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A weekly sing-a-long at Savannah Court, sponsored by the Jewish Pavilion, has inspired more than 50 residents of Savannah Court and more than a dozen Pavilion volunteers throughout the year. Periodically, the children from the Jewish Academy of Orlando join in the festivities. Mondays at 3:30 p.m., residents gather for hors d'oeuvres and desserts provided by Gloria Newberger and her cadre of Jewish Pavilion volunteers. After everyone is served, the singing, led by Morris Rashy, Zelda King and... Full story
Cuban Jewish leaders meet with Alan Gross (JTA)—Cuban Jewish leaders who met with Alan Gross said the imprisoned American-Jewish contractor “was in better spirits.” Havana community President Adela Dworkin and vice president David Prinstein met with Gross on the last day of Hanukkah, two days after Gross marked his fourth year in jail in Cuba, according to The Associated Press, citing a statement from the Beth Shalom Temple in Havana. The Cuban Jewish leaders have met with Gross for other Jewish holidays throughout his imprisonment. “Duri... Full story
“I could scarcely believe that such a thing could occur in a 20th century civilization,” President Franklin Roosevelt declared in the wake of the Nazis’ Kristallnacht pogrom, which devastated the German Jewish community 75 years ago this month. Most Americans, like their president, were appalled to read of Nazi storm troopers burning down hundreds of synagogues, ransacking thousands of Jewish-owned businesses, murdering some one hundred Jews, and hauling 30,000 more off to concentration camps Nov. 9-10, 1938. In the days following the pogro... Full story
NEW YORK (JTA)-On a bright autumn morning, Hebrew songs and phrases fill the sun-drenched, freshly painted blue and white classrooms of New York's Harlem Hebrew Language Academy Charter School. A group of kindergartners, representing such an even mix of black and white children that they resemble a 1980s Benetton ad, clasp each other by the waist and dance in a "rakevet," or train, stopping every few moments to add a new child who, as the teachers explain in Hebrew, is sitting nicely on his or... Full story
MARLBOBO, N.Y.-The oldest Jewish site in North America is not Newport's famed Touro Synagogue, or any other synagogue. Rather, it is a stone structure tucked away on the west side of the Hudson River, about 60 miles north of Manhattan. Due to its multiple uses and inhabitants over the centuries, the Gomez Mill House-built in 1714 in Marlboro, N.Y.-is one of the best-kept secrets in American Jewish history, and also holds a unique place in greater American history. With its 300th anniversary... Full story