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Last week, the Katzen family suffered the terrible loss of Harry "Hank" Katzen Z"L who succumbed to a cancer that was more stubborn than the man himself and that is saying something! This loss comes on the heels of the loss of Hank's father of blessed memory, Marc Katzen Z"L, who sadly died Dec. 4, 2022. This is a lot for any family to absorb in a short period of time much less because of the outsized role these gentlemen played in the lives of their respective families. However, for the...
In Donna Nevel’s Feb. 7 op-ed in the Orlando Sentinel (“Bloomberg’s ‘kibbutz’ comment brings to mind Zionist history”), the self-styled “social justice activist” author capitalizes on an opportunity to convert a simple sentence on socialism into a wildly distorted and historically inaccurate diatribe against Israel and reality. In her highly romanticized rendition of history, the author portrays the creation of Israel as a catastrophe for the Palestinians. She offers the Palestinian narrative of the “Naqba,” or “Catastrophe,” whic... Full story
Dear Editor: I am a proud and ardent Zionist and have dedicated much of my adult life to serving these ideals and advancing these goals because I believe that ultimately this will better serve ALL of Israel’s citizenry, as well as support better relations between Israel and her neighbors. The recent decision by Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to embrace the racist Otzma Yehudit party along with National Union and the Jewish Home Party is as reprehensible as it is condemnable. If they succeed, this will bring into the Knesset, the inheritors of a... Full story