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The trending blog Awesome Jelly predicts a new Israeli product "will forever change the way we drink water." AOL has called it "ingenious," and Entrepreneur calls it "clever." Six years of research and patented technology went into The Right Cup, a BPA-free recyclable plastic drinking cup infused with FDA-approved aromatic fruit flavors to trick your senses into thinking plain water has a fruity taste. CEO and founder Isaac Lavy was diagnosed with diabetes at age 30 and was advised by his doctor... Full story
TEL AVIV (JTA)-Sitting in front of a computer at the center of Israel's largest army base, a soldier stares at the screen, moving pixel by pixel over a satellite photograph, picking out details and finding patterns. A few years ago N.S., who has autism, thought the Israel Defense Forces wouldn't take him. N.S., who like other soldiers could not give his name due to IDF protocol, spent his childhood in mainstream classroom settings, where he had focused on studying film and Arabic, but expected... Full story
(Israel Hayom/Exclusive to The Middle East has gone through monumental changes over thousands of years, but one thing has never changed: an affinity for hummus. This conclusion was reached after fava seeds were discovered during an excavation by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) in the Galilee, showing that prehistoric man living in the southern Near East some 10,000 years ago preferred a diet consisting of legumes. The joint IAA-Weizmann Institute research project, which examined fava seeds unearthed in recent years at... Full story
Friends of Ohev Shalom's Rabbi Emeritus Rudolph Adler made the trip down to Dr. Phillips on Wednesday, Dec. 10, for a Chanukah party at the Sutton Home facility where he is in residence. Friends Susie and Mark Stone, Joel and Paula Rubin, and Eve Homburger joined Rabbi Adler along with resident Lillian Feldman and her visiting son, Alan Feldman to enjoy latkes made by Susie Stone. Rabbi Adler also enjoyed the homemade chocolates brought by both Susie Stone and Paula Ruben. Jewish Pavilion... Full story
While Christians in Iraq and Syria face the threat of extinction at the hands of the Islamic State terror group, the U.S. State Department remains silent on the prospect of publicly designating the atrocities against Christians and other Mideast religious minorities as “genocide.” According to a recent investigative piece by journalist Michael Isikoff for Yahoo! News, the State Department is in the midst of internal discussions to officially recognize the Yazidi people as genocide victims. But a lingering question remains: Will other rel... Full story
(JTA)-Itzhak Perlman, the Israeli-born violin virtuoso, was named the third winner of the Genesis Prize. Perlman was named the winner on Monday of the annual $1 million prize that has been dubbed the "Jewish Nobel." He joins former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the actor-director Michael Douglas as recipients. "I was totally dumbfounded," Perlman told JTA about learning he had been selected as this year's winner. "I'm a musician. I play the fiddle. So I was so totally taken aback... Full story
( Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias informed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Greece will not follow recently implemented European Union guidelines to label Israeli products from Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights, and eastern Jerusalem. Israel and Greece agreed on extensive bilateral cooperation in economic matters, technology, science, education, trade, energy, and agriculture following last month’s meeting between Kotzias and Netanyahu. Greece joins Hungary in its defiance of the EU’s directive to remove “Ma... Full story
Obama calls on Israelis and Palestinians to ‘exercise restraint’ NEW YORK (JTA)—President Barack Obama, making a surprise address, told a Haaretz-sponsored conference in New York that Israelis and Palestinians must “exercise restraint.” “Inexcusable violence has taken too many lives—Israelis, Palestinians, Americans and others,” Obama said via teleconference on Sunday morning at HaaretzQ, the liberal Israeli newspaper’s event with the New Israel Fund. “I’ve been clear that Palestinian leaders have to condemn the ongoing attacks and stop the... Full story
NEW YORK (JTA)—Mikvah night has an unusual meaning in the Ozur Bass household. As for many observant Jewish women, it’s the night each month that Janet Ozur Bass immerses in the mikvah ritual bath following menstruation. Once she emerges from the water, husband and wife may resume the physical intimacy traditionally forbidden while a woman is menstruating. But in the Ozur Bass household, mikvah night is double duty: Instead of just Janet going, her husband, Henrique, immerses in the mikvah, too. “I can’t begin to tell you how spiritual it is,... Full story
TEL AVIV (JTA)—During last week’s climate summit outside Paris, the 195 delegate countries—including Israel—committed to implementing plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improving their goals every five years. The aim: Keep Earth from warming more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the 21st century. “This demands international discipline, which is not easy, but for the good of humanity, I hope that it will be found,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who attended the climate talks, told his Cabinet on Sunday. “It... Full story
(JTA)-Avigail Alfatov eats her pizza upside down and has funny hiccups. Her favorite food is falafel and she makes her face shine by wiping it with green tea bags. How do we know this and, perhaps more important, why do we care? Well, Alfatov is the reigning Miss Israel and is the country's entry in the Miss Universe Pageant, which airs Dec. 20 on Fox. These are just a few of the fun facts listed on her contestant profile. She is also a national fencing champion, would love to meet Michael... Full story
ISRAELI21c-They may not look like lunch to you, but to many people around the world, grasshoppers add a high-protein, low-fat crunch to their diet. And in true Israeli startup tradition, the Israeli company Steak TzarTzar has innovated a way to lengthen the normally short breeding season of edible grasshoppers by leaps and bounds. As a result, this costly and scarce source of nutrition will be more widely available, all year long. It's no joke: Chockfull of whole protein, vitamins and healthful... Full story
In recent years, the so-called “Arab Spring” uprisings, the Syrian civil war, and the growth of jihadist terror groups like Islamic State have countered the perception that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the root cause of instability in the Middle East. Adding to the mix, mutual concern over the Iran nuclear deal and declining American leadership in the region has made ties between Israel and some Arab states warmer than ever before. In line with this narrative, Israel recently announced that it is opening its first-ever diplomatic off... Full story