Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles from the October 11, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • Right-wing parties decide to stick together as unity talks flail

    Ariel Kahana and Yehuda Shlezinger|Oct 11, 2019

    (Israel Hayom via JNS)-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Wednesday with leaders of parties from the right-wing bloc to discuss the future of negotiations to form a unity government after talks with Blue and White went south, with the center-left list pulling out of the most recent scheduled meeting to, in its officials' own words, "weaken" Netanyahu. During the meeting, the possibility of Netanyahu giving up his mandate from President Reuven Rivlin to form the next government was...

  • IAC is on the move with many events and the IAC National Conference

    Christine DeSouza|Oct 11, 2019

    IAC Orlando regional manager Idit Lotringer has a full calendar of events through next May for the Israeli-American Council in Orlando and she has a new program manager to assist her. Ziva Kurlansik came to Orlando five years ago with her husband, Aaron, and two children. She was born and raised in Northern Israel and completed her IDF service as a signals intelligent officer. She has been instrumental in creating the Tzofim (Israeli Scouts) Orlando chapter. "I'm excited to join the IAC team...

  • Call to cancel SJP conference

    Jackson Richman and Sean Savage|Oct 11, 2019

    (JNS)-Amid increasing concerns over Israel-related anti-Semitism found on college campuses, the anti-Israel group National Students for Justice in Palestine announced its upcoming national conference at the University of Minnesota from Nov. 1-3. The NSJP says that the conference is titled "Beyond Struggle: From Roots to Branches Towards Liberation," and recognizes the "support for the Palestinian cause is increasing within mainstream politics," noting the inflammatory words and actions of Reps....

  • JTA launches Hebrew website

    JTA Staff|Oct 11, 2019

    NEW YORK (JTA)—The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has launched a Hebrew-language website and syndication service aimed at the Israeli public. The service features original Hebrew articles and videos with Hebrew translations of items published in English by JTA and adapted for Israeli audiences. JTA’s new Hebrew news site is www.jtahebrew.com. The goal is to inform the Israeli public about Diaspora Jews and Jewish issues, and to use news items, feature stories and videos to increase Israelis’ understanding of Diaspora Jewry. Jewish communal leade...

  • Carolyn Dorfman Dance to perform at Dr. Philips High School

    Oct 11, 2019

    Carolyn Dorfman Dance, a premiere modern dance company based in New Jersey and New York City, will make a special appearance in Orlando at the Dr. Phillips High School Auditorium, 6500 Turkey Lake Road, on Saturday, Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. One of the dances of the four-part program is “Odisea.” Commissioned by Jewish Heritage New York and premiered at New York’s popular South Street Seaport in 2004, “Odisea” chronicles the story of Jewish immigrants who left persecution in Brazil in 1654 and journeyed to New Amsterdam (New York City). Praised b...

  • Jewish Academy of Orlando students observe Tashlich

    Oct 11, 2019

    On Friday, Oct. 4, 2019, students at Jewish Academy of Orlando observed Tashlich. While transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, first, and second graders attended a service on campus, grades 3-5 observed Tashlich at Lake Lily. The program, attended by students and their families, included a service with inspirational readings from Jewish sources and concluded with the blowing of the shofar. Afterwards, the students symbolically cast their sins into the water to help usher in new beginnings for...

  • Comments online

    Oct 11, 2019

    Heritage Newspaper’s print audience doesn’t get to read responses to articles that are posted in the online edition of the paper (unless they also read the online edition). Here are this week’s responses: “A Jewish family sold this Kandinsky painting to survive the Nazis and Amsterdam is keeping it” by Cnaan Liphshiz, Sept. 13, 2019 issue: I think in this case the painting should not be returned and no restitution should be provided. As I understand the issue, the State Museum in Holland purchased the painting. There is no allegation of coerci...

  • Challah for Rosh Hashanah

    Oct 11, 2019

    Who could pass up an opportunity to make challah with your children and grandchildren just before Rosh Hashanah? Thanks, once again, to Ben Brenslauer for providing the opportunity to carry on family traditions with a Challah Bake at Cascade Heights Senior Living. Brenslauer brought the dough. Marci Gaeser brought her grandchildren, Jennifer and Allison Klein. Heidi Zissman brought her children, Spencer and Maggie Rose. Elizabeth Bookspan once again volunteered with her children, Asa and Emma....

  • Beset by grievances with Netanyahu's government, Israeli Arabs flex their muscles

    Ariel Ben Solomon|Oct 11, 2019

    (JNS)-The Arab Israeli public came out in force during the second round of elections on Sept. 17, and according to an Arab Knesset member and others, was motivated to prevent the formation of a right-wing government headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who also heads the Likud Party. On Wednesday, the Joint Arab List announced that it will boycott Thursday's swearing-in ceremony for the new Knesset as part of a general strike among Arab Israelis to protest what they say is the...

  • Pre-indictment hearings begin in Israel, putting Netanyahu on the political sidelines for now

    Dov Lipman|Oct 11, 2019

    (JNS)-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's pre-indictment hearing began on Wednesday after three years of investigation. Netanyahu, who did not attend the hearing, is seeking to convince Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and state prosecutors not to indict him on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three separate cases, labeled in Israel as Case 1000, Case 2000 and Case 4000. Attorney Avi Himi, who heads the Israel Bar Association, told JNS that "the hearing process is...

  • Anti-Semitic hate crimes in NYC have risen significantly in 2019

    Ben Sales|Oct 11, 2019

    NEW YORK (JTA)—The number of hate crimes against Jews in New York City has risen significantly over the first nine months of this year, part of a citywide rise in such offenses. The New York Police Department has reported 311 total hate crimes through September, as opposed to 250 reported through the same period in 2018, according to Deputy Inspector Mark Molinari, who heads the department’s Hate Crimes Task Force. Molinari said 52 percent of the reported hate crimes, or 163, have targeted Jews. Over the same period last year, the NYPD rep...

  • American Jewry's days of reckoning

    Caroline B. Glick|Oct 11, 2019

    On Sept. 29, President Donald Trump set out his nationalist political philosophy in his address before the UN General Assembly. Arguing that the nation-state is the best guarantor of human freedom and liberty, Trump set up a contrast between “patriots” and “globalists.” “The future does not belong to globalists,” he said. “The future belongs to patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.” Jewi...

  • Engel bows to Arab lobbyists, pro-Israel friends are silent

    Moshe Phillips INN|Oct 11, 2019

    An anti-Hamas bill has been severely watered down by Congressman Eliot Engel. It’s a turn of events that should trouble every supporter of Israel. The New York Post claimed this week that Engel (D-NY), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, agreed to change the bill after heavy pressure from Qatar and the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Post quoted “a personal acquaintance of Engel’s” as saying, “Eliot told me directly that he was getting a lot of pressure from the Qataris” about the bill At the same time, Engel or his represe...

  • Recalling my experience growing up with Israel

    Mel Pearlman, Everywher|Oct 11, 2019

    As I get deeper into my senior years, I find myself spending more time reflecting on my life, and trying to find meaning in what brought me to this moment of my existence. One of those reflections was remembering my first real connection with Israel. I was only 4 years old in 1948 when the modern state of Israel was established. Although raised in a traditional Jewish home, my earliest Jewish memories consisted of Chanukah gelt, Purim costumes, Shabbat candles and the delicious smells of my Mom’s cooking throughout the year, but especially a...

  • Can you forgive your political foes? And can they forgive you?

    Jonathan S. Tobin|Oct 11, 2019

    (JNS)—As the year 5780 begins, political division is the predominant theme in both Israel and the United States. In Israel, two attempts to elect a Knesset in one year may not have been enough. The stalemate that has prevented the formation of a new government is not so much about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies as it is about him. That has been complicated by the re-emergence of the ongoing conflict between secular and religious Jews. But that may not be as bad as what’s happening in the United States. Americans seem divid...

  • Blame it on the Brits

    Oct 11, 2019

    Dear Editor: Kudos to Alan Kornman on his letter to the editor, “1929 Hebron massacre—the rest of the story,” Sept. 27. Haj Mohammad Amin al-Husseini is a name most Jews don’t recognize. He was a person, one of the early supporters of The Muslim Brotherhood, who was appointed as The Grand Mufti or mayor of Jerusalem by the British government. I am currently reading the book, “Philistine to Palestine—exposing the world’s biggest deception, a 4,000-year journey based on the historical, biblical, and political archives by Joseph D. Shellim. I ha...

  • What's Happening

    Oct 11, 2019

    MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Temple I...

  • Profile of loving siblings at Oakmonte Village

    Nancy Ludin|Oct 11, 2019

    Herb Maneloveg and his sister Phyllis Maneloveg Kasrel grew up in a small home in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, where their father had a store called People's Furniture. There were 20 Jews in the town and an Orthodox synagogue where they belonged. It was a very loving family. Their mother was a wonderful cook who prepared traditional Jewish foods. Holidays like Passover were celebrated with Orthodox grandparents where the seders were all in Hebrew and never ended. Kasrel's first memory was at age...

  • JNF is about giving

    Ruby Rosenthal|Oct 11, 2019

    In many ways, Judaism is a religion with a moral compass built in. After attending Hebrew School for six years as a student, and five subsequent years assisting as a madricha (Hebrew transliteration for youth leader), I've realized that there's a common theme that surrounds my religion: Judaism is about giving. Growing up, our Hebrew School classes began with a Tzedakah box. I remember it very clearly as being blue and green with the state of Israel prominently featured on the front. As...

  • As Moscow waits for Israeli electoral outcome, the future of Syria looms over relations

    Yaakov Lappin|Oct 11, 2019

    (JNS)-When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Sochi in Russia last month to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the event turned into a political football back in Israel. Seizing on the fact that Netanyahu was made to wait for almost three hours to see Putin (allegedly because the Russian leader was late returning from an event in Dagestan), Netanyahu's political rival, Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman, stated on Sept. 13 that "in Russia, nothing happens by chance...

  • Jewish Pavilion helps foster diversity

    Oct 11, 2019

    During a recent conversation with Deborah Loe, director of Lifestyles at Palmetto Landing in Winter Springs, Jewish Pavilion Program Director Susan Bernstein asked what aspect of her work is most rewarding. After 8 ½ years in this position she answered without hesitation saying that 110 percent of her gratification comes from the love of the residents in her care. Loe shares the desire to learn something new each day and creates a positive perspective on life with her residents. She reali...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Oct 11, 2019

    First... let me wish all my readers SHANAH TOVAH! "During Rosh Hashanah, we celebrate the creation of the world. And commit to repairing and perfecting it together. In the New Year, we'll work towards a world with dignity, equality and freedom for all." The esteemed Elie Wiesel once said: "Human suffering anywhere concerns men and women everywhere." Somehow, that Eli Wiesel statement makes me think of this story... "Malaysian Prime Miniister MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, responding to an event moderator at...

  • Demi Lovato apologizes to fans offended by her Israel visit

    Marcy Oster|Oct 11, 2019

    JERUSALEM (JTA)—Demi Lovato had gushed about her “magical” visit to Israel, saying she felt a “sense of spirituality” there. Now the 27-year-old pop star and actress is apologizing to those who may have been offended by her trip. In Israel, Lovato made three posts earlier this week on Instagram, where she has 74 million followers, speaking glowingly of the country. “Entertainment Tonight” reported that reactions to those posts included criticism from accusing her of promoting or supporting Israel despite the country’s treatment of the Palestini...

  • Israel gives new hope to patients with multiple myeloma

    Larry Luxner|Oct 11, 2019

    TEL AVIV-Shlomit Norman was only 42 when doctors diagnosed her with multiple myeloma-a bone marrow cancer with no known cure that rarely strikes people under the age of 65. At the time, the youngest of her three boys was 10, and few patients with the disease survived for more than a couple of years. "I told my best friend that she'd have to be in charge of my son's bar mitzvah because I didn't think I'd be around by then," recalled Norman, who lives in Haifa. But thanks to some innovative...

  • R.J. Palacio tells us why her new book is a Holocaust story

    Emily Burack|Oct 11, 2019

    If your kids are of a certain age, they’ve probably read “Wonder,” the best-selling book about Auggie Pullman, a boy born with facial differences who, after being homeschooled his whole life, begins attending a school in fifth grade. It’s on Kveller’s must-read list of books for kids and adults navigating disabilities and special needs—and it was made into a film in November 2017 starring Julia Roberts and Jacob Tremblay. Since “Wonder” was published in 2012, the author, R. J. Palacio, has written a series of novels within the same universe,...

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