Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

New Art & Soul course takes women through the arts

This November, the Rosh Chodesh Society-the women's division of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI)-launches its newest course, Art & Soul, a new seven-session series for women. Slated to run in more than 200 locations across the globe, Art & Soul draws upon Jewish wisdom on seven art forms - painting, music, literature, dance, architecture, clothing design, and culinary arts - allowing students to gain a deeper appreciation of the inner dynamics of these seven art forms and how they can be applied to enhance our daily lives.

"Art is not only for artists. Art is a way of seeing the world," says RCS Director Shaindy Jacobson. "This course touches on some of the most fundamental questions of our lives: What is beauty? How do we access our deepest held convictions? How do we tap into the creative spark that lies within each of us?"

The course will be taught once per month for seven consecutive months and is designed for women at all levels of Jewish knowledge.

"We are fascinated by artists. Their work embodies what we all want our lives to be: beautiful, meaningful, and purposeful," says Chanshy Majesky of Lake Mary, facilitator for the Society. "This course will challenge us to think deeply about the way we see ourselves and the world, teaching us how to 'live creatively'."

The Rosh Chodesh Society is an international Jewish sisterhood that aims to connect, empower, and inspire Jewish women through monthly Jewish learning and cultural experiences. For more information on Art & Soul, visit http://www.roshchodeshsociety.com/courses.

Chanshy Majesky of Chabad of North Orlando will be teaching Art & Soul at private homes in the Lake Mary area each month starting November 12. Anyone interested is welcome to call 407-488-6536 or visit http://www.JewishNorthOrlando.com/RCS for more information.


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