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(JNS) — Once again, we are seeing Hezbollah threatening us, encroaching on the demilitarized area and daring us to retaliate. In Southern Lebanon, Hezbollah has positioned thousands of rockets aimed at Israel in direct violation of the stipulations of the pact Israel agreed to after the Second Lebanon War. At the end of the hostilities, Israel was in possession of Southern Lebanon south of the Litani River. Israel retreated to its previous border based on an international agreement, which Hezbollah immediately violated. Notice to the Israel D...
(JNS) — Should Israel align with the West and aid Ukraine its fight against the ongoing Russian invasion? Should Israel remain neutral because it needs to coordinate with Russia in Syria in order to defend Israel’s northern border? Perhaps the most important question, however, is should Israel consider Ukraine and Russia’s treatment of the Jewish people and Israel in making its decision? Ukraine, to say the least, has a problematic record in regard to the Jewish people and Israel. During World War II, one-fourth of the Jews murdered in the H...
(JNS) — Chanukah is a joyous time, as it should be. But many Jews celebrate it superficially, merely by eating latkes and sufganiyot, spinning dreidels and exchanging gifts. While some light a menorah to commemorate the miracle of the last pure jar of oil that lasted eight days, most don’t appreciate the full story of the holiday or its modern-day implications. Though Jews like to quip about this holiday and others that “they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat,” the real Chanukah story is one of incredible bravery, commitment, determina...
(JNS) — Of all the efforts that U.S. President Donald Trump made on behalf of the Jewish people, the most meaningful and lasting may be the orchestration of peace agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The benefits of those accords for security and business are hugely significant. Perhaps even more meaningful and lasting are the personal connections and cultural implications, as Israelis shift to closer relations with their Abrahamic cousins. These peace deals, then, will not be so much government-to-government agreements as they a...
(JNS) We know you have many challenges as Jews in America. We here in Israel just have one question: Can you please explain to us your extreme hatred for the president? In Israel, we so appreciate what he has done for Israel and the Jewish people, yet in America, most of you despise him. Even many connected, Conservative and Reform, AIPAC-supporting, “Federation” Jews despise him. We Jews in Israel truly don’t get it. Fifty percent of our Jewish brothers and sisters have returned and now live here in Israel. It seems to us that U.S. President D...
(JNS)—Israel and many Jewish organizations around the world have responded strenuously to counter the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement. They have taken a strong defensive position, arguing that Israel is being unfairly singled out. But how has Israel fared, and what is the best long-term strategy to combat anti-Israel boycotts? There is a case to be made that, thank God, Israel has fared well in many sectors, and that the best long-term business strategy may be to increase labeling and sharing successes. There are between 550 and 630 m...
(JNS)—Right on schedule, by Chanukah, natural gas from Israel’s Leviathan offshore field will begin to flow to shore. The turn-around in Israel’s energy situation over the past two decades is simply stunning. Just 15 years ago, Israel met 100 percent of its energy needs with imported oil and coal. Today, the vast majority of Israel’s electricity is produced from its own natural-gas fields. With the Leviathan reserves coming online, projections are that within a few years, 85 percent of Israel’s electricity will be supplied from its own gas fiel...
(JNS)—Who is the most evil: the Nazis or followers of radical Islam, white supremacists or Louis Farrakhan and Linda Sarsour? This is the great American Jewish debate. The not-so-hidden rationale for this passionate debate is to justify loyalty to one political party and slam the other. Truth: They are all horribly evil. The question remains: Is finger-pointing where American Jews should spend their angst and energy? In lieu of this waste of time, allow me to propose four very basic steps to fight Jew hatred. Pick any one of them or all of t...