Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles written by christine desouza

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  • 'Late bloomer' author publishes second novel

    Christine DeSouza|Nov 17, 2023

    In 2019, local resident Bob Herpe published his first suspense novel, "Gravnick." It is a story of the intertwining of two families - one Jewish, one Mafioso. Now, three years later, as promised, Herpe has completed the sequel, "The Other Side of Crisis." Herpe is a late comer to writing novels. He wrote "Gravnick" in his late 80s and is now in his 90s - and he is not slowing down. He already has the opening for his third book. "The Other Side of Crisis" picks up where "Gravnick" left off in...

  • Dvorchik no longer at Shalom Orlando

    Christine DeSouza|Oct 20, 2023

    The Shalom Orlando Board stated that Keith Dvorchik is “no longer with the organization,” effective immediately. Craig Polejes, Shalom Orlando Board of Director’s chairman, did not give any information as to the reason for this action. “We are deeply committed to the Central Florida Jewish community and its mission to serve our community,” said Polejes. “This change in leadership is an opportunity to embrace new possibilities and fresh perspectives while upholding the traditions and values that...

  • Florida's Jewish community reacts to attack in Israel

    Christine DeSouza|Oct 13, 2023

    The Israeli-American Council, the Jewish National Fund and the Jewish Community Center of Greater Orlando quickly pulled together a rally on Sunday, Oct. 8, to show their support for Israel and where many call "home." T-shirts stating "I Stand With Israel" were available in the foyer of the JCC as approximately 350 people gathered to stand in solidarity. Intermingled with the crowd were Representative Anna Eskamani, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings and Val Demings, as well as Congressman...

  • Hatred is still in our backyard

    Complied by Christine DeSouza|Sep 15, 2023

    Two Neo-Nazi groups marched in Altamonte Springs and outside the entrance to Disney Springs shopping center on Saturday, Sept. 2. Dressed in red shirts, black pants and black masks, 51 members of the Goyim Defense League and the Blood Tribe, who called the antisemitic demonstration "March of the Redshirts," walked from Sanlando Park to Cranes Roost Park, about a mile and a half away chanting "White power," "Jews will not replace us," and "We are everywhere." Blood Tribe, founded by former U.S....

  • From horses to flying monkeys, a family story weaved into world history

    Christine DeSouza|Jul 21, 2023

    Family histories are a precious legacy of who you are and from where you came. Unfortunately, as time goes on, these stories can get lost over time. Dr. Lane Jay Mercer heard his family stories all his life. He shared them like bedtime stories with his four children. His son suggested he write the family history down so that future generations could enjoy their heritage. And that's what he did - "An American Jewish Family Saga" follows five generations of his family's journey from Spain during...

  • Former Heritage writer releases first fiction novel

    Christine DeSouza|Jun 23, 2023

    Talking with author Ed Borowsky is pure enjoyment. He shares stories from his life that are funny, whimsical, sad, and always with a ring of truth to mull over. His writing style is the same way. He expertly weaves his life experiences into his fictional characters and the situations they find themselves in to the point that reality and fiction become one. "It's a Good Day to Liquidate" is his first fiction novel and it will be released June 29. It's not his first published work - that goes to...

  • RAISE is expanding and needs more volunteer job coaches

    Christine DeSouza|Apr 28, 2023

    RAISE, a work and social skills training program for adults with disabilities, is excited to announce its recent partnership with the Rosen Hotels & Resorts and Joann Fabrics. Now, with more partnering locations, RAISE is looking to expand its enrollment capacity this fall. Currently, there are 12 RAISE employees and since each employee has two job coaches, there are 24 active volunteer job coaches this year. RAISE hopes to be able to accept up to 20 new employees in the fall cohort. To do so...

  • A 'hidden gem on the Eastern Shore' revealed

    Christine DeSouza|Apr 28, 2023

    In the spring of 1959, Lawrence Golub and Roy Ans graduated from high school in Valley Stream on Long Island, N.Y., and chose colleges to attend. Golub and Ans had known each other from grade school. While Golub went to the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Ans chose to attend Washington College - a very small college with only 500 students, and less than two percent were Jewish. The college, referred to as the "hidden gem on the Eastern Shore," was nestled in a very small town called...

  • Rep. Soto requests investigation of GDL

    Christine DeSouza|Mar 10, 2023

    Following up on his promise made to Rabbi Konikov of Chabad of South Orlando and the entire Central Florida Jewish community, Rep. Darren Soto reached out to the United States Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to seek an investigation into the antisemitic actions committed by the Goyim Defense League a couple weeks ago in southwest Orlando, the Lake Nona area and Volusia County. “I write to express my concern with incidents perpetrated against the Jewish community in Central Florida by the ‘Goyim Defense League.’ I respectfully request your...

  • Rep. Soto supports Chabad members

    Christine DeSouza|Mar 3, 2023

    On Feb. 17, a man dressed in a gawdy yellow and blue floral outfit with a lei around his neck, along with many others from his group walked up and down Sand Lake Road in front of Chabad of South Orlando for three and a half hours shouting through a megaphone to people who were arriving for Shabbat at the shul. "Sir, do you think you should be put in an oven?" he yelled, laughing and relishing the hate he was spewing. Intermingled with cursing, he and a few others continued the hate talk, address...

  • Support for Jewish students in face of hate group

    Christine DeSouza|Feb 17, 2023

    The University of Central Florida has been relatively antisemitism-free for many years. Under the leadership of Aaron Weil, Central Florida Hillel had kept any antisemitic groups from making much of a roar on campus. Under the current leadership at Hillel, much is the same – even when on Monday, Feb. 6, members of the #YeIsRight movement set up a table on Memory Mall as part of an antsemitic provocation tour. This group, which mouths the hate talk of Kanye West, has made several previous stops at other Florida universities, including Florida S...

  • Successful Pro Israel Friends Group is looking for new members

    Christine DeSouza|Jan 20, 2023

    People often complain that they have no voice in government legislation, thinking erroneously that they are just “one person whose voice doesn’t matter.” But this isn’t true. There is a grassroots political action group in the area that works with locally elected congressional representatives who support pro-Israeli legislation. Called the Central Florida Pro Israel Friends Political Action Group, it’s been in operation for more than nine years quietly meeting with local represent...

  • Orlando loses passionate leader

    Christine DeSouza|Jan 20, 2023

    Orlando lost another builder of the Jewish community. Described over the years by many friends as compassionate; serious; deeply devoted to the community, Congregation Ohev Shalom, Israel and the world, Burt Chasnov, 75, passed away on Sunday, Jan. 15, 2023. Burton R. Chasnov was born on Aug. 14, 1947 in Brooklyn, N.Y. and attended Brooklyn College where he was a member of Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity. He received his bachelor's degree and became a Certified Public Accountant. He started his... Full story

  • FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: Each one of us can sling a stone at antisemitism

    Christine DeSouza|Jan 13, 2023

    In the midst of all the New Year’s reveling in the streets of Orlando, high above on an office building on Orange Avenue and Washington Street antisemitic messages “Vax the Jews,” “Honk if you hate Jews,” “Hitler was right” streamed over and over across the building’s top. According to clickorlando, no one below reacted to the sign. But news outlets and politicians across Central Florida and the nation soon began talking out against it. Channel 6 reporter Eric von Ancken was right on top of it. I’m glad to see that our local news is bringing at...

  • 'Better Together' ready to rumble

    Christine DeSouza|Dec 30, 2022

    Any fan of wrestling knows how engaging wrestling can be as they are drawn into the drama of wrestling teams pummeling their opponents. Such is the sport of wrestling, and Central Florida is home to two young Israeli wrestlers - in fact, one of them is the youngest wrestler in Israel's history. In the world of wrestling, Hadar Horvitz and Ori Gold are known as the "Better Together" tag team. Horvitz, 23, is from Tel Aviv. Gold, 21, is from Kfar Saba. Both were drawn to wrestling at very early...

  • Local author brings poetry reading back in style

    Christine DeSouza|Dec 9, 2022

    Local author Lenore Richman Roland has just finished writing a book of poems for children, titled "Under Granna's Poetry Tree, Birthday Poems for her Grands." Her inspiration for this book has been her children and grandchildren. Since 2003, when her oldest grandchild was born, she has been writing original poems to celebrate each grandchild's birthday from the first to the present. In January 2022, she wrote a poem for her granddaughter, Francesca, to celebrate her 10th birthday. As she always...

  • Counting down to the Festival of Lights

    Christine DeSouza|Dec 9, 2022

    For children, the days leading up to Chanukah are always filled with anticipation. Here is a small children’s bedtime book that teaches little ones about Chanukah during the 10 days before the holiday. “Dreaming of Hanukkah,” by Amy Shoenthal and illustrated by Kate Durkin, tells the story of Chanukah as children count down from 10 to 1 and discover the traditions and customs of the holiday — from Maccabee soldiers to crispy latkes to blessings over the hanukkiah. Amy Shoenthal is a Jewish...

  • Scene Around

    Compiled and written by Christine DeSouza|Dec 9, 2022

    This Scene Around is dedicated to "Yours Truly" Gloria Yousha, who passed away Nov. 18, 2022. Gloria Yousha started working at the Heritage in April 1980. That was 15 years before I became her editor. Her first column on April 4, 1980, began: "How do you spell kvelling? (quevelling? kuvelling?) Whichever way it's spelled, it most certainly applies to proud parents SHARON and GEORGE BERGER, whose son EMERY, age 12,spelled his way correctly all the way to Seminole County Finals of the National Spe...

  • Retiring dentist honored by patients and vice mayor of Deltona

    Christine DeSouza|Nov 18, 2022

    Michael Zerivitz, DDS, better known to all his patients as Dr. Z, practiced dentistry at 916 Deltona Blvd. in Deltona for 42 years - caring for up to three generations in one family. When he decided to retire, his patients were sad to lose him. "There has been an outpouring of emotions from his patients," said his wife, Ody Arias-Zerivitz. "Many patients have sent cards, have come by the office to drop off gifts, fruits, etc. All in show of their appreciation for Dr. Z's dedication and...

  • Standing up to Jewish hatred

    Christine DeSouza|Nov 4, 2022

    A lot of people, including Jaguars’ owner Shad Kahn, New England Patriots’ owner Robert Kraft, Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry, the University of Florida and the University of Georgia spoke out clearly against the antisemitic message posted during the Gators/Bulldogs game last weekend. The message “Kanye was right about the jews [sic]” flashed on the outside of one of the end zones at TIAA Bank Field stadium. The Universities of Florida and Georgia issued a joint statement condemning the hate speech at the stadium as well as in other areas a...

  • This year's Jewish Film Festival lineup

    Christine DeSouza|Oct 28, 2022

    Coming Nov. 12 – 15 is the 24th annual Central Florida Jewish Film Festival. This year's shows are back to the normal in-person viewings at the Enzian Theatre, except the opening night film, "Greener Pastures," and the closing night film, "Persian Lessons," which will be shown at the Orlando Science Center Digital Adventure Theater. Also back is the Mensch Pass (limited quantity) for $118, which includes all six programs and First Priority Seating with doors opening 30 minutes early; the S...

  • RAISE director joins Shalom Orlando

    Christine DeSouza|Oct 28, 2022

    The Roth Family JCC auditorium was filled to capacity at the annual RAISE (Recognizing Abilities and Inclusion of Special Employees) Meet & Greet in September with nine new employees and their families, job coaches, and members of the Jewish community who support RAISE. The growing success of the program was evident as Founder and Director Loren London shared that as the program has expanded, Shalom Orlando hired RAISE Director of Employment & Education Rachel Slavkin, M.Ed., to be the RAISE...

  • Beth Shalom Memorial Chapel has a new location

    Christine DeSouza|Oct 14, 2022

    Thirty-eight years ago, Beth Shalom Memorial Chapel, the only Jewish funeral home in Central Florida, opened its doors at 115 W. Gore Street in Orlando to serve the funeral needs of the Jewish community from Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties, as well as making arrangements for other contiguous counties and out of state burials. Thirteen years later they moved to 640 Lee Road, gaining much needed space. Recently, however, Beth Shalom had to move from this location because it became...

  • FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: Defend our children against drugs!

    Christine DeSouza|Sep 9, 2022

    Recently the Florida Press Association held its annual newspaper contest, and I was pleased to learn that I won second place in the Serious Column category. The article, titled “Substance use disorder is a community problem,” (June 4, 2021), was a result of the initiative taken by many members of the community to make a difference in the fight against drug abuse. The program I talked about — B’ri’ut (Hebrew for acceptance and wellness), sponsored by the Jewish Federation and backed by several synagogues and agencies — kicked off with a meet...

  • Federation + JCC = Shalom Orlando

    Christine DeSouza|Sep 2, 2022

    During the 2022 annual meetings of The Roth Family JCC and the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando it was unanimously approved to merge the two agencies into one entity called Shalom Orlando. Discussion of the merger began about five years ago with studies of Federations and JCCs that had merged successfully, including Tampa's Federation, which has existed as a Federation/JCC for more than 20 years. Since he was CEO of both agencies, Keith Dvorchik will continue as the CEO of Shalom Orlando....

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