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(JNS) — President Donald Trump’s call to move the Arab population in Gaza to Egypt, Jordan and other countries is a winning strategy. He is the first president to come up with a realistic and humane solution to one of the world’s greatest and most vexing problems. The Arab world, with all its riches and oil wealth, has purposefully kept Gaza poor, underdeveloped and a hotbed of Muslim hatred of Israel and the West for its own selfish reasons. Had the money that was poured into Gaza for the building of tunnels and weaponry to attack Israe...
(JNS) — Inauguration day is around the corner, and unlike in January 2017, when Donald Trump took the oath of office for the first time, now seems calmer and, in some corners, more celebratory. When Trump won the presidential election in 2016, the knives were out and being sharpened, so to speak. Not so this time around as Trump’s landslide victory has his enemies and detractors retreating somewhat. New York Times columnist Bret Stephens gave up his “Never Trump” status. Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos is hanging out with Jared Kushner...
(JNS) — Now that the Democratic National Convention has ended, the dust is just beginning to settle. Maureen Dowd, who is a fixture at the very left-wing New York Times, titled an Aug. 18 article on President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris, “The Dems Are Delighted. But a Coup Is Still a Coup.” Dowd wrote: “It wasn’t exactly Julius Caesar in Rehoboth Beach. But it was a tectonic shift and, of course, there were going to be serious reverberations.” She called Biden’s removal “a jaw-...
(JNS) — Iran’s propaganda mills are falsely claiming that they have not attacked Israel in retaliation for Israel’s targeted assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh because they do not want to interfere with ongoing ceasefire talks. With this excuse, Iran is trying to garner legitimacy in world politics. So, once again, it has to be pointed out that Iran is the “head of the snake”; the cause of all of the instability in the Middle East. Oct. 7 could never have happened if it weren’t for Iran. Hezbollah would not have one missile if...
(JNS) — “The week that was” started with an assassin’s bullet missing former President Donald Trump. As Trump said: “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.” In his speech at the Republican National Convention, he asserted: “I’m not supposed to be here, I’m supposed to be dead.” Trump has not only internalized the profound and unmistakable providential intervention that saved him but has been brave and courageous enough to bring God back into the world. Unlike most politicians, who rarely if ever speak about God, Tr...
(JNS) — On July 11, actor, director and producer George Clooney was featured in The New York Times calling for a new Democratic nominee for president. His credentials for an opinion piece in the newspaper that still claims to publish only “All the News That’s Fit to Print” are that “I have led some of the biggest fundraisers in my party’s history” and “last month I co-hosted the single largest fundraiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s reelection.” George Clooney does himself in when he writes, “We don’t a...
(JNS) — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has never been a friend of Israel. But her recent blood libel that Israel is committing an “unfolding genocide” in Gaza puts her squarely in the Jew-hating camp. AOC needs a refresher course on the Bible. God says, “I will bless those who bless you and him who curses you I will curse.” Evangelical Christians understand this better than any other group. I doubt AOC has ever heard it before. It’s a shame that AOC was educated by a self-hating Jew—Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). I missed my chance to...
(JNS) — With the barrage of untruths emanating from Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas and his underlings, it is always a welcome and refreshing phenomenon when world leaders recognize and speak the truth about Israel and the Jews. Pat Robertson, who passed away last week, was one such leader. He was a great friend of the State of Israel and will be sorely missed. I am always grateful when leaders clearly state that the Jews are the rightful heirs to the Land of Israel, which was promised by the Almighty to the Jewish people. I a...
(JNS) — We are fast approaching Sept. 13, 2023, which will mark 30 years since the Oslo Accords were signed on the White House lawn under the auspices of then-President Bill Clinton. It was one of the worst mistakes Israel has made over its 75 years of statehood. The Accords elevated arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat into a statesman, but he never changed his stripes. Israel has suffered immensely since Arafat and his minions were given diplomatic status and legitimized. Since the Oslo Accords were signed, at least 1,661 Israelis have been murdered...
(JNS) — My Iranian Jewish friends who live in the United States are telling me that regime change in Iran is a distinct possibility. Could the Biden administration do more to make this happen? You bet it could. The continued attempts to salvage a nuclear agreement with Iran along the lines of the 2015 JCPOA deal only make regime change less likely. In fact, the talks strengthen the hand of the ayatollahs. This is precisely the opposite of what should be done, given that the current protests in Iran—which began when 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was...
(JNS) — For the past three months, I have resisted the urge to write about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was just too disturbing. Covid wasn’t bad enough, so we needed a war too? War is ugly, cruel, terrible and barbaric. I have watched the genocide and devastation of Ukraine along with everybody else. I am sickened and distressed by it like everybody else. And I am most disturbed because I see very few diplomatic efforts to end the war. I ask myself, as Michael Goodwin put it in the New York Post, “Are we on the verge of sleep...
(JNS) — The antisemitic hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas, on Jan. 15 brought to the surface bitter memories of the Holocaust: Jews being singled out simply because they were Jews. Eighty years ago, on Jan. 20, 1942, the Wannsee Conference took place on the outskirts of Berlin. In 90 minutes, the Nazis planned the extermination of the Jews of Europe, calling it the “Final Solution.” They intended to wipe out 11 million Jews across Europe, including in the Soviet Union, England, Ireland and Switzerland. The host was Reinhard Heydrich, known a...
(JNS) When COVID-19 struck the United States, I thought that it would become a unifying force. I naively reasoned that the coronavirus pandemic would bring people together. I believed that the bitter polarization that began with the crash of the stock market in 2007-08 would finally end. I was wrong. COVID has caused a greater rupture. It has brought health-care workers closer together, but few others. It has socially distanced society even further. The political divide that used to be a significant crack has become a huge chasm. It has also...
(JNS)—As America suffers through an impeachment circus, Great Britain on Dec. 13 acted decisively, voting overwhelmingly for Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party. The impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump had already given him a political boost (recall that Bill Clinton won a second term after an impeachment process), along with the jitters to some Democrats. The lesson of Johnson’s victory, however, “is screaming right in your face,” said Democratic strategist James Carville. Indeed, Democratic preside...
(JNS)—Given the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, I decided to reflect upon my own personal immigration story. At the outset, I want to compliment the president for sticking to his guns and doing more than any president of the United States to correct a very complex minefield of an issue. It is also important to point out over and over again that U.S. President Donald Trump made it patently obvious from the get-go that building a wall at the border with Mexico was one of his priorities. He was elected with this signature campaign promise. T...
(JNS)—U.S. President Donald Trump’s last-minute decision to pull back from a retaliatory strike on Iran is nothing new in the annals of modern history. According to former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Benjamin Netanyahu was on the verge of attacking Iran three times between 2010 and 2012, but was blocked each time by other cabinet ministers or by the IDF chief of staff. These attacks were planned for the most part before the Obama administration came into power; the Obama administration put an end to Israel’s plans to attack Iran. This ma...