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WASHINGTON (JTA)—James Mattis is quitting as defense secretary and his extraordinary resignation letter has brought into the open an argument among conservatives on whether to cut and run in the Middle East or whether to stay with no clear outcome. The argument also touches on two subjects near and dear to the hearts of Jewish political players: how best to contain Iran, and how robust a role the U.S. should play in the region. Mattis did not mention Syria in his letter Thursday, but reports said that Trump’s decision earlier this week to pul...
(JNS)-Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon warned the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday about the threat Hezbollah poses to the Jewish state, calling the terrorist group a "lifeblood" from Iran. "Hezbollah has built a terror base inside a civilian population, with its end on the Israeli side of the border, all financed by Iran," he said in a special session of the U.N. Security Council. "This not only a clear violation of Resolution 1701, but Hezbollah also uses Lebanese...
Jewish National Fund is pleased to announce Meril Salzburg as the new co-president of the Orlando Board. Salzburg's appointment comes at a critical time, as JNF's lay leadership and professional team are at the halfway mark of the organization's One Billion Dollar Road Map for the Next Decade campaign. She will be instrumental in helping JNF connect Orlando to the people and land of Israel, and execute unique projects to strengthen Israel for the long-term. "Philanthropic parents raised me, so...
JERUSALEM (JTA)—Israel will step up its fight against Iran in Syria after the United States withdraws its troops from her neighbor to the north. “We will continue to take very strong action against Iran’s attempts to entrench itself in Syria. In neither of these sectors do we intend to lessen our efforts; we will intensify them, and I know that we do so with the full support and backing of the U.S.,” Netanyahu said Thursday in a statement to the media. On Wednesday, President Donald Trump launched a full and accelerated pullout of the 2,000 U...
Second grade students at Orlando Torah Academy reached a milestone this week-they celebrated their Chumash party. Each child received their very own Sefer Bereshit, and the class has begun to learn Parashat Lech Lecha straight from a Chumash. They have mastered the necessary skills to be able to read and translate portions of sentences from the Torah. The proud parents watched as their children put on a special performance for this occasion....
Jewish Academy of Orlando welcomed grandparents, family and special friends to its annual Generation Celebration. The event showcased the school's academic, technology, fine and performing arts and Judaica curricula. Families and friends enjoyed a catered breakfast before they joined students in four classes that took place over the course of the morning. They truly experienced what it means to be a JAO student. In the Innovation Lab, students and families participated in a number of...
Join your Congregation Ohev Shalom Men’s Club & Sisterhood friends for Bowl the Night Away 2, Thursday, Jan. 17, 2019, 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m. at Aloma Bowl, 2530 Aloma Ave., Winter Park. The cost is $18 for two hours of bowling with shoes and pizza. For more information, please contact Nancy Faracchio ( or Michael Asher ( Please RSVP to: and make checks payable to COS Men’s Club. Mail check by Jan. 10 to: COS Men’s Club & Sisterhood—Bowl the Night Away 2 613 Concourse Parkway S...
Nancy Ludin, CEO of the Jewish Pavilion, wanted to give special thanks to CERA for their generous grant made to the Jewish Pavilion at their annual holiday party. The Community Education & Resource Affiliation, Inc. is a nonprofit group of healthcare professionals that have come together with mutual concern for the under-served Central Florida community. Together their network of professionals formed a mission to provide education and resources to seniors, caregivers and families through their...
(JNS)-Israel will send a time capsule along with an Israeli spacecraft on the Jewish state's first mission to the moon in 2019. The capsule will consist of the Bible, pictures of Israeli symbols like the flag, Israeli songs, drawings by children and a booklet by a Jewish man about surviving the Holocaust, in addition to other materials. The spacecraft, Beresheet (the Hebrew word for "Genesis"), will launch from Cape Canaveral, Fla., in February. The time capsule is expected to remain on the...
(JTA)—The American Civil Liberties Union announced that it is suing the state of Texas over a 2017 law prohibiting government contractors from engaging in boycotts of Israel, which is says is an unwarranted violation of Americans’ right to free speech. Signed into law by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott last May, the bill was the 20th measure enacted on a state level meant to counter the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel, or BDS. However, the legal basis of such laws has come under attack and two such bills have thus far been str...
JERUSALEM (JTA)—SodaStream is setting up a manufacturing plant in Gaza. SodaStream CEO Daniel Birnbaum made the announcement Thursday at a conference in Jerusalem sponsored by the Israeli business publication Globes. He appeared on stage at the conference with Ramon Laguarta, CEO of Pepsico, which acquired the Israeli home-carbonated drinks company this year for $3.2 billion. Laguarta told the conference that he toured the SodaStream plant located near the Bedouin town of Rahat in the Negev Desert in southern Israel and said he was proud of ...
(JNS)—The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon has confirmed that the tunnels dug by the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah into Israel violate Security Council resolution 1701. “After further technical investigations conducted independently in accordance with its mandate, UNIFIL at this stage can confirm that two of the tunnels cross the Blue Line. These constitute violations of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701,” the peacekeeping force said in a statement. UNIFIL added that the tunnels are a “matter of serious concern” and will continue i...
The idea of Palestine may be somewhere in the dust, but Israel still has problems. There are several cases of recent attacks that were prominent, and the IDF is digging out tunnels coming from Lebanon into northern Israel. Security forces count in the hundreds the instances of attack that have frustrated this year. One incident was about a month ago, when an employee of a West Bank industry killed two of his colleagues and then ran. Most recently there was a drive-by shooting at an area in the West Bank where people were waiting for rides....
In this year’s Time Magazine’s Person of the Year edition, editor Edward Felsenthal published a letter from 12 of the Silence Breakers (Time Magazine’s 2017 Person of the Year). In the letter to Time Magazine the 12 authors tell of the hardships they and the other Silence Breakers endured this past year as whistle blower’s in publicizing the widespread sexual harassment and abuse plaguing almost every aspect of American life; and the important work still to be done to “formalize and expand their push for enduring reforms.” In explaining the wor...
Religion does play a part in politics. When John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic elected president in 1960, the rumble was that the Catholic vote was united —there was an underlying fear that “The pope would now rule American politics.” Nonsense, of course. So far, no Jew has run for president. But, it has always been more about who, what and where we are as a people than our religious positions that have ruled our politics. During the 1930s, at the tail end of the huge immigration of Eastern European Jews to the United States, it is a fair...
I just came from one of the most inspiring luncheons I have ever attended. Even though this time of year is very busy with luncheons, office parties, and friend or family get-togethers, I am glad I took the time out of my day to be at this one. It was the annual RAISE holiday luncheon. Like other gatherings, people were recognized, thank-you gifts were given, and a fun gift exchange kept everyone laughing (I really wanted that Olive Garden gift card, and I had it for but a brief moment). But there was just something about this particular...
(JNS)—In recent years, anti-Israel movements have spread to college campuses across North America, manifested by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Georgetown University is no exception. Although the BDS movement at Georgetown gained momentum in recent years, it was rejected in 2017 by the university administration and hasn’t gained ground since then. Moreover, anti-Israel activities also significantly died down, making Georgetown a relatively safe space for pro-Israel and Jewish students alike. What can explain this success sto...
Dear Editor: At one time we Jews were about 15 million strong. The past century almost half of us were wiped out. We may be wiped out completely in the future. Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map. Palestinians, namely Hamas, wants to wipe out Israel. Anti-Semites want to wipe out Jews. Throughout the ages, Jews have been persecuted and killed. In 1948, the United Nations approved a country (Israel) for the Jews. If you are a Jew and have no place to go, Israel will accept you. Finally, a country for a Jew. Why does Israel support U.S....
Dear Editor: This morning, it was announced that President Trump is considering a full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria. The reason given is that the terrorist organization ISIS no longer holds territory in Syria, thus the primary objective of a U.S. military presence there is completed. Yet ISIS is far from the only Syria-based danger to America’s interests and allies. Before reaching a final decision on the matter, the Trump Administration should consider the threats still posed from Syria’s borders. Israel shares a northeastern bor...
MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Temple I...
Jewish Pavilion program director Judy Appleton organized Chanukah luncheons for residents at Allegro Winter Park (below) and The Westchester/Regents Park (left)....
JERUSALEM (JTA)-As our train hurtled through the tunnel-my ears popping on the descent-and then burst out into sunlight bathing a landscape of fields and rocky hills, I finally let myself feel impressed. Along with the entire population of central Israel, I've spent years anticipating the high-speed train from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which became (mostly) operational in September. When it's fully online, the trip between the cities is supposed to take 28 minutes. That would be a game-changer. Fou...
Whether you are a senior or a caring family member, investigating and choosing among the wide range of options available to assist seniors with their special needs and concerns can feel overwhelming. But if you live in Orlando, you have a calm and caring friend who's just a phone call or an email away, ready to give you advice that's based on years of experience and a deep knowledge of issues affecting seniors: the Orlando Senior Help Desk. Staff members are available to help guide you through...
(JNS)-A bipartisan delegation of incoming members of Congress returned to the United States on Friday following a five-day visit to Israel. Reps.-elect Denver Riggleman (R-Va.), Elaine Luria (D-Va.), David Trone (D-Md.), Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) and Susie Lee (D-Nev.), participated on a trip organized by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's American Israel Education Fund to learn about the U.S.-Israel relationship. The incoming congressional members met with Israeli Prime Minister...
Celebrate Tu B’Shevat and Shabbat with the synagogue that feels like family. Rabbi Karen Allen will begin our observance on Friday evening, Jan. 11 at 6:30 p.m. with a Tu B’Shevat Seder. This is a short seder celebrating the New Year of the Trees. The seder plate involves the fruits of the tree - nuts with shells and fruits with peels. Four shades of wine are also part of the ritual. The Shabbat service will follow at 7 p.m. Enjoy refreshments at the Oneg Shabbat following the service. The Rabbi’s Torah Roundtable Discussion Group with Rabbi Ka...