Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles written by Gloria Yousha

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  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Aug 26, 2022

    Gloria Yousha is down on her back - literally - and can't sit to write her column. So here are a few stories from Scene Around past. We hope you enjoy them. Admiral Hyman Rickover ... (From December 2015) HYMAN GEORGE RICKOVER was a United States Navy admiral who directed the original development of naval nuclear propulsion and controlled its operations for three decades as director of Naval Reactors. In addition, he oversaw the development of the Shippingport Atomic Power Station, the world's...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Aug 19, 2022

    My favorite movie of all ... This has nothing to do with the column or the comedians I'm writing about today, but I just saw my favorite movie, "Singin' In The Rain," on television for the 4th or 5th time. I loved everything about that movie. Unfortunately all the stars, Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Conner, (none Jewish) are deceased, but they were and always will be favorites of mine. And dancing was my favorite talent ... more than singing. (Watching it gave me a good upbeat...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Aug 5, 2022

    So many famous ones ... I refer to Jewish comedians. Most, if not all, I can name are Jewish. And to me, it shows super-strength after decades upon decades of hate encountered by my people. I am so proud to be one of them! And speaking of Jewish comedians, BILLY CRYSTAL comes to mind. Born in New York City in 1945, William Edward Crystal was raised initially in the Bronx and when still a toddler, he and his family moved to Long Beach, N.Y. His family owned the Commodore Music Store. Billy's dad...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Jul 22, 2022

    My heart hurts ... Exactly three months ago today, my darling dog, Chloe was put down because she had cancer. RIP Chloe. We love you dearly and always will. (She was my darling child as far as I was concerned. Folks who have dogs know what I mean.) Speaking of hearts hurting ... We recently lost a wonderful actor. He died on July 6th and will surely be missed. I'm talking about James Edmund Kahn ... James Caan, as he was known. Born in the Bronx, NYC, he was a fabulous actor and even earned a...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Jul 8, 2022

    What a surprise!... I’m referring to the late, great Madeline Albright who passed away at the end of March. She was brought up as a Christian, but her parents converted from Judaism to Christianity, which is understandable since they (and Madeline) were from Czechoslovakia and were around during the time of Hitler. (Madeline was never told that her parents once were Jews.) Madeline and her family came to the United States in 1948 after the Communist coup in Prague. When she grew up she became the first woman to reach such a high position as U...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Jul 1, 2022

    I never cease to be amazed … I refer to Jewish people — so talented! How about John Garfield. (Those of you who are as old as me will remember him and what a fine actor he was!) He always played brooding, rebellious characters. He was active from 1932 until his untimely death from a heart attack in his late 30s. His real name was Jacob Julius Garfinkel. He was born in March 1913 and died in May 1952, much too young! John was the father of three children. (I remember him well and, I repeat, what a fine actor he was!) And speaking of fine … How a...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Jun 24, 2022

    The music I love … If you’re like me, you too will consider that “Rap is Crap”! I love and perform the good stuff, the music of the 30s and the 40s…not rock and roll & (heaven forbid) rap! Maybe the music I love will live on… or maybe, with today’s teens, it will go by the wayside. But why should I care? I am considered a senior citizen. (NOT MENTALLY!) We lost one of the best … I’m referring to Stephen Sondheim, of course. He was one of the most important figures in twentieth-century musical theater. Stephen was born in New York City (of cou...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Jun 17, 2022

    What did you say? Oops, speak louder! ... Deaf since she was 18 months old, MARLEE MATLIN made her acting debut in the romantic drama, “Children of a Lesser God.” She won an Academy Award for best actress for her performance. She is the first deaf performer to win an Oscar! She also had many successful television roles and she also won the Screen Actors Guild Award for her outstanding work. Marlee was born in Illinois. She and her siblings were brought up in a reform Jewish household. Her family roots are the same as mine … Russia and Polan...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Jun 10, 2022

    From the editor: Last week’s Heritage ran a Scene Around column from May 27, 2016. We do not understand how this happened, and we sincerely apologize to Gloria Yousha and our readers for any confusion about events that were posted in the column. The following is the column that should have appeared. What a surprise!... I’m referring to Frances Rose Shore … okay, you guessed it. “Dinah, is there anyone finer, in the state of Carolina” Dinah Shore, the fabulous singer! I never would have believed that Dinah Shore was Jewish, not in a million year...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|May 20, 2022

    Wow! May 20 was my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday in Heaven, Mom. I love you and always will! Do you believe these names?... Remember Eppie Lederer? (Of course you do!) Esther Pauline "Eppie" Lederer might have been known to you by her pen name, Ann Landers. AHA! See I told you! Ann was born on the 4th of July in Sioux City, Iowa. She was a super-famous newspaper advice columnist and Jewish, of course! (Okay, so I don't give advice, but I'm Jewish too!) Ann Landers was a pen name created by...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|May 13, 2022

    So many celebrities ... not at all surprising... Of course we've all heard of WOLF BLITZER, famed journalist on CNN television. Well, Wolf, whose middle name is Isaac, had a most exciting upbringing. He was born in Augsberg, allied-occupied Germany after WWII in 1948. His parents were both Polish Jewish refugees who survived the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Unfortunately, his grandparents, two uncles, and two aunts on his father's side did not survive. Wolf was raised in Buffalo, New York. He i...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|May 6, 2022

    This is "Be Kind To Animals" week. I'm still grieving the loss of my dear Chloe, my baby, my dog who died yesterday, April 22. (I write this column more than a week in advance). Chloe and I were twins... same eyes, same nose, same lips, same thighs, same tummy!) I wrote this poem for her: Chloe was my "little girl", she really was my heart, Her little stub tail had no curl, (Can I live when we're apart?) She was with us from 7 months to 13 years and some, She loved us too (I know that's true,)...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Apr 29, 2022

    What a surprise! ... If I only knew that this "heart throb" was Jewish, I would have been shocked! I'm talking about actor HARRISON FORD, a longtime favorite of mine. I would also add that he seems to be a favorite of many, seeing that his films have grossed more than $5.4 Billion in North America and more than $9.3 Billion worldwide. He is the seventh highest grossing actor in North America. Harrison was born in Chicago, Illinois, to a Catholic father and an Ashkenazi Jewish mother. His...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Apr 22, 2022

    What a total surprise ... Just from hearing the names, I would have never guessed these talented performers were Jewish. For instance, would you think that someone with the last name of Abdul would be Jewish? Does she even look Jewish? (However that look is deemed to be.) Well, PAULA JULIE ABDUL was born in California, but her dark features throw people off. Many assume she is a Black woman. But, her parents, father Harry Abdul is of Syrian Jewish heritage. He was born in Syria, raised in...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Apr 15, 2022

    That's what friends are for ... I received a phone call from my dear friend, JUDY, telling me that my all-time favorite movie, "Singin In The Rain" was being featured on television immediately! Although I have seen it dozens of times, I never tire of it and quickly tuned in. True, the stars, Gene Kelly, Donald O'conner and Debbie Reynolds were not Jewish, the two songwriters responsible for the fabulous music, Betty Comden and Adolph Green, were... and yes... they were Jewish (and brilliant,...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Apr 8, 2022

    First, before I begin my column, I want to express my condolences to the family of the late Madeleine Albright as well as to all of us. (She was quite a loss.) Madeleine was the first United States woman Secretary of State under President CLINTON. She immigrated with her family, (Jews who converted to Christianity) to the U.S. from Communist Czechslovakia. Unfortunately, she said, her parents never told her about her Jewish ancestry and heritage. (She learned of this in 1997). May she forever...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Apr 1, 2022

    Jewish Super Talents ... William Edward Crystal was born on March 14, 1948. Of course you know him simply has BILLY CRYSTAL! Billy is an actor, comedian, director, producer and writer. (He is also one of my favorite favorites!) It seems every movie he appears in has been a hit! He is also a Broadway star! Like me, Billy is a native New Yorker. He was born in a Manhattan hospital and raised in the Bronx. (I'm a Brooklynite.) As a toddler, he moved with his family to Long Beach, Long Island. He ha...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Mar 25, 2022

    A super favorite of mine ... I'm referring to Mel Torme', of course, who I also had the pleasure of meeting. (Remember, I'm a native New Yorker and had the opportunity to meet many celebs!) Melvin Howard Torme', nicknamed "The Velvet Fog," was a wonderful singer, musician, composer, arranger, drummer, actor and even author. He composed and co-wrote lyrics to my favorite of all time Christmas songs, "The Christmas Song" (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...) Yes, I'm Jewish and so was Mel!...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Mar 18, 2022

    I'm going pandemic nutty... I'm in my house for many months, (I'm not the type who swears or grunts!) But coronavirus is a trap, My days are filled with food and nap, I'm watching TV night and day, (Please Dr. Phil just go away!) When will this end? I need to know, (I'll put on makeup so I'll glow), And dress in sexy clothes again, I cannot wait-Just tell me when! Okay, I don't wear sexy clothes, (I just wear jeans, and I don't wear hose) Okay, okay! I'm sort of old, I'll admit to 50. Aint I...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Mar 11, 2022

    I'm heartsick... My prayers are for Ukraine and its people, many of them Jewish. According to Russian President (dictator) PUTIN, Ukraine is under Nazi control. (If anyone fits the description of Nazis, it's Putin!). A former actor and comedian, President VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY of Ukraine was elected president in 2019. He is brave and devoted to his country and its people. By the way, he is Jewish. My ancestry on my mother's side is Ukraine ... Odesa, Kiev, etc. My maternal grandparents fled...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Mar 4, 2022

    So much talent! Even I'm surprised! ... Get ready for this one. It's not to be missed! I'm referring to the BILLY JOEL concert that's coming to Camping World Stadium here in town on Saturday evening, 8 p.m. on March 12. Surely tickets are selling out. Hurry or you will miss it! Phone 407-440-5700 and press 1 for more information. William Martin Joel (born May 9, 1949) is an American musician, singer-songwriter, and composer. Commonly nicknamed the "Piano Man" after his first major hit and signat...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Feb 25, 2022

    A Poem For You (from me)... "I'm elderly (?) a senior gal, a name that used to pain, Instead of young and beautiful, being old makes me insane, But then I think of all the songs, the music of my time, How beautiful and meaningful, not rap (pure crap) a crime! And stars like Benny, Berle and Brooks, And even Baby Snooks! The Broadway shows, the acts, the movies of my day, Were absolutely brilliant, great in every way! SO WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?? Okay. So we look and sound alike ... Of course you...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Feb 11, 2022

    Hollywood has a lot of Jews! ... For instance, while watching the STEPHEN COLBERT television show recently, his guest was actor ADRIEN BRODY. I first saw Adrien in the movie "The Pianist" and I fell in love with him and his rare talent. He won an Academy Award for that performance as Best Actor. Of course he has appeared and acted in other movies but "The Pianist" stood out for me. Of course, Adrien Brody is Jewish, the son of a Polish-Jewish man and a mother who was half Catholic from her dad,...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Feb 4, 2022

    Oy such talent! ... I'm referring to all the stars I write about. For instance, SARAH SILVERMAN. SARAH is an American comedian, actress, and writer. Her comedy addresses social taboos and controversial topics, including racism, sexism, homophobia, politics (politics gives me heartburn!) and religion, sometimes having her comic character endorse them in a satirical or deadpan fashion. Sarah was a writer and a performer on "Saturday Night Live" and also she starred and produced "The Sarah Silverma...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Jan 28, 2022

    Before I write any further: let me say OOPS! ... I wrote in a recent column that Amy Schneider, a contestant on "Jeopardy" was Jewish. She claims not to be. So sorry! (She also claims not to be a man.) Great Jewish talent ... The Marx Brothers were an American family comedy act that was successful in vaudeville, on Broadway, and in motion pictures from 1905 to 1949. Harpo, Groucho, Chico and Zeppo were the names we knew them by. All have since passed away. (I loved them all ... but especially Gr...

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