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(JTA)—The head of the Anti-Defamation League said Saturday’s synagogue shooting should serve as a “wake-up call” for politicians and business executives to more seriously address anti-Semitism. Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO and national director of the ADL, spoke with reporters on a call from Poway, California, where a gunman entered the Chabad of Poway synagogue Saturday and killed one person, injuring three. Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, was killed while shielding the rabbi from bullets. The rabbi, an eight-year-old girl and another adult were wo...
Last month, The Jewish Pavilion celebrated Passover with residents in elder communities through a variety of both traditional and modern approaches to the seder. The majority were presented with the Jewish Pavilion's own abridged version of the traditional Haggadah. Traditional Passover melodies were sung at many of these seders which often had the bonus of some classic seder dishes such as chopped liver, matzo ball soup, and gefilte fish with horseradish. Yet, some of the more...
(JTA)—Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein said his Chabad of Poway could not afford to hire an armed guard. Had it been able, or if the government had helped the synagogue bring in one, he believes the deadly attack there Saturday could have been averted. “If I had the funding, we may have been spared. How many more dead bodies will we have to see before we act?” he told The New York Times. But hiring a security guard should not be the only priority in terms of security, said Jason Friedman, the executive director of the Community Security Service, an or...
(JTA)—One night years ago, when a Jewish man was driving to his parents’ house in Caracas, Venezuela, two cars blocked off the street he was on and held him up at gunpoint. He got into their car and began answering questions: who he was, where he lived, how much money he could give them for his release. After three hours of this interrogation, the kidnappers drove to his house, got $10,000 from his wife through the front door, and let him go. Although he was wearing a kippah, he doesn’t recall the kidnappers being anti-Semitic. Such “expr...
(JNS)-Despite apologizing on Sunday for running an anti-Semitic cartoon that ran in its international edition on Thursday, The New York Times published another anti-Semitic cartoon in the same edition over the weekend. The weekend cartoon by Norwegian cartoonist Roar Hagen depicts Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with sinister eyes taking a picture of himself with a selfie-stick, carrying a tablet featuring the Israeli flag painted on it. The cartoon also resembles a different one from...
WASHINGTON (JTA)—The Israeli ambassador to the United States linked The New York Times to the “Jew-hatred of growing parts of the intellectual class.” Ron Dermer was speaking Monday in the U.S. Capitol at the annual Holocaust Days of Remembrance organized by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. It was an unusually political attack on a day and at an event organized by an institution that generally focuses on the historical meaning of the Holocaust. Dermer listed recent lethal attacks against Jews, including Saturday’s deadly shooting at the Cha...
FBI got tip about Poway shooter 5 minutes before synagogue attack By Marcy Oster (JTA)—The FBI was tipped off to a threat about five minutes before the deadly shooting at the Chabad of Poway synagogue, but it was too late to stop the attack. The agency said in a statement first provided to The Associated Press that information came through its tip website and phone line about the threatening message posted by the alleged shooter to social media. The tip included a link to the message, but no specific information about the post’s author or whe...
(JNS)-Jews have long been known as the people of the book, but fresh evidence has emerged that they're also the people of the letter. Of the millions of Jews who were taken to their deaths during the Holocaust on cattle cars, we will never know how many of them scribbled last words to loved ones, addressed them and tossed them out the train window, hoping against hope that someone would find them and send them on. It's safe to assume that very few of these desperate attempts to communicate were...
(JNS)—Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon said during a special session of the U.N. Security Council that the Bible does “prove the case for Jewish ownership of the Land of Israel.” Danon, who addressed the global forum on a debate regarding the Palestinian question, wore a black kipah and quoted from the book of Genesis as evidence of the Jewish people’s connection to the land of Israel. “And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant....
WASHINGTON (JTA)-It's not an unfamiliar frame for describing the rise of the new nationalism: There's a bad wind blowing through the West, and nothing less than democracy is at stake. What makes it especially unsettling for Beate and Serge Klarsfeld is that they have lived through it before-and spent a subsequent lifetime trying to make sure the "bad wind" did not return. "There is a bad wind in Europe and democracy is losing its influence," Serge Klarsfeld told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in...