Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles written by Abby Sher

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  • Why Sinatra's body was hidden in a Jewish funeral home

    Abby Sher|Jan 29, 2016

    (Jewniverse via JTA)—Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday (on De. 12, 2015) has brought on a flurry of centennial celebrations, books, exhibits and Sultan of Swoon-inspired concerts. Jack Daniel’s even issued a Sinatra Century blend and Uber offered a fleet of vintage cars so people in New York City could ride in Sinatra style. One detail that maybe wasn’t exactly planned for the festivities was the reveal last week that Sinatra’s body was hidden after his death – in a Jewish funeral home. Sinatra died on May 14, 1998, of a heart attack in Los Ange...

  • Berlin and Omaha's new synagogue-mosque-church

    Abby Sher|Jan 8, 2016

    (Jewniverse via JTA)-A priest, a rabbi, and an imam walk into a bar... Actually, this isn't a joke or a bar. It's an extraordinary new building called the House of One, which will combine a mosque, a synagogue and a church in Petriplatz, also known as "the medieval birthplace of Berlin." Yes, Berlin-as Rabbi Tovia Ben-Chorin says in House of One's promotional video, "For me as a Jew, this city is 'The City of Wounds' and 'The City of Miracles.'" The House of One will welcome people of multiple...

  • Bawdy and blonde, the outrageous Sophie Tucker

    Abby Sher, JTA|Jul 24, 2015

    (Jewniverse via JTA)-Long before Lady Gaga was pulling down her knickers on London stages, there was a bawdy blonde breaking boundaries named Sophie Tucker. Tucker was born Sonya Kalish in 1887. Her family soon fled czarist Russia and set up a new life in Hartford, Connecticut, where Tucker started out singing for tips at her parents' restaurant. When she tried to make it in the Big Apple, she was told she was too homely. But Tucker zipped up her sequined gown and kept on crooning. "The Outrageo...

  • Why this weird-looking mushroom is called a 'Jew's Ear'

    Abby Sher, JTA|May 29, 2015

    (Jewniverse via JTA)-What do Judas Iscariot and hot-and-sour soup have in common? A rubbery mushroom known as "Auricularia auricula-judae," or "Jew's ear." The term "Jew's ear" might make you feel funny, but it was not intended to be anti-Semitic. It's more about the fact that these tasty mushrooms look a lot like wrinkly ears and are most often found on the wood of elder trees. Lest you forget your Christian gospel, Judas Iscariot hanged himself on an elder tree after he betrayed Jesus Christ....