Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles written by pamela ruben

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  • Jewish Pavilion's fashion show dressed for success

    Pamela Ruben|May 5, 2017

    More than 100 guests gathered at Jewish Pavilion's "Spring into Fashion" event at Bloomingdales in Orlando on April 20, for a morning of friendship, fashion, fun and to raise funds for senior programs provided by the nonprofit for elder-care residents throughout Orlando. A handful of Pavilion volunteers graciously served as runway models as Jennifer Bentson, Bloomingdale's public relations specialist, shared the latest fashion trends. Bentson pointed out seasonal trends including lightweight... Full story

  • Humor and BFFs always in fashion with Jewish Pavilion honoree Marlene Adler

    Pamela Ruben|Apr 7, 2017

    If you are looking for Jewish Pavilion Fashion Show honoree Marlene Adler try giving her BFF, Susan Livingstone, a call. That's how Marlene's husband, Lee Adler, recommends finding her when she doesn't pick up her own phone. Marlene calls Livingstone, "My sister separated at birth, though one of us was born in Brooklyn and the other Dublin. The best way to tell us apart is by our accents." It is no coincidence that Adler and Livingstone are both Fashion Show honorees, the former the current... Full story

  • Recognizing stroke: Acting 'FAST' saves lives

    Pamela Ruben, Tidbits from the Sandwich Generation|Mar 31, 2017

    Saving lives takes more than a 'stroke' of luck... While National Stroke Awareness month takes place in May, for my family it takes place all year-round... My mother's stroke was diagnosed by her manicurist (which was later confirmed by the ER), just about two years ago to this day. We are forever grateful that Olga noticed the changes in my mom, and reached out for emergency help. While I am not suggesting that you leave your neurologist for a consultation (or a mani-pedi) with your nail... Full story

  • Got sneakers? Please share for the homeless

    Pamela Ruben|Mar 24, 2017

    It's not hard to be moved by an article that shares the story of struggling families, whether they are dealing with homelessness, hunger, or underemployment. What is hard is taking that desire to help to the next step, and doing something to positively impact the very people you have read about. Since December of last year, 17-year-old Lake Mary High School junior Frances Hoffen has been doing just that. On Dec. 31, the teen-ager discovered an article by the Sentinel's Kate Santich about an... Full story

  • Experiencing a 'virtual tidbit' of dementia or walking a mile in ill-fitting shoes...

    Pamela Ruben, Tidbits from the Sandwich Generation|Feb 10, 2017

    My feet are absolutely killing me, and it's not from the 10,000 steps I have been walking daily to kick the New Year off on the right foot. The spring in my step has been hampered by the plastic-spiked gel inserts that have been stuffed into my shoes (voluntarily) during a "Virtual Dementia Tour" hosted by Watercrest Senior Living Community. Our tour was designed to enhance empathy and understanding for those who are suffering from memory loss or a dementia-related illness. I literally learned... Full story

  • Relieving caregiver stress

    Pamela Ruben, Tidbits from the Sandwich Generation|Dec 30, 2016

    If there were Jewish saints, my sister would probably be one. Not because she is the devoted mother of three girls, or a busy interior designer, managing a business and a family along with community works. My sister has earned her honorary halo because she does all the above, while also managing the care of my mother, who suffered a stroke almost two years ago. I am the "long distance daughter," 1200 miles away from 'mom,' who now resides in a care facility in suburban Chicago. My long distance... Full story

  • JP Gala honors community gem, Geanne Share

    Pamela Ruben|Dec 23, 2016

    Please join the Jewish Pavilion on Sunday, Jan. 8, at 5 p.m. at Sheraton Orlando North (Maitland) for their Gems and Jeans Gala, as they honor Board members and community 'gems,' Geanne Share and Ruth Darvin, for providing exemplary volunteer assistance to Orlando's elder-care community. Slip on your favorite pair of 'dressy' jeans, and the Pavilion will provide the sparkle, with an evening of gourmet dining, live music, silent auction and a celebration of friends, with proceeds benefitting... Full story

  • A 'superhero' who connects with seniors to be honored at Jewish Pavilion's JP Connections

    Pamela Ruben|Dec 2, 2016

    Despite her first name, Longwood resident Lois Silverberg, isn't married to Superman. However, at 80 years young, the active volunteer and community philanthropist is something of a superhero herself. Just ask Linda, a resident of Maitland's Savannah Court, what she thinks of the weekly volunteer visitor with the Jewish Pavilion. The answer can be found in Linda's smile, as she beams from ear to ear each week when Silverberg walks into the community room. "Linda and I connected years ago, when... Full story

  • An attitude of gratitude is healthful year-round

    Pamela Ruben|Nov 11, 2016

    Thanksgiving in grade school was always about the same each year. We'd make a turkey by tracing the shape of our hands on brown construction paper (I can still picture the thumb as the head, with the other fingers spread out as tail feathers), then we'd go around in a circle and say something we were grateful for. I recall being thankful for my family, my bike, weekends with NO homework, and later my new Atari game. Even back then, I always wondered, what about those other 364 days a year?... Full story

  • All generations 'got their groove on' at Pavilion's Sunday in the Park

    Pamela Ruben|Nov 4, 2016

    Two weeks before the rest of the country begins daylight savings time, The Jewish Pavilion turned the clock way back to the 1960s, bringing the community together with their new fall festival, Sunday in the Park. More than 400 members of the community got their groove on Sunday, Oct. 23, at Sunday in the Park at Crane's Roost Park in Uptown Altamonte, raising funds for Orlando's elder community while enjoying the Fall Fest featuring Beatle's tribute band, The British Invasion (formerly of... Full story

  • Why the Jewish Pavilion's 'Sunday in the Park' Is good for your health

    Pamela Ruben|Oct 14, 2016

    Looking for a "Good Day Sunshine"? On Oct. 23, The Jewish Pavilion will turn back the clock to the 1960s, bringing the community together with their new fall festival, "Sunday in the Park," with all proceeds benefitting Orlando's elder community. Get your groove on, and save the date for the Fall Family Fest featuring Beatle's tribute band, The British Invasion (formerly of Epcot). This first time event offers an afternoon of healthful pursuits including music, socialization, and an afternoon... Full story

  • Are we there yet, Maier? Traveling with seniors and the ages in between

    Pamela Ruben, Tidbits from the Sandwich Generation|Oct 14, 2016

    Somehow, our first empty-nester travels, once again, became a "family vacation." Boarding our mini tour bus in Tel Aviv Israel, we met our traveling companions for the week, a small group, mostly from the U.S., ranging between the ages from 10 to 76, consisting of a bar-mitzvah family of six, a friendly couple from New York originally from Persia, and a mid-life Australian on "walkabout," who was eager to learn about all kinds of cultures. As was typical of late, my husband and I were... Full story

  • Just for the record, honor a loved one at Sunday in the Park

    Pamela Ruben|Sep 23, 2016

    When The Jewish Pavilion raised funds for the elder-care community with "A Walk in the Park" and then "A Taste in the Park," Pavilion annual member and volunteer, Dolores Indek, was right there, showing her support by purchasing memorial signage to honor a loved one. Indek made a yearly donation at each fundraiser, memorializing her beloved parents while helping the Pavilion with its mission to bring Jewish life and connection to residents of Orlando's senior living communities. "Dolores Indek... Full story

  • Pokémon Go connects seniors and the multi-generations

    Pamela Ruben, Tidbits from the Sandwich Generation|Sep 2, 2016

    Chasing after Bulbasaurs, Jigglypuffs, and Pikachus started out as a way to spend time with our 'millennial' daughter, who like many members of her generation, is preoccupied with the game, Pokémon Go. Before we knew it, my husband and I had caught 'Pokémon fever', which has swept MOST of the nation this summer. If you are not familiar with Pokémon Go, it as a game of 'augmented reality' (it incorporates your actual location into the game through GPS), that is downloaded through an app on your p... Full story

  • Getting a head start on 'Aging in Place'

    Pamela Ruben|Aug 5, 2016

    Years later, I can recall the moment when my friend's son got his head stuck between the wooden rails on our staircase landing. While we laugh about the predicament today, at the time it wasn't so funny for the little red-faced toddler who stuck his neck out in the wrong place. (We wiggled him out unharmed, except for the mommies, who became major head-cases during the extrication.) Let's just say that when we first moved into our house 16 years ago, we had quite a bit child-proofing to do.... Full story

  • Get your groove on for Pavilion's 'Sunday in the Park'

    Pamela Ruben|Jul 22, 2016

    The Jewish Pavilion will turn back the clock to the 1960s on Oct. 23, bringing the community together with their new fall festival, promoting peace, love, and "Sunday in the Park." Get your groove on, and save the date for the Fall Family Festival featuring a Beatle's tribute band, The British Invasion (formerly of Epcot). If you're looking for an afternoon of entertainment that also provides a sense of fulfillment, then the multi-generational "Sunday in the Park" will be music to your ears.... Full story

  • Memorial programming extends Pavilion's Elder Outreach

    Pamela Ruben|Jun 10, 2016

    On Friday, May 27 the second floor social hall at Spring Hills Assisted Living in Lake Mary was packed wall-to-wall with more than 40 kippot-clad residents, caretakers, and family members, for a memorial service in tribute to late resident, Charles "Dill" Hurvitz, who passed away on Sunday, May 8, 2016. He was a resident at Spring Hills for eight years, and lived to age 98. However, this was not Mr. Hurvitz's funeral. That service had already taken place graveside with a handful of mourners in h... Full story

  • Pavilion Golf Society Tournament keeps the ball rolling for Orlando Senior Help Desk

    Pamela Ruben|May 27, 2016

    The Fourth Annual Pavilion Golf Society (PGS) was marked by friends, fairways, food, family, and the many fans of honoree Carol Feuerman. More than 80 golfers were in full swing at Alaqua Country Club on Sunday, May 15, for a morning round of golf to raise funds for the Jewish Pavilion and The Orlando Senior Help Desk. The Pavilion past president was celebrated by three generations of family members, from her mother, Oakmonte Village resident Shirley Meltzer, to her five adult children and... Full story

  • Hats off for the Pavilion Golf Society Tournament tee off

    Pamela Ruben|Apr 15, 2016

    On a typical weekday, Emily Newman, Orlando's Senior Help Desk specialist, can be found scribbling notes at her desk at the Jewish Pavilion office, phone glued to her ear. Thanks to funds raised by the Pavilion Golf Society (PGS) over the past four years, Newman has served as the Jewish Pavilion's elder resource since 2012, dedicating herself to passing on reassuring advice to older adults and their family members at no cost to the caller. On Sunday, May 15, at 7:30 a.m., the Pavilion Golf... Full story

  • Honorees and guests cherish senior community at Jewish Pavilion Gala

    Pamela Ruben|Mar 25, 2016

    On Sunday, March 13, honorees and guests of The Jewish Pavilion Gala demonstrated the impact that just one person can make on an entire community. Friends Board President Faye Novick delivered opening remarks and warmly welcomed the more than 200 guests who had gathered at the Orlando Hilton North in Maitland to celebrate the event honorees, and to make a difference in the lives of residents of senior living communities served by the Pavilion. Novick commended the evening's honorees, Sammy... Full story

  • Nate's Shul dedication March 27

    Pamela Ruben|Mar 18, 2016

    Chabad of North Orlando has come a long way in the past five years, thanks to the dedication of Co-Directors Chanshy and Rabbi Yanky Majesky and members of their burgeoning community. Rabbi Majesky reflects back upon the shul's earliest days in 2011, when a handful of congregants met monthly in a local hotel, and only on Friday nights. For the last four years the growing synagogue was given space at an office park in Lake Mary known as The Chamu Jewish Center, thanks to congregants Dawn and... Full story

  • Stein, honoree and woman of note, at Jewish Pavilion Gala

    Pamela Ruben|Mar 4, 2016

    The Jewish Pavilion's Black and White Gala will be held on Sunday, March 13th at the Orlando Sheraton North in Maitland. This year's honorees are two stellar volunteers who cherish the elder-care community-Carol Stein and Sammy Goldstein. The Gala will include a silent auction, gourmet meal, and the musical sounds of Paul Stenzler and his band. Register at www.jewishpavilion.org Carol Stein has literally been playing the Jewish Pavilion's song since 2014, when the acclaimed pianist, vocalist... Full story

  • Goldstein honored at Jewish Pavilion

    Pamela Ruben|Feb 26, 2016

    The Jewish Pavilion's Black and White Gala will be held on Sunday, March 13 at 5 p.m. at the Orlando Sheraton North in Maitland. This year's honorees are two stellar volunteers who cherish the elder-care community-Carol Stein and Sammy Goldstein. The gala will include a silent auction, gourmet meal, and the musical sounds of Paul Stenzler and his band. It all started with a calendar. For years Sammy Goldstein, executive director of Beth Shalom Memorial Chapel, donated Jewish calendars inscribed... Full story

  • Why the Jewish Pavilion is going to the dogs

    Pamela Ruben|Feb 12, 2016

    The Jewish Pavilion is going to the dogs- and the residents they serve in long-term care couldn't be happier. On Jan. 26 the Jewish Pavilion launched its new Licks and Hugs Program at Oakmonte Village in Lake Mary under the guidance of Pavilion Program Director Emily Newman, with help from Sanford's Pet Rescue by Judy. On a chilly Tuesday morning, rescue dogs Molly, Frasier, and Cookie brought the warm fuzzies to dozens of assisted living and memory care residents as part of the visiting pet... Full story

  • Giving back always in style at Jewish Pavilion Fashion Show

    Pamela Ruben|Feb 12, 2016

    With the average volunteer model aged 40 years plus, the Jewish Pavilion's "Spring into Fashion" held at Bloomingdales' in Orlando on Feb. 5 showcased beauty and fashions for all ages. More than 100 women gathered at the eighth annual Jewish Pavilion Fashion Show for a morning of friendship, food, fashion and fun. A handful of Pavilion volunteers, ranging from college students to retirees, graciously served as runway models as event commentator, Rachel Jensen, shared the latest seasonal fashion... Full story

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