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"Our first event was Rosh Hashanah services at the Courtyard Marriott in Lake Mary and we did not have a Minyan," remembered Rabbi Yanky Majesky of Chabad North Orlando. "We moved to town and did not know a soul." Now five years later, Chabad in Lake Mary has several hundred members who attend the High Holiday services at the Westin Lake Mary. A lot has changed in the last few years. "The growth has been beyond our wildest dreams," added the rabbi. "We have seen the hand of Hashem every step of... Full story
(JTA)-New York Sen. Chuck Schumer was not actually in New York on Wednesday, but the Democrat's influence on the fate of the Iran deal loomed large when several thousand people descended on Times Square to protest the agreement. Many of those demonstrating against the agreement chanted, "Where is Chuck Schumer?" and "Kill this deal." Some who packed the sidewalks along Seventh Avenue also held up signs that urged Schumer to convince Congress members to vote against the deal reached July 14... Full story
(JTA)-Theodore Bikel, an actor and folk singer who was recognized in 1997 with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Foundation for Jewish Culture, has died at 91. Bikel, who won fame playing Tevye in "Fiddler on the Roof," doing more performances of the role than any other actor, died Tuesday morning of natural causes at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Born in Vienna, Bikel fled Austria at age 13 with his family after the 1938 Nazi... Full story
( -Jonathan Pollard, who was imprisoned 30 years ago for giving Israel classified information on the U.S., will be a free man Nov. 21. The decision made by the parole board was unanimous. Some U.S. officials in the Obama administration commented that it is hoped that his release would smooth over some of the anger over the pending Iran deal. Pollard is the only person in U.S. history to receive a life sentence for spying for an American ally. His lawyers Eliot Lauer and Jacques... Full story
Here are ways to voice your opinions about the Iran nuclear deal provided by The Israel Project, StandWithUs and Zionistas AIPAC Action Alert. After 20 months of negotiations the United States and its negotiating partners announced a nuclear agreement with Iran. Throughout the negotiations, AIPAC outlined five critical criteria for a good deal. Unfortunately, the proposed agreement is fundamentally flawed in each of these vital areas. The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 established a procedure for congressional review of any nuclear a... Full story
By WASHINGTON (JTA)—Vice President Joe Biden had an intimate phone call this week with about a thousand Jewish leaders, beseeching, teaching and preaching the Iran nuclear deal. Biden’s imploring hour-long call on Monday typified how personal the campaign for and against the Iran nuclear deal is becoming. President Barack Obama, speaking to veterans on Tuesday, cast the deal as one that would save American troops from dying in a fruitless war. The pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, a deal opponent, is bringing in its members for face-to-face meetings wit... Full story
Participating in services at the Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation (SOJC) is an opportunity for congregants to issue their praise and appreciation to HaShem (G-D). Under the leadership of Rabbi Hillel Skolnik and Cantor Doug Ramsay the services are warm, heart-felt and sincere. However, at SOJC there is always room for new ideas, innovation and improvement. Their latest innovation stems from the configuration of services in biblical times when the Children of Israel filled their prayers... Full story
Each summer, for three days, Temple Israel, located at 50 S. Moss Road, Winter Springs, offers students of all ages and their families an opportunity to have fun and brush up on their Hebrew. This year they will be conducting an archeological excavation where participants will dig up relics and artifacts from three different civilizations that help the children to understand their lifestyles and culture. Participants will uncover treasures from the Dead Sea sect known as the Essenes, from the... Full story
Jewish history of central and north Florida is the topic of an Aug. 2 seminar at 3 p.m. at Congregation Beth Sholom, 315 North 13th Street (entrance on Center Street), in Leesburg. The public is invited to join the congregation for the presentation and for refreshments following. Presenters Dr. Rebecca Jefferson, curator of the Price Library of Judaica, and Dr. Jim Cusick, curator of the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History will speak on Jewish history of central and north Florida. In introducing the collections featured at the two museums,... Full story
What could be better than celebrating Shabbat morning with fellow Jews in Florida? How about celebrating Shabbat under the gorgeous Florida sun, with music and the sound of the surf accompanying your prayers? On Aug.1, Temple Shir Shalom of Oviedo will celebrate its annual Shabbat on the Beach in New Smyrna Beach. Everyone is welcome for the free program beginning at 10 a.m. Meet up is on the beach off the Flagler North entrance. For more information, visit or call 407-366-3556.... Full story
Gloria Max, executive director of the Jewish Federation of Volusia & Flagler Counties in Ormond Beach, sent this notice: In light of the Iran nuclear proposal, Israel definitely needs our prayers and continued support. Everyone is invited for this special free gathering. This will be held at the Global Prayer Center, 701 Bill France Boulevard, Daytona Beach, Fl. 32114 on Sunday, Aug. 2, at 6 p.m. Songs of Praise and Worship will be given by rabbis, ministers and a special dance team. Please make every effort to attend....
We are instructed to rest and enjoy the day of Shabbat. Festive meals are prepared, while families have the opportunity to relax and spend time with each other both within their private homes and with the larger congregational community. On Friday evenings, after services, it is traditional to have an Oneg Shabbat, literally enjoyment of Shabbat. Temple Israel adheres to this tradition and occasionally offers a special way to enhance its Shabbat joy by having Israeli dancing. On Aug. 7 at... Full story
For those who have been confused by the incredible amount of verbiage that has surfaced on the Iran nuclear agreement since it was signed, the best analysis I have read appeared in this morning’s Ha’aretz written by Ari Shavit, titled “The Iran deal: From Thriller to Horror Story.” While I often disagree with Shavit’s politics, his analysis, which is totally bereft of political commentary but is based on his detailed reading of the entire 159-page document, is worthy of perusal and a short précis follows: The good news: The Iranians agreed not... Full story
Despite years of our warnings, the United States and the P5+1 powers reached a nuclear agreement with Iran. As we had feared, the deal is indeed extremely dangerous. Billions of dollars will soon flow into Iran and quickly make their way to the rockets and missiles of Hamas and Hezbollah. At the same time, the arms embargo that has stopped Iran from further developing its ballistic missile program will be lifted, threatening not just Israel, but also Europe and the U.S. Most importantly, in 10 years, when my daughter is called up for duty in... Full story
This week, a bunch of journalists, foreign policy wonks, and assorted pundits received an email from the White House that began with the legendary words, “Hey, I’m Ben Rhodes, a Deputy National Security Advisor to President Obama. For the past few years, I’ve been working closely with America’s negotiating team, which was tasked with finding a way to achieve a diplomatic resolution that prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” Don’t you just love that “Hey,” greeting? So informal, so accessible, so confident, so quintessentiall... Full story
The history of Jewish democracy is scattered with congresses, parliaments, unions, councils, sejms, and kahals—all attempts to govern or speak for an unruly body of people who shared a common culture but lacked genuine political autonomy. Various groups claim to speak for the “community,” but they tend to be membership organizations that can only pretend to be broadly democratic. Federations, the North American Jewish fund-raising umbrellas, stake a claim to this territory, with some justification: Like governments, they collect revenue (in t... Full story
Dear American Jewish leadership, I have read your statements on the Iran nuclear deal, and as a Jew, I am deeply disturbed by your response. A combination of reticence, apathy and naivety seem to be all at play, and as the beacons of our people, I find that wanting. You talk of mobilizing and urging Congress to fulfill their mandate. You talk of ensuring that elected representatives hear our concerns. You organize rallies for “peace,” such as the one in New York on July 22. Are these real concrete steps that will protect the Jewish people fro... Full story
Dear Editor: This letter is in response to Andres Silow-Carroll’s op ed, “Should Federations wade into the Iran nuke debate?” (in this issue of Heritage). In the days when the federations REALLY understood there responsibilities, and when there were strong national umbrella organizations like UJA and CJF, this question would never have even been asked. The Feds would have, alongside AIPAC, pulled out all the stops to block this deal. How can any Jew, or Jewish organization support this deal ESPECIALLY since both the Israeli prime minister AND t... Full story
MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Temple I... Full story
The following are a sampling of the many inquiries received on a daily basis from a family member or the older adult. Read below and you will find that most people have similar needs just like yourself or your own loved one. "My father is living alone and he needs supervision twenty four hours a day but we do not want him to move." "I need to move out of my family's home but I am not sure I can afford alternative living arrangements." "I would like to move into assisted living but I have to take... Full story
It is with deep, and heavy sadness that we announce the death of Jeffrey Robert Cohen, who passed away on July 15, 2015, in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Cohen was born in New York in 1953 to Edwin and Marilyn (Danzig) Cohen and was joined by his siblings, Debra and Jonathan Cohen. After obtaining his JD at Boston University, he settled in Boston and made a life there with his three children, Allison Margolies, Lindsay Nakash and Alexander Cohen. Cancer came into the Cohen family’s lives in the mid 1980s and Mr. Cohen had spent the majority of his l... Full story
Stanley Carl Katz, age 78, of Orlando, passed away on Friday, July 10, 2015, at Consulate Health Care in Kissimmee. Mr. Katz, a Bronx, New York, native, was born on Oct. 2, 1936, to the late Hyman and Anna Tischler Katz. He was a U.S. Army veteran and owned a commercial window cleaning business. On May 6, 1978, in the Bronx, he married the former Pearl Gamson, his wife of 37 years who survives him. Stanley and Pearl relocated to the Orlando area from New York in 1998. A graveside funeral service was held at New Montefiore Cemetery in New York.... Full story
Arthur Markowitz, age 88, of Lake Wales, passed away on Friday, July 10, 2015, at Florida Hospital—Orlando. He was born in Bronx, New York, on Jan. 1, 1927, to the late Benjamin and Ida Priven Markowitz. Following high school he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, serving at the end of World War II. A successful clothing salesman, Art, a member of the Masons, and his wife, Elaine, relocated to Central Florida where they were involved at Congregation of Reform Judaism. In addition to Elaine, he is survived by children Jeffrey Markowitz of M... Full story
There is just something about store-bought coffee cake, especially Entenmann's, that is irresistible. I cannot control myself when it is around. Several times in the past few years my husband has brought one home, in an attempt to make me smile. And of course I immediately yelled at him for buying it. Then I ate the whole thing in one sitting. What can I say-we all have our weaknesses. My dear friend Danielle recently suggested I should try my hand at mashing up my classic challah with a coffee... Full story
Jewish women representing and supporting the pluralistic prayer group Women of the Wall gathered at the Kotel on Rosh Chodesh Friday morning, July 17. However, cries of disapproval from the religious community overpowered their service. "We want to abolish the discriminatory regulations that are preventing women from praying freely at the Western Wall," said Shira Pruce, director of public relations for the group. "That means allowing women access to Sefer Torah that will sit here," she added,... Full story