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(JNS)-A whopping 7,000 faces and hundreds of flags of every color painted Israel's capital on Thursday, parading through the streets in the 2018 Jerusalem March. The diverse participants, decked out on Sept. 27 in costumes that represented their respective nations, had one thing in common: a love of Israel and the Jewish people. "I am proud of Israel, and I love Israel," Brazilian Liliais Alves told JNS. "I came to bless my family, bless me, bless my home and my life." The Jerusalem March is... Full story
The Holocaust Center will share the story of Irena Sendler at the annual Kristallnacht commemoration, Nov. 4. Sendler's story will be told by actor and playwright Libby Skala, whose one-woman show had a successful run at the London Fringe Festival. Skala will bring to dramatic life the true story of Sendler, a Polish Catholic social worker who defied Nazi rule to organize an underground network that successfully rescued 2,500 Jewish children from certain death in the Warsaw ghetto during WWII.... Full story
Untold Stories of IDF Soldiers Tour is coming to the United States Oct. 14 - 28, and will be in Orlando Oct. 24 and 25. The Tour, sponsored by StandWithUs, has six teams of reservists who will travel in pairs to various parts of the country to speak about their never-been-told-before personal experiences upholding the strict IDF moral code while fighting an enemy that hides behind its civilians. Putting a "human face" on the IDF, they also discuss their struggles, their successes, and their hope... Full story
Rabbi Yisrael and Tamar Abisror, Yehudi educators, have joined the Central Florida Hillel staff at The University of Central Florida. In an unprecedented demonstration of Jewish unity, these two organizations have joined together with a commitment to focus on developing a vibrant, connected and dynamic Jewish community at America's largest undergraduate institution. "What is unique about this relationship that we have created is that it is the first of its kind where two national Jewish... Full story
Since its beginning in 2014, RAISE has grown in many ways. Still keeping the number of employees at seven-RAISE has been able to fine tune the program that greatly benefits not only those who are employed by RAISE, but their families as well. RAISE, an acronym for Recognizing Abilities & Inclusion of Special Employees, is a work and social skills training program that provides paid employment within partnering agencies of the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando. With their newly acquired... Full story
Chabad will present “History of Jews in the Mob: An evening with Myron Sugerman” on Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 7:30 p.m. at Nate’s Shul, 1701 Markham Woods Rd., Longwood, and Wednesday, Oct. 17 at Chabad South Orlando, 7347 W Sand Lake Road, Orlando. Myron Sugerman, author of “The Chronicles of The Last Jewish Gangster: From Meyer to Myron,” was born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1938 during the mob’s glory days. At the age of 21, he followed his father’s footsteps into the family business—coin-operated amusements. Like his father, Barney “Sugie... Full story
On Sunday, Nov. 4, Temple Israel Sisterhood, together with friends and community members, will head south to Pompano Beach for a day of adventure and camaraderie. There will be bagels, snacks and water, and a comedy video and movie to view on the drive down. It always makes for a very pleasant and fast ride! Attendees can arrange to meet their South Florida family and friends at the Food Court, for additional enjoyment. First stop will be the famous Festival Flea Market where everyone can shop... Full story
(JNS)-Tens of thousands of students returned to the Westwood campus of University of California, Los Angeles, on Sept. 27 for the first day of classes. However, third-year student Justin Feldman, 20, a political science and Middle Eastern studies double major, wasn't there. Instead, he spent the morning addressing the University of California Board of Regents during its board meeting's public comments section regarding the upcoming eighth annual National Students for Justice in Palestine... Full story
(JNS)—Pro-Israel students at George Washington University have faced a number of challenges from both the BDS movement and anti-Israel groups in recent years. In 2017, the school successfully defeated a BDS resolution; however, last April a new resolution passed. A recently released report by a watchdog group highlights the rampant anti-Semitic and anti-Israel tactics that were used by members of the Students for Justice in Palestine amid the vote. According a recent report by Canary Mission, watchdog website that documents the activities of a... Full story
Following the deadly earthquake and tsunami that struck Indonesia’s Sulawesi island on Friday, Sept. 28, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee is providing emergency medical services, critical supplies, and psychosocial support with one of its longstanding local partners. Additionally, JDC’s Indonesia representative, in cooperation with its global disaster response team, is engaging in ongoing needs assessments and working together with local organizations to help ensure best practices among responders to protect groups esp... Full story
(JNS)—Though his fans thrill to his speeches, there’s little doubt that when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the U.N. General Assembly, few there listen. So when Netanyahu issued what seemed like a blockbuster revelation about a new Iranian nuclear site that was not being monitored by international inspectors, the reaction from the world body and the mainstream media was one of indifference. The reasons for this are no mystery. While Israel is often treated as a pariah nation at the United Nations, the disdain for Net... Full story
(JNS)— Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian teenager jailed for assaulting an Israeli soldier, says she supports violence against Jews and seeks the destruction of Israel. I believe her. And I believe that groups such as J Street, which have defended Tamimi and claimed that she is nonviolently resisting “the Israeli occupation of the West Bank,” owe the Jewish community an apology for refusing to believe her. When Tamimi was arrested last December for assaulting an Israeli soldier, the Jewish left leaped to her defense. J Street president Jerem... Full story
It is not surprising that the Arabs of Gaza, worked into a frenzy of hate and victimhood by their Hamas masters, have bought into the fantasy that they are entitled to claim what is now Israel. After the British Mandate ended, Gaza was ruled by Egypt from 1947 until 1967. During this period the Egyptian government used the territory to mount frequent cross border terrorist attacks by the fedayeen on Jewish communities along the border. The fedayeen were made up of irregular Egyptian troops with some assistance from the local Arab population... Full story
This year’s election for governor of Florida presents a great challenge to Jewish voters. Historically, most Jews vote consistently for Democratic candidates, at all levels, largely on the basis of domestic social issues. Most American Jews also feel some emotional commitment to Israel. Until recent years, this has not been a problem because most Democratic government officials and office seekers used to express support for Israel, even if this was not always borne out by their actions. Now the Democratic nominee for governor of Florida, A... Full story
(JNS)—There was one corner of New York City last Thursday where the Senate Judicial Committee hearings into the accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh went largely unnoticed: the United Nations building perched on the East River, where the 73rd General Assembly has been in full swing this week. But while the proceedings in Washington were electrifying, the spectacle at the United Nations had all the feel of an annual routine. Most of all, there were the usual lengthy speeches, laden with protocol and platitudes, and d... Full story
Maitland, FL I’m a lucky man. I saw my great-grandson last night. We are about to celebrate his first birthday, so at this point in his life I am just a part of his landscape. I have a good shot at seeing him turn 10, and a poor likelihood of being at his 20th birthday. However, he will know me, and I feel an obligation to contribute to his well-being. For most people, voting will be their only opportunity to influence the future in a major way. I have been a Republican for most of my adult life. This upcoming midterm election is different, a... Full story
MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Temple I... Full story
Chanukah comes early this year-beginning on the evening of Sunday, Dec. 2. Once again, Joanne Berman and Bernice Cleveland will have wonderful gifts available for the holiday on display in The Roth Family JCC lobby from Monday, Oct. 29 through Friday, Nov. 2, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. "Don't miss out on the wonderful opportunity to do your Chanukah shopping at the JCC Maitland," said Berman.... Full story
(The Nosher via JTA)-This is one of those recipes that sounds super complicated but is actually so simple. Using store-bought babka will make this Babka French Toast Loaf as easy as 1-2-3, but if you happen to bake your own babka, definitely use it. Instead of serving the babka slices arranged on a serving platter, I transfer the slices into a loaf pan and line them up in a row, so they go back to forming the original "loaf shape." When you serve the "loaf," your guests will be pleasantly... Full story
(JTA)—A state-funded sports complex was built on a disused Jewish cemetery in southeastern Poland, several Jewish groups complained. The complex, comprising a basketball and soccer court, was inaugurated on Sept. 6 at a ribbon- cutting ceremony in Klimontow, a town located 20 miles northeast of Krakow, according to the municipality’s website. It said the project has received more than $90,000 in government funding. But according to the Shem Olam Holocaust museum near Hadera in Israel, the complex is located atop the former Jewish cemetery fo... Full story
Sara Rose Schenkel and her brother Avi Benjamin Schenkel, the children of Mark Schenkel and Jodi Rubin of Orlando, Fla., will be called to the Torah as b'nai mitzvah on Saturday, Nov. 3, 2018, at Congregation Ohev Shalom in Maitland. Sara and Avi are in the seventh grade at College Park Middle School where they are both members of the International Baccalaureate program, symphonic band and on the Principal's Honor Roll. Sara enjoys playing piano and trombone, rowing as a member of the Lake... Full story
Just about every Monday, residents of Savannah Court and Cove Assisted Living in Maitland enjoy an Ice Cream Social and play a group card game called "Lotto." It's a fun program of the Jewish Pavilion that's run by volunteers, and it's a great way for residents to socialize and be entertained. Residents of all backgrounds and faiths are welcomed, and for many it is a highlight of their week. Savannah Court marketing relations director, Meg Wilson, and other staff wanted to find a way to get resi... Full story
This year, Jewish Academy of Orlando extended recess for all grades to 45 minutes, which for some students is an increase of 125 percent from the 2017-18 school year. In addition to extended recess time, lunch for all grades was increased to 30 minutes, and a mid-morning break of 15 minutes was included in the daily schedule. In recent years, many schools have lessened the amount of time that students spend in free play. In fact, experts find that the decrease may be significantly impacting the... Full story
Some good news from the UN... "The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization has published a new guide to addressing anti-Semitism through education. The manual, introduced by UNESCO Director General AUDREY AZOULAY, is geared toward youth, teachers, and political leaders alike. It warns that anti-Semitic attitudes are no longer limited to radical or extremist groups, and are appearing more in the mainstream. The guide stresses that in addition to the importance of Holocau... Full story
Temple Israel members take a break from their wine and cheese party on Wednesday, Sept. 26, to show off their "Pink Shabbat" T-shirts in the sukkah. As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, Temple Israel had a special Shabbat service, "Sisterhood & Sharsheret: Empowering Jewish Women," on Saturday, Oct. 6 in the Rein Sanctuary. The special service featured guest speaker and survivor Geanne Share. Sharsheret is a Jewish breast and ovarian cancer organization. Temple Israel's... Full story