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In support of breast cancer awareness month, Temple Israel Sisterhood is hosting a Sharsheret Pink Shabbat on Friday, Oct. 17. The service will be held at the synagogue and will begin at 7:30. Sharsheret is a national not-for-profit organization that is the Jewish community’s response to breast cancer and the only national organization addressing the unique concerns of Jewish women and families facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. One in 40 men and women of Ashkenazi (Central or Eastern European) Jewish descent carries a BRCA gene m...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and in recognition of this serious disease, JFS Orlando with Florida Hospital Women’s Mobile Wellness and Florida Radiology Imaging are offering a day of screening mammograms at JFS Orlando’s facility, located at 2100 Lee Road in Winter Park, on Monday, Oct. 13, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. In addition to the mobile mammogram unit, JFS will host Dr. John Barnett from Orlando Acupuncture for a special presentation. He will highlight the benefits of holistic practices as treatment and preventative measures for...
West Bank—Pharmacist Raed Qubbaj was busy with a customer when a man working with the Palestinian Preventative Security Forces came into his Ramallah pharmacy and placed him under arrest earlier this month. “He didn’t tell me why and he had no official papers from any court,” the father of three boys told The Media Line. Qubbaj handed over his mobile phone and laptop to the man who had a car waiting outside. He agreed to go, thinking it was all a mistake, and he would be back in a few hours. It was only after he was given a medical exam an...
University Club member Holly Mandelkern will speak about Abraham Sutzkever (1913-2010), a poet, partisan and witness at Nuremberg, at the University Club’s November meeting. The noted Yiddish poet was born on July 15, 1913 in Smorgon, Russian Empire. After WWI he and his mother moved to Vilna where he became a prolific young writer. In 1941, he and his wife, Freydke, were sent to the Vilna Ghetto. While there, he was ordered by the Nazis to hand over important Jewish manuscripts and artworks for display in an Institute for the Study of the J...
BBYO, the world’s leading pluralistic Jewish youth movement and, the largest not-for-profit for young people and social change, announce the launch of “Can-Tribute,” a campaign that will rally Jewish youth across the country to fight poverty in their local community through a food collection drive. The campaign kicked off on Sept. 23 and continues through Nov. 6. At the conclusion of the campaign, the leaders of the top three biggest drives will win a pre-screening of the “Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1” for themselve...
The students at the Jewish Academy of Orlando walked to Lake Lily in the week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to participate in Tashlich service. At Tashlich, the students symbolically threw away their misdeeds to begin the New Year renewed. Rabbi David Kay of Congregation Ohev Shalom as well as the Academy's Hebrew and Judaic Studies faculty led Tashlich service. It was a meaningful program to begin the New Year. For more information or to arrange a visit to the school, please contact...
What would you do if you found out that you had only three more months to live? Gordon Zacks was a successful businessman, a leader of Jewish life, and a confidante and adviser to President George H.W. Bush. He knew that he had prostate cancer, but doctors advised him that it was very slow-growing and nothing to worry about. Then came the day when the doctors told him his cancer had metastasized to his liver and that he had only three months to live. Zacks—who would die in February 2014—decided to make his bedroom a school in which he and tho...
As Simchat Torah approaches, Genesis begins anew, “Retelling Genesis,” the new book by Barry Louis Polisar, gives a timely fresh perspective on 13 stories in the Torah’s first book. Each story gives a voice to many secondary characters whose perspectives are overlooked in the original Bible stories. Polisar offers the thoughts and feelings of many female characters: Eve, Noah’s wife, Lot’s daughters, Hagar, Zilpah and Bilhah (Jacob’s handmaidens), and Dinah. He also explores what the silent Isaac thought about his near-sacrifice, what Cain t...
LOS ANGELES (JTA)—As we ushered in Sukkot, was there a blood moon rising? John Hagee, the San Antonio pastor who wrote the book “Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change,” would have us believe so. Hagee predicts that because of a cycle of four lunar eclipses called a tetrad—two this year and next on Passover and Sukkot—that something big is about to happen, like the Rapture. The eclipse was seen throughout much of the world on Oct. 7 and 8—the latter the eve of Sukkot. It was visible throughout much of the United States on Oct. 8, but on...
Wadi Nis, West Bank – As Dr. Yitzchak Glick drives through the steep streets of this West Bank village of some 1000 residents, he is repeatedly stopped by Palestinians residents. Some just want to say hello and shake his hand. Others ask him to stop in and check on a family member. Many of the Palestinians live in large homes, faced with white Jerusalem limestone that is quarried here and sold abroad. But some of the residents like Hosam, a father of six who asked not to give his last name, are poor. In his home, two adults and six children l...
The "Seeking Kin" column aims to help reunite long-lost relatives and friends. BALTIMORE (JTA) – Decades removed, at a private game reserve in South Africa, the unique bond felt by the Class of 1984 at Durban's Carmel College had endured. Twenty-four graduates from the now defunct Jewish high school had gathered for a reunion of the class precipitated by its 30th anniversary. "The relationships between us were very much like brother and sister," Warren Bank, an advocate in Johannesburg who c...
In his office, next to photos of his wife and family, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu keeps a portrait of Theodor Herzl. "He was a prophet. A modern prophet," Netanyahu says, further naming Zionist pioneer Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Israel's first prime minister David Ben-Gurion, and Likud party founder and former prime minister Menachem Begin as equally important Zionist leaders. In an interview with Israel Hayom ahead of Rosh Hashanah, Netanyahu applies those past leaders' experiences to the...
Palestinian Arabs have concentrated many of their terrorist attacks on Jews in Jerusalem, hoping to win the city by an onslaught of suicide bombers who seek to make life in the City of Peace unbearable. But this is not a new tactic. Arab strategy to turn Jerusalem into a battleground began in 1920. Unfortunately, Arab leaders often turn to violence to gain what they were unable to achieve at the negotiating table. When talks broke down at Camp David in 2000, Palestinian Arab leaders unleashed the al-Aqsa Intifada, which amounted to a...
Israeli tourist jailed, fined for flying drone in Paris JERUSALEM (JTA)—An Israeli tourist was arrested and jailed for flying a drone over Paris landmarks. The man, 24, was arrested Oct. 1 in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral, where the drone, equipped with a professional mounted camera, was flying, the French news agency AFP reported. The drone also had flown over the historic Hotel Dieu hospital and a police station. After spending the night in jail, he was levied a nearly $650 fine for “operating an aircraft non-compliant with safety law...
LOS ANGELES (JTA)-Ambitious girls of yore looking for role models among successful and accomplished women might turn to scientist Marie Curie, aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart or first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, a social justice champion. And then there was Altina Schinasi, the subject of a new documentary feature, "Altina," directed by her filmmaker grandson Peter Sanders. "Tina" grew up among the opulent splendor of a New York mansion, became a painter and innovative sculptor, then an...