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Just as it celebrates its 40th anniversary, the Jewish Academy of Orlando will open enrollment to students of all faiths offering the benefits of the independent school's academic and cultural excellence to the broader community. Beginning in the January 2018-2019 term, enrollment will be open to families of all faiths and who seeks the independent school's STEM-focused initiatives. The Jewish Academy of Orlando is recognized for its service learning culture, smaller classrooms and personalized...
NEW YORK (JTA)—A new study has some troubling news for Israel and its supporters, who have come to rely on the political and financial support of the 25 percent of Americans who identify as evangelical Christians. “Older American evangelicals love Israel—but many younger evangelicals simply don’t care,” reads the summary of the study released last month by the Nashville-based evangelical research firm LifeWay Research. And while the summary may overstate the case, the survey, underwritten by Chosen People Ministries (which seeks Jewish co...
WASHINGTON (JTA)—President Donald Trump waived nuclear sanctions against Iran for what the White House said was the final time under the current deal. By the time the next waiver signing rolls around in 120 days, Trump wants a new deal in place that removes “sunset clauses” allowing Iran to resume enhanced enrichment of fissile material within a decade, three senior administration officials said Friday. Trump wants the bans to be permanent. “He wants to deny Iran access to nuclear weapons forever and not just for 10years,” one of the officials...
Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs has published a list of 20 anti-Israel organizations that actively support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement and whose activists will be denied entry into the Jewish state. “These organizations operate consistently against the State of Israel, while putting pressure on other organizations, institutions and countries to boycott Israel,” the ministry stated. “The organizations’ activities are carried out through a false propaganda campaign aimed at undermining Israel’s legitimacy in the w...
Coffee Connections at JFS Orlando returns Jan. 25 JFS Orlando invites the community to sip some coffee, nosh on a bagel and see/hear new and exciting developments at the facility. Learn about the positive impact JFS Orlando is having in the community. There are new programs, new building enhancements, and new specialties. Coffee Connections will be held throughout 2018 on the last Thursday of the month from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. (tour starting promptly at 8:15 a.m.) beginning this month. The tour is free. RSVPs are requested by contacting Amanda...
Experience a special community-wide Havdalah that will engage your five sense and learn more about the tradition of Havdalah at a Tu B’Shevat-Havdalah event, sponsored by The Roth Family JCC and The Israel American Council. This gathering will take place on Saturday evening, Feb. 3 from 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. The Israeli professional band, The Magic Sabres, will provide entertainment, and a dairy dinner will be served. There will also be Tu B’Shevat activities for children. The cost: $25 per family or $10 per adult. Ticekts can be purchased at htt...
Prepare your wands, cloaks and brooms for a magical afternoon at Hogwarts Castle! In the afternoon of Jan. 28, from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Temple Israel in Winter Springs will be transforming into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Participants will recreate the experience of attending as students, through hands-on classes on Potions, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Wand Making and even a Quidditch Tournament. The planning committee, that calls itself, the Ministry of Magic, is making...
The Jewish Pavilion Legacy Society Committee, under the leadership of Marty Glickstein, (left), has been in full force this year. They designed a planned-giving brochure and have secured 13 gifts to date. Upcoming plans include outreach to people age 70 1/2 and older who may benefit from Qualified Charitable Distributions from their IRAs. For more information contact Nancy Ludin, CEO at 407-678-9363 Shown with Glickstein are Barry Kudlowitz and Jewish Pavilion...
Laura Hodos, Cynthia Beckert and Matt Horohoe are in "The Tale of the Allergist's Wife" at the Mad Cow Theatre in downtown Orlando from Jan. 19 through Feb. 18. The comedy about an Upper West Side Jewish housewife in the midst of a midlife crisis is one of several Mad Cow productions this season with Jewish characters front and center. This summer, Mad Cow is producing "Bad Jews," a comedy about a fight over a family heirloom, and "Buyer & Cellar," a comedy about an out-of-work actor who finds...
(JTA)-On Easter Sunday in 1959, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. rose in the pulpit of his Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, to deliver a sermon that focused on his just-completed visit, with his wife, Coretta, to Jerusalem and its holy sites. King's trip that month to eastern Jerusalem and the nearby cities of Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus and Jericho, all of which were then part of Jordan, came at the end of a month-long visit to India that he wrote about extensively later in...
In a victory for the Israeli right, over 1,000 members of the Likud party’s Central Committee called unanimously Sunday evening for its representatives in government to formally annex parts of Judea and Samaria and allow unlimited construction in the Jewish communities. The resolution reads: “Fifty years after the liberation of Judea and Samaria, and with them Jerusalem, our eternal capital, the Likud Central Committee calls on Likud’s elected leaders to work to allow unhindered construction and to extend Israeli law and sovereignty in all t...
In 2017 alone, the Palestinian Authority (PA) compensated terrorists and their next of kin to the tune of more than $347 million, reported Israel's Defense Ministry to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Tuesday, according to a report by the Jerusalem Post. The figures came from the PA's own records, which also revealed a schedule of payments that increase significantly in proportion to the crime committed. Specifically, terrorists sentenced to three to five years in prison receive from...
For the first time in nearly a decade, one dares to believe that the Islamist clerics who have ruled Iran since 1979 will not be in power by the time the 40th anniversary of their revolution rolls around in 2019. The nationwide protests are a direct challenge to the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic, as evidenced in the slogans chanted by the demonstrators. They are also a rude antidote to the thinking of much of the Western establishment, which still clings to the notion that the “reformers” with whom they negotiated the 2015 nuclear dea...
You know that critics of Israel are getting panicky when they start trotting out the old “one state” bogeyman. “As a 2-State Solution Loses Steam, a 1-State Plan Gains Traction,” a New York Times headline announced on Jan. 5, above an article so palpably absurd that it can only reflect the mad panic among advocates of Palestinian statehood as they see their dream fading away. And the fact that The Times chose to make it page one news says a lot about the fearful mindset among the left-wing news media, Israel-bashing pundits and Jewish peace c...
Some years ago, the French actor Robert Clary appeared on a television interview. He was famous for another television program—Hogan’s Heroes, a comical take on a prison camp in Germany during the Second World War. In the interview, Clary, for the first time, told the story of his experience with the Holocaust. How he, as a young Jewish actor in Paris was rounded up along with his Jewish neighbors and Jewish contemporaries by the Paris police and eventually sent to Buchenwald. The rest of his family was also taken to German Concentration Cam...
NEW YORK (JTA)—Arguably the world’s greatest writer of fiction about the world’s foremost nonfiction atrocity, the Holocaust, died Thursday in Israel. Aharon Appelfeld, a Holocaust survivor himself and one of the icons of Israel’s first generation, was 85. No writer captured and reclaimed the lost world of European Jewish life with as much imaginative intensity and heartfelt longing. The author of over 40 books, written in Hebrew and translated around the world, he was the recipient of the State of Israel Prize for Literature in 1983, and a f...
We didn’t need the publication of a new book filled with behind-the-scenes gossip to know that Donald Trump is an unconventional and, at times, inappropriate president. His use of Twitter provides many examples of this fact. But amid another flurry of questionable tweets on Jan. 4, Trump also talked about threatening aid cuts to the Palestinian Authority (PA). Most of the mainstream media treated that idea as being as loopy as the latest exchange of insults with North Korea’s dictator. But while it’s easy to mock Trump’s social media habits,...
The New York Times closed 2017 with a parting shot at Israel. A Dec. 30 feature (“Coming Out in Lebanon”) in The Times identifies Lebanon as perhaps the “one exception” in a region hostile to its gay, lesbian and transgender citizens. The article opens, “Throughout the Middle East, gay, lesbian and transgender people face formidable obstacles to living a life of openness and acceptance in conservative societies.” But the newspaper insists, “If there is one exception, it has been Lebanon.” The article completely ignores Israel, the one Middle...
MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Temple I...
To better serve the community, JFS Orlando appreciates donations of the following: Can openers (Manual) First Aid Kits Gas Gift cards Office supplies like sticky notes, highlighters, pens Reusable and plastic shopping bags Rubbermaid storage bins Tissues...
For the past 100 years, Congregation Ohev Shalom has been important in the lives of many Orlando Jews, celebrating their milestones, comforting them when they are sick or in mourning, uplifting their spirits and serving as their community. As the observance of Ohev Shalom's centennial begins, the Centennial committee asked a few longtime or lifelong members what COS has meant to them. Melanie Berman Gluck Melanie's paternal grandparents, J. Barney and Thelma Berman, joined COS in the late 1930s...
The Kinneret Council on Aging, a nonprofit agency that provides ongoing programs and services to residents of Kinneret Apartments, has announced additional activities and engagement as it continues to meet the changing needs of its residents. KCOA continues to fund the popular twice-monthly food pantry, which provides a bountiful grocery bag to residents at no cost. Groceries include rice or pasta, a protein, canned goods as well as frozen meats and fresh produce. This program offers an array...
Most women have that 'little black dress' that can be dressed up or down for almost any affair. But what's appropriate to wear for an event that doesn't follow stereotypical fashion expectations? If you have recently received an invitation to the Jewish Pavilion's 'Gems & Jeans Gala' taking place on Jan. 28th, you might be wondering, "What's a girl (or guy) to wear?" "Anything goes," declares event co-chair, Marci Gaeser. At last year's gala, Marci wore glittery heels and tank top, with skinny...
On Monday night, Jan. 8, the teens from Congregation Ohev Shalom and adults from Village on the Green shared the lovely experience of a Tu B'Shevat seder while also discussing inspirations, hopes for the future and memories of the past. This Jewish Pavilion Inter-generational program was let by Amy Geboff, director of youth and family education, (standing second from right), and was made possible in part by a grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando....
Deeply disturbing... I received the following letter from Ambassador RONALD S. LAUDER, of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) and pass it along in part: "Every day, it seems, we hear another report of an anti-Semitic attack, a Jewish cemetery desecrated, a Holocaust memorial vandalized, or anti-Jewish hate speech posted online. Neo-Nazis and white nationalists are proudly marching in the streets of major cities across the United States and Europe, unafraid to express their hateful beliefs in public,...