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We need some "light" news these days ... As a vocalist, I am constantly adding to my repertoire. I am so delighted when I realize who the composers were! For instance, "You're Gonna Hear From Me," a terrific song made famous by BARBRA STREISAND (who, incidentally, is a fellow Jew and a school rival of mine who attended Erasmus High School while I attended Tilden High School back in Brooklyn when we were kids.) The song was written by a Frenchman, Andre' Previn, (I thought). His real name was...
Sad news ... As I've said before, I write this column almost two weeks in advance of publication so I just learned of the death of Congressman John Lewis yesterday. What a great loss! I had so much respect for him, starting back in the days when he and Martin Luther King marched together. He was always a well-spoken, likeable young man fighting for a good cause. Rest in peace, Congressman Lewis. You will never be forgotten. Things you need to know ... I'm referring to Israel, 10 things you need...
Just Saying... I write this column almost 2 weeks in advance, so if this problem is solved correctly, forget I wrote about it: As the mother of three grown adults and two grown grandchildren, this really isn't my problem directly... but I must say, that if I had young children or grandchildren, I would be very wary of sending them back to school during COVID-19. Just saying! What a loss... I've been meaning to phone a dear friend of mine for days, every time I go to the bathroom and remember...
Can't get this tune out of my head... I refer to "A Fine Romance." Maybe it's because I'm a professional vocalist? Maybe it's because I'm a proud Jew and have the privilege of writing this column for Jewish readers? I love to acknowledge talented Jewish composers and lyricists who wrote fabulous songs that are now considered part of the Great American Songbook. Recently I watched on TV, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers as they performed "A Fine Romance." (Not Rap Crap!) I love that song ("A fine...
My first story is about Italy. I went to Italy a few years back. It was one of my favorite places. I visited Pisa, Venice, Florence, Rome, etc. I loved the scenery, the people, the culture... and especially, the FOOD! More about Italy... I read this in the World Jewish Congress digest and pass it along to you: "The WJC and its affiliate, the Union of the Italian Jewish Community, welcome the Italian government's adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's working definition...
When will it end?... I read this in "Facts and Logic About the Middle East" written by President JAMES SINKINSON, and pass it on to you: "The coronavirus has unleashed a torrent of hate directed at Israel... creating just one more excuse for the anti-Semites to pile on. If it's not the Palestinians and Iran trying to convince the world that Israel invented Covid-19 to murder its enemies... it's misguided politicians telling Israelis they must make peace with terrorists. While we pro-Israel...
About the "new" normal... In a very short time, COVID-19 has changed almost everything in life, the way we interact with one another, the way we work (or don't work), the way we play and shop, and even the way we think about the future. But in the midst of the crisis, certain things have remained the same: our concern for each other, our gratitude to our supporters, and our commitment to the animals we care for. I love you, Chloe. Happening around the world... I read this in the World Jewish Con...
From my heart... I stand with our African-American brothers and sister. Diversity is what makes the United States great! Please let's end racism and anti-Semitism once and for all! No longer divide us... This is a message from RONALD S. LAUDER, that appeared very recently in the World Jewish Congress (WJC) digest: "In frightening and uncertain times, like those we are facing now with the coronavirus, some people all too often and dangerously look for and unjustly blame scapegoats. There is an...
Here We Go Again! (Written by me.) Oh heavens No! Another poem! Enough already with staying home, I'm tired of cooking my own dinner, (A meal at Outback is a winner!) Amusement Parks are open now, As Press, I go for free (and how!) And seeing friends I've hung around, I miss so badly, I'm loony bound. Thanks to SNL and Dr. Phil, So many hours they did fill, Without my TV I'd go bats, Except for my sweet dog (and cats), They kept me happy up till now, I learned to speak "woof" and "meow", I even...
A coincidence for sure... In my last column, I wrote another poem and mentioned Baby Snooks. Wouldn't you know... I just watched a fabulous movie on television, "Funny Girl" starring my fellow Brooklynite, BARBRA STREISAND. As you probably know, the movie is based on the life of Fanny Brice, who was a famous comic in the Siegfield Follies and the "Baby Snooks" radio show. WHAT TALENT! Still another coincidence... Fanny Brice lived on Henry Street. So did I, (770 Henry Street), Jews who grew up...
OH NO! NOT ANOTHER POEM! (written by "Yours Truly") Hello, my friends, I'm still at home... I guess I'll write another poem, I have a mask, I have a glove, And lots of chocolate (that I love,) But I need more, especially laughs, I'm tired of living life in "halves," I'm going to take my friends to eat, A fancy restaurant sounds real neat, We'll celebrate my birthday night, And drink until the morning light, I'll stumble home and I'll feel free, (Until I try to find my key), I'm elderly, a...
Another poem by Yours Truly (What else is there to do these days except clean house. (Ugh!) It's been four months I'm stuck at home, 'Bout time to write another poem, I'm missing friends and (handsome) men, I must admit, I have a yen... To hug and kiss and more (much more), Being home alone is quite a bore, Chocolate is my greatest pleasure, (My thighs are now too large to measure). Oy Vay! I repeat: Oy Vay! As if I'm not upset enough... I received the following in the mail from the Simon...
Another Coronavirus poem by Your's Truly: I'm in my house for many months, (I'm not the type who swears or grunts.) But Coronavirus is a trap, My days are filled with food and nap, I'm watching TV night and day, (Please Dr. Phil, just go away!) When will this end? I need to know, I'll put on makeup so I'll glow, And dress in sexy clothes again, I cannot wait. Just tell me when! (Okay, I don't wear sexy clothes, I just wear jeans and don't wear hose, I'm pretty though, nice lips, nice nose, Nice...
A message from KEITH DVORCHIK, CEO of Jewish Federation... "As the wind blew and the rain fell recently, I found it symbolic of the changes we have been dealing with over the past 6 weeks. Storms roll in, creating chaos, and then leave, allowing us to regroup and move forward. During these uncertain times, it has been amazing to see our synagogues and agencies join together to provide for the needs of our community. It's been exciting to see the interest level in programming increase and more...
Stuck in the House... By now I'm sure I proudly mentioned that I was a Navy mom several times. I must do it again! Being stuck in the house, what put a smile on my face (almost continuously) was watching certain TV movies. "On the Town," about three sailors in Manhattan, was one of them. My eldest is a Navy commander, my middle guy is a psychologist who worked with recruits at Great Lakes Naval Base and my youngest served in the Navy on a minesweeper in the Persian Gulf. Frank Sinatra, Gene Kell...
Combat thru education... I read this recently in the World Jewish Congress Digest and pass it along to you: "The WJC, together with UNESCO and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief, and the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, recently held a high-level workshop in Geneva on the role of education in combating anti-Semitism. The event follows two previous workshops for policymakers held in Warsaw an...
A word about Passover... Our shared Jewish heritage and traditions bind our global family together, especially during difficult times. And with Passover just ended, we recognize that this year's commemorations were unlike any in recent memory as we found ourselves unable to gather with loved ones, friends and neighbors. 75 Years After A Nightmare... Of course I refer to Auschwitz, which was liberated 75 years ago. I read this in the World Jewish Congress digest and pass it along to you:...
Ode to the Coronavirus by Yours Truly... I'm going crazy in my house, I sleep each night with Mickey Mouse, One son moved home to keep me safe, I wash my hands until they chafe, Coronavirus has me bored, I pray it goes away, dear Lord, This has to end on a closer date, There's one good thing, I'm losing weight! (Actually, losing weight is easy...every store is out of chocolate!) Let me explain about sleeping with Mickey Mouse: I own three big Mickey Mouse dolls and one tiny one and also two...
Curb your Enthusiasm... While watching "Curb your Enthusiam" recently, actor/producer/director/writer of the television show (and formerly producer/writer of the very successful television show "Seinfeld" starring JERRY SEINFELD, LARRY DAVID, mentioned my very famous cousin, writer DANIEL KEYES and also one of Dan's books, "Flowers For Algernon," which, by the way, was required reading in most New York City schools. The book incidentally, was turned into the movie "Charly" starring Cliff...
Some personal thoughts... Joan Rivers was a friend. She once said, "whenever I hit bottom, the only thing I think of has been set down by Jerome Kern (another Jew and, of course, a great composer)). "Pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again." (Unfortunately, Joan suffered a tragic death.) Another friend... (And also a talented Jew) NEIL DIAMOND, recently came out of retirement (he retired 2 years ago because he contracted Parkinson's Disease) to perform in Las Vegas. (I went to...
"Representatives of the World Jewish Congress met with JAN HAMACEK, minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic, as a follow-up to methodology provided by the WJC to the government for protecting soft targets in the country. As part of this work, the WJC compiled guidelines of methodology for coordinating protection of sites including malls, stadiums, concert halls, and other crowd-drawing locations and often targeted by terrorists and other violent offenders. The guidelines include...
Oy Vay! More to worry about... You know I mean the Coronavirus! All of a sudden, my sons are telling me that, at my advanced age, I am more susceptible then they are so... "Mom, stay home! Wash your hands! Don't go to crowded places, like shopping for food or clothing, no restaurants and NO KISSING!!" (So far, nobody has tried!) Forgotten Jewish Refugees... "The World Jewish Congress, together with other Jewish organizations and the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations,...
A Thank You to German Chancellor... "World Jewish Congress president Ambassadåor RONALD S. LAUDER met recently with German Chancellor ANGELA MERKEL at the site of the former Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp and thanked her for announcing that Germany is committing $66 million to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation to support preservation of the memorial site. (Millions of dollars for each murdered Jew? NOT ENOUGH! NOT EVEN BILLIONS WOULD BE ENOUGH! Am I bitter? I suppose...
Enough already!... I don't know how much time I have left on this earth... but what about my children and their children and their children? (Upsetting thought!) I read this recently and share it with you: "Anti-Semitic graffiti was found on more than one hundred gravestones in the Jewish cemetery of Westhoffen in eastern France. The case came to light after similar desecration was reported that same day in the nearby commune of Schaffhausen-sur-Zorn. The region of Alsace has suffered from a rec...
We need protection!... I heard from the ADL and pass it along: "The end of year explosion of anti-Semitic violence in New York and New Jersey is cause for deep concern. A couple of months ago (mid-December), a chilling attack at a Kosher supermarket in Jersey City resulted in the deaths of three civilians and a police officer. Then, ADL documented 10 more incidents targeting Jews in the area, all occurring during the eight days of Chanukah, including the vicious stabbings at a Chanukah...