisions, develop strong ethical opinions, and empower their inner voice to stand up for what they believe.

Rabbi Yanky Majesky of Chabad of North Orlando will conduct the six-course sessions at 7 p.m. for six consecutive Wednesdays at the Chamu Jewish Center in Lake Mary. 

“This course will analyze how the culture of Hollywood subliminally influences our society,” explained Rabbi Michoel Shapiro of JLI Teens. “It offers teens the opportunity to discover how every movie—every story—is inherently a message and commentary on life. They will be challenged to consider and think deeply about these messages, whether they really agree with them, and how these values compare with those of our tradition.”

Hollywood Idol will encourage teens to rediscover popular culture from a different perspective and challenge them to think about its broader implications. Is the pursuit of fame healthy? Why do some child movie stars adapt to a normal and productive life, while others crash and burn? What are the signs of a superficial relationship? Can money really buy happiness?

“Hollywood Idol is especially exciting because it gives teens’ perspective as to who they are and how pervasive Hollywood’s influence on their lives,” said Rabbi Majesky, the local JLI Teens instructor in Orlando. 

Like past JLI Teens courses, Hollywood Idol will provide participants with the tools needed to build a set of guiding principles that is truly their own and which will stay with them for years to come. The class includes textual learning, group interaction, and cutting-edge multimedia presentations, and refreshments are always provided.

Hollywood Idol is produced by JLI Teens, an international organization that aims to create a global network of informed students connected by bonds of shared Jewish experience. JLI Teens is an affiliate of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) which has been creating learning curriculum for over eleven years and continues to set new standards.  

JLI Teens in Orlando is partly sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando with its JTEN program. 

To register for Hollywood Idol visit http://www.JewishNorthOrlando.com or call Rabbi Majesky directly at 407-878-3011 or email at Rabbi@JewishNorthOrlando.com.


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