Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles from the March 25, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 39

  • The Roth Family JCC to receive JCC Excellence Awards for Marketing

    Mar 25, 2016

    The Roth Family JCC of Greater Orlando will receive three awards in the marketing category at the JCCs of North America Biennial to be held May 15-18 in Baltimore, Maryland. More than 700 people from the U.S., Canada, Israel, and countries in Latin America and Europe and the former Soviet Union are expected to attend this showcase event of the JCC Movement. The awards are for three different marketing projects-J-TV, a TV station in the JCC's lobby featuring JCC-created video content; the...

  • SOJC welcomes the Maccabeats

    Mar 25, 2016

    A concert that began just as an idea almost a year ago is finally becoming a reality. On Sunday afternoon, April 10 at 4 p.m., the Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation (SOJC) will bring to Central Florida the world famous "Maccabeats Premier A Cappella" group. "The success of this concert is a direct result of the hard work that our volunteers do every day supporting our synagogue," said Rabbi Hillel Skolnik of SOJC. "And as Jewish a cappella goes," he continued, "the Maccabeats are the best!"...

  • The Jewish life of Merrick Garland

    Uriel Heilman, JTA|Mar 25, 2016

    (JTA)-Americans have heard a lot about Merrick Garland since President Barack Obama nominated him to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court. But there's a lot we still don't know. What are his views on abortion? Will the Republican leadership give him a hearing in the Senate? What was his bar mitzvah Torah portion? Garland may have an extensive judicial record-he has more federal judicial experience (19 years) than any other Supreme Court nominee in history, according to the White House-but...

  • JAO to focus on K - 5th grade

    Mar 25, 2016

    With parental support, Jewish Academy of Orlando announced March 18 that they are suspending enrollment for middle school and will focus on kindergarten through fifth grade. Board President Jordan Steinberg stated, “We had to make some tough decisions, based upon enrollment numbers, financial considerations, and community responsibility. We owe it to our families to provide the high quality product they have grown accustomed to.” Although there were some families interested in enrollment, Jewish Academy has to stay true to its mission and the...

  • With Trump's latest wins, will Jewish conservatives finally embrace him?

    Ron Kampeas, JTA|Mar 25, 2016

    WASHINGTON (JTA)-Has Donald Trump's time come, and will Jewish political conservatives embrace him? Trump, the real estate magnate and front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, rolled closer to victory on Tuesday with wins in at least three primary states. His strong showing, earning 161 delegates or more depending on the final tally in Missouri, brought his delegate tally to 621-halfway to the 1,237 he needs to secure the nomination. The question for Jewish political...

  • With the Russian drawdown in Syria, Israel seeks reassurances

    Sean Savage, JNS.org|Mar 25, 2016

    On March 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a surprise announcement that he would withdraw the “main part” of Russian forces from Syria, in an announcement that shocked many of the countries concerned about the ongoing conflict in the country, including Israel. The move by Putin came as Syrian peace talks began this week in Geneva, Switzerland between the Syrian government, and opposition and rebel groups in the wake of a ceasefire announced in late February between Russia and the United States. “I believe that the task put before the d...

  • Former American Idol contestant makes aliyah, plans to join IDF

    Mar 25, 2016

    (JNS.org) Brett Loewenstern, who competed on the talent-seeking reality show "American Idol" in 2011, made aliyah and plans to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) after falling in love with Israel on a Taglit-Birthright trip in 2012. After moving to Israel, Loewenstern said he will join an IDF military band following his enlistment in the Israeli army. Reporters and television crews waited for Loewenstern when he arrived on a Nefesh B'Nefesh aliyah agency charter flight in Israel, and the...

  • 'The Fabulous Lipitones' to open at Theater at the J

    Mar 25, 2016

    When a barbershop quartet loses their lead singer to a heart-stopping high "B-Flat" and they are expected to perform at the National Barbershop Convention and annual meeting of the SPEBSQSA (Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc.). What do they do? As they desperately search for a new tenor, the parochial mid-westerners defy convention to welcome Bob as the unlikely replacement. Featuring favorite upbeat tunes, this new play is an...

  • Experience the 5th biennial Jewish Heritage Festival

    Mar 25, 2016

    On April 3, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Riverside Drive in Ormond Beach will be all in a flurry for the fifth biennial Jewish Heritage Festival. This family-friendly event is free and open to the public. There will be nationally acclaimed entertainment, kosher and kosher-style food vendors, Israeli and Judaica artists and vendors, activities and inflatables for children, camel rides, a petting zoo, matzoh making and more. Throughout the day, there will also be scheduled speakers who will discuss a variety of topics from Holocaust survivors and...

  • Researching Holocaust profiles beneath white stars

    Mar 25, 2016

    The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando will present local Holocaust author and educator Holly Mandelkern at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Orlando, 851 N. Maitland Ave., Maitland, on Tuesday, April 5, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mandelkern, who is also a poet, will talk about researching lives of individuals for her upcoming book, “Beneath White Stars: Holocaust Profiles in Poetry.” She conducted similar research for “A Portrait in Poetry: Writing From the Testimony of Roman Kent,” which will appear in the spring 2016 issue o...

  • Zionistas present Dateline: Jerusalem

    Mar 25, 2016

    Zionistas invite the community to a unique opportunity to be informed on the latest behind-the-scene news from Israel. Alan Kornman, contributing editor for Family Security Matters and the regional coordinator of The United West-Uniting Western Civilization for Freedom and Liberty, will brief the attendees about his March 2016 Israel trip. The program will take place on Tuesday, April 5 at 7 p.m. at the Eastmonte Civic Center, 830 Magnolia Drive, Altamonte Springs. Kornman, who is a frequent contributor to numerous publications including...

  • Kerry to world: let's gang up on Israel

    Stephen M. Flatow, JNS.org|Mar 25, 2016

    John Kerry has a new strategy for achieving Mideast peace: mobilize the international community to gang up on Israel. That was the essence of the secretary of state’s disturbing remarks in Paris on March 13. Kerry declared that the Obama administration is “looking for a way forward” to bring about creation of a Palestinian state. He said that Palestinian statehood is “absolutely essential.” Not just “an idea worth exploring”; not just “something to be considered.” Rather, “absolutely essential.” Kerry and President Obama have made up their mi...

  • It's not the P.A.

    Jim Shipley, Shipley speaks|Mar 25, 2016

    Joe Biden visited Israel in the past few weeks. He had a little better dinner with Bibi—last time he left before dinner was served because the Shas Housing minister decided to stick his thumb in the eye of Israel’s number one ally by announcing new Jerusalem settlements while Biden was in town. This trip, Biden went to visit the offices of the Palestine Authority in Ramallah, where he heard the old saw that the present terror attacks against civilians by Palestinians (which, in addition to over 40 Israelis, has killed two U.S. citizens so far...

  • Worries

    Ira Sharkansky, Letter from Israel|Mar 25, 2016

    By Ira Sharkansky One of the more problematic stories associated with the present wave of Palestinian violence is that of an attack on a security guard at a shopping mall in Maale Adumim. A video shows repeated blows with an ax, directed at the head of the security guard, which continue despite the guard already down and defenseless. You can see it here. What’s especially troubling about this episode is that the attacker is someone who worked at the shopping mall, and was known to his victim. They had coffee together at the canteen, and the v...

  • Mob mentality at Vassar BDS vote typical of school's climate

    Jason Storch, JTA|Mar 25, 2016

    POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. (JTA)—At many colleges and universities today, Jewish students are often pitted against students of color when it comes to Israel. In my three years at Vassar College, I have been told—by a Jewish student leader, no less—that supporting Israel is tantamount to supporting oppression. I have watched Jewish friends bullied into silence by aggressive anti-Israel activists who call the Jews racists. I have seen many anti-Semitic comments from fellow students on social media. Although I have had many good experiences at Vassa...

  • Understanding the American Jews who support Trump

    Uriel Heilman|Mar 25, 2016

    NEW YORK (JTA)—America’s political system is broken, and the last thing the country needs is another career politician at the helm. With money more than ever a corrupting influence in politics, the White House should be occupied by someone who isn’t beholden to well-funded lobbyists or super PACs. Politicians have a real problem with honesty. The country needs someone authentic who isn’t afraid to speak the truth and disrupt convention, even if it’s not politically correct. If you’re planning to vote for Donald Trump for president, you’ve prob...

  • Save the Israeli embassy in Belarus

    Meir Yuspa|Mar 25, 2016

    Belarus has a Jewish heart. This country used to be home to millions of Jews for centuries. It used to be the only country in the world that had Hebrew and Yiddish as two of the state languages. Many extraordinary people have Jewish roots in Belarus. Among them are Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, Harrison Ford, Louis Bart Mayer (The person who created Oscar), Michael Kirk Douglas, Marc Chagall and Yehuda Pen (internationally renowned artist), Chaim Weizmann, Steve Ballmer (an ex CEO of Microsoft), Isser Harel (he established Mossad), Yeruham “Eitan” Liv...

  • What's Happening

    Mar 25, 2016

    MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Temple I...

  • JFS Orlando hosts a grief support group

    Mar 25, 2016

    In cooperation with Hospice of the Comforter, JFS Orlando will offer a grief support group for anyone interested on the following Tuesdays: April 5, 12, 19, 26, May 3 and 10. The six sessions, led by JFS Orlando therapist Stacey Greenberg, LCSW, and Hospice of the Comforter’s bereavement manager, Flavia Cipollaro, LMHC, will cover a wide array of topics, including bereavement, loss and Jewish coping skills. The meetings will take place at Congregation Ohev Shalom from 10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. COS is located at 613 Concourse Parkway, Maitland. T...

  • Interfaith Dialogue: Dalai Lama, Jews, and Cultural Survival

    Mar 25, 2016

    On March 30, Dr. Yudit Greenberg, Cornell endowed professor of religion and director of the Jewish Studies Program at Rollins College, is pleased to invite the community to a stimulating evening of dialogue with a presentation by Dr. Nathan Katz, distinguished professor emeritus, founder-director of the Program in the Study of Spirituality, and director of Jewish Studies/academic director of the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami. The event will take place in the Galloway Room at 6 p.m. Dr. Katz is...

  • Obituary - JOSEPH MARMO

    Mar 25, 2016

    Joseph Marmo, age 61, of Winter Park, passed away on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at Florida Hospital—Orlando. Mr. Marmo, a native of Natoma Heights, Pennsylvania, was born on March 13, 1955, to Carmen and Marian Marmo. During his working career he was a manager in the automotive industry. Mr. Marmo moved to Florida from Pennsylvania in 1996 and then relocated to the Orlando area from Titusville in 2012. On Sept. 17, 2012, in Maitland, he married the former Patricia Andrews, who survives him. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his son M...


    Mar 25, 2016

    Freda Elizabeth “Mimi” Rosen, age 78, passed away peacefully and comfortably with family by her side in San Marcos, California. She was born in Washington, D.C. on March 18, 1937, to the late Sophie and Mike Weber and was the oldest of four siblings. She was adored by her three brothers, Paul (Ginger) Weber of Winter Park, Norman Weber of Las Vegas and David (Jill) Weber of Maryland. She enjoyed helping and watching her younger brothers grow up and loved them very much. Mrs. Rosen married the love of her life at 20, and worked as a sec...


    Mar 25, 2016

    Lena Sami, age 94, of Maitland, passed away on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at Florida Hospital—Altamonte Springs. Mrs. Sami was born in New York City on Jan. 24, 1922, to the late Albert and Mollie Abolafia Benmayor. She was married to her beloved husband, Rouben, who survives her, for nearly 69 years. They began their lives together in New York City on Sept. 6, 1946, and were virtually inseparable their entire marriage; sharing home, work and a deep love for one another. In 1970, Lena and Rouben relocated to the Orlando area from Daytona B...

  • Honorees and guests cherish senior community at Jewish Pavilion Gala

    Pamela Ruben|Mar 25, 2016

    On Sunday, March 13, honorees and guests of The Jewish Pavilion Gala demonstrated the impact that just one person can make on an entire community. Friends Board President Faye Novick delivered opening remarks and warmly welcomed the more than 200 guests who had gathered at the Orlando Hilton North in Maitland to celebrate the event honorees, and to make a difference in the lives of residents of senior living communities served by the Pavilion. Novick commended the evening's honorees, Sammy...

  • Orlando's progressive Jewish preschool to host open house

    Mar 25, 2016

    On Sunday, March 27, from 10 a.m. to noon, Chai Preschool's expansive grassy hills will be home to an array of farm animals, horses, and ponies, as the center hosts its annual Family Fun Day and Open House for preschoolers. Joining the festivities will be Mr. Richard in Concert, along with a host of activities geared specifically for those 5 and under at 7347 W Sand Lake Road. Parents will have the opportunity to tour Chai Preschool's modern, spacious classrooms and to meet the highly qualified...

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