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In light of the recent tragedy in Pittsburgh, I have reflected on my vision of the future of the American Jewish community. These are my “Points to Ponder” ideas to reflect upon for the future survival of the American Jewish community-long term and our local Jewish Community. Points to Ponder 1. Why is there no voice for right of center Jewish voices in the greater Orlando area? All programs seem to lean toward the “left” which is not an accurate accounting of our local Jewish community. Why has there not been a demographic study made of the gr...
Have you ever asked yourself or wondered why after almost 70 years there are still “Palestinian” refugee camps? Have you ever wondered why there are still “Palestinian refugees”? I have asked myself the same questions. Apparently this one issue has been a constant stumbling block in finding a resolution to this horrific situation between the “Palestinians” and the Israeli government. So, I started to do a little research. It was easy using Google Chrome as my search engine, I was able to find a wealth of information. To begin with, you have to...
“My Jewish Roots” workshops sponsored by the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando (JGSGO) continue in November with their third workshop—“Find DNA Ancestors and Cousins.” DNA research has become increasingly popular as a genealogic tool to discover distant relatives, family mix and origins. JGSGO member Laurence Morrell described the results of his recent DNA testing. The way this all got started was that I was curious about my genetic background. In 2012, I signed up with Family Tree for their DNA testing program, not knowing w...
Recently we remembered and reflected upon Yom ha Shoah. We must also look back at what could have been done to prevent this tragedy. We are all aware of what happened. We are all aware of how it happened. We are all aware of when it happened. But are we aware of why it was able to happen? If we look back to the period of the early to mid 1920s in Germany, we see a country in difficult economic straights. High unemployment after the staggering defeat of World War I. The humiliation, the disgrace, the asking of why? During those terrible days, a...
By Laurence Morrell I have a confession to make. This may come as a major surprise to everyone, but I strongly support the concept that all Palestinian Refugees have the Right of Return. Now before you get your panties in a wad let me clarify the term Palestinian Refugees. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, (UNWRA) is the designated agency to oversee the care of the Palestinian Refugees In the original U.N. Resolution 194, Article 11 dealing with the creation of the UNWRA, the definition used and accepted was “someone whose normal p...