Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

About Heritage Florida Jewish News

The Heritage Florida Jewish News, serving the Jewish community of Central Florida, was founded on August 27, 1976 by Gene Starn. He was publisher/editor for 6 years, selling it to current owner/publisher/editor Jeffrey Gaeser on May 14, 1982.

The Heritage was founded with the purpose of helping to unify a scattered community by focusing on Jewish issues. It is published independently of any outside agency and depends solely on subscribers and advertisers for support.

It came into being because it was felt Central Florida Jewry needed to know what was going on in the Jewish world, both here at home and worldwide. The Heritage serves as a Jewish community bulletin board. We chronicle births, deaths, marriages, b’nai mitzvoth and other simchot. We inform the community about services, candlelighting, holidays and special observances.

We instruct in the humanistic heritage of Jewish history, religion, politics, the sciences, social welfare, the arts and even about the food we eat. Our editorial pages are open to comments and views, and we especially want our readers to make suggestions and participate in dialog on any issues. We feel that communication printed and otherwise, brings understanding.

The Heritage Florida Jewish News, winner of 41 press awards, is the most award winning Jewish Newspaper in Florida.

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