Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

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  • Jewish Academy steps ups safety to welcome back students

    Aug 21, 2020

    Jewish Academy of Orlando began the 2020-2021 school year on Monday, Aug. 17, after adding additional precautions to ensure a safe start. Some students began attending in-person with precautions in place while others participated in remote learning. The school will provide a blended learning model, utilizing both synchronous instruction (lessons that will be delivered simultaneously in the classroom and available for remote learning) and asynchronous instruction (recorded lessons that can viewed at a time of your choosing). “We are thrilled t...

  • Enhance your understanding of the Middle East with Avi Melamed, hosted by Temple Israel

    Aug 14, 2020

    Join Avi Melamed, one of Israel's most respected intelligence analysts in Middle East affairs, for the third and final installment in his lecture series hosted by Temple Israel's Adult Education Committee on Sunday, Aug. 30 at 10 a.m. This virtual presentation, titled "Israel as an Obstacle in Turkey's Quest to Revive the Ottoman Empire," is free and open to the community. The program will discuss President Erdogan's aspirations to restore the glory days of the Turkish Ottoman Empire and to rule...

  • Where there's a will, there's a way

    Aug 14, 2020

    Kudos to Michelle Bilsky, Jewish Pavilion volunteer extraordinaire. Bilsky has been able to continue to provide monthly Shabbat lunches at Lutheran Towers, even during the pandemic, because she works in Human Relations at Lutheran Towers. Her residents are so thrilled to participate in this monthly activity, especially since all other activities have been cancelled. While all of the residents look forward to the Shabbat meal and service, Bilsky feels that resident Jenny enjoys it the most....

  • Patricia Sigman runs for state Senate

    Christine DeSouza|Aug 7, 2020

    Longwood resident Patricia R. Sigman is a Democratic candidate on the primary ballot for state Senate, District 9. There is one opponent running against her for the seat and she is hopeful voters will turn out for the Aug. 18 primary elections to get her name on the ballot for the elections on Nov. 3. Sigman is a long-standing member of this community. She and her husband, Phil, have been affiliated with Temple Israel and also Congregation of Reform Judaism. "Seminole County is our home and our...

  • SCSB member, Abby Sanchez, on school reopening and her re-election

    Pamela Ruben|Jul 31, 2020

    Abby Sanchez, member of the Seminole County School Board, represents District 3 in Central Florida. First elected in 2016, Sanchez's current term ends in 2020. She is running for re-election in the primary election on Aug. 18, 2020; the general election is on Nov. 3 (check your local polling place for early voting). Growing up in South Florida, Sanchez, earned the nickname "Dear Abby" for her compassion, desire to listen, and problem-solving propensities. The moniker lives on four decades...

  • Brooke and Olivia Chepenik are sweet on our seniors

    Jul 31, 2020

    Not only are Brooke and Olivia Chepenik bright and beautiful, but they are artistic and philanthropic as well. The sisters decided that they wanted to help seniors in long-term care during the Covid epidemic and let them know they are still cared for. The family connected with the Jewish Pavilion and over 100 candy jars have been delivered to our elders in two senior communities. Each jar has a beautiful cover and is painted with “JP” (Jewish Pavilion) and a heart. Their grandmother, Claire Che...

  • Sound the shofar and make joyful noise in unison

    Keith Dvorchik, JFGO executive director|Jul 24, 2020

    In the era of COVID-19, we are facing many challenges. As we make all our events virtual, wear facemasks wherever we go, and back up a few more steps in the checkout line, it's clear that we're living in a changed world that isn't changing back anytime soon. This September's Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur celebrations will no doubt be different as well. With restrictions on crowd sizes and other tightened safety rules, it is likely that many people will choose to celebrate and observe these...

  • Cantor Bryce Megdal joins CRJ

    Pamela Ruben|Jul 24, 2020

    "Today is the day: The moment I (and many of you) have been waiting for! I begin my journey as the cantor of CRJ," posted newly hired Cantor Bryce Megdal in celebration of her first day on the job at Orlando's Congregation of Reform Judaism. While the cantor's interview process took place on video from her home in the Los Angeles area due to the ongoing corona virus pandemic, the Tucson native noted that she felt "right at home" with committee members and Rabbi Steven Engel leading the virtual...

  • Judge Alan Apte up for re-election

    Christine DeSouza|Jul 17, 2020

    Very few things can be scarier than having to appear in a courtroom. One concern in many people's minds is which judge will be trying their case. With almost 150 endorsements from lawyers, rest assured that those who stand before Judge Alan Apte of the Ninth Circuit Courts of Orange and Osceola counties will have a fair hearing. In fact, no one walks out of his courtroom confused. He makes sure that the litigants and lawyers understand everything that happens. In a calm, straightforward and...

  • Continuing the "Wow" factor at Central Florida Hillel this fall

    Jul 17, 2020

    Approximately five years ago, Danielle McKinstry graduated The University of Connecticut and landed her first job at Central Florida Hillel as engagement associate. During the ensuing five years, McKinstry received nearly annual promotions until her most recent one last year when she became Hillel's assistant director. As AD, McKinstry led an unprecedented period of growth in the numbers of Jewish students being active in Jewish life on our campuses here in Orlando. Moreover, her work as a...

  • Strategies for Action in July

    Jul 17, 2020

    Although the Holocaust Center remains closed because of the coronavirus, events are still planned that can be attended virtually. As part of the Strategies for Action programs, the Holocaust Center presents on July 28, “The Limits & Necessities of ‘Never Again’: The Holocaust and Injustice Today,” with Dr. Danny M. Cohen, noon to 1 p.m. This event is free. Drawing on the story of Michael Bauer, the gay son of Jewish Holocaust survivors who lived through the AIDS crisis, attendees will think critically about how intergenerational memory and inh...

  • Upcoming virtual events at The Roth Family JCC

    Jul 17, 2020

    The Summer Author Series The series continues on Sunday, July 19 at 1 p.m. Rachel Beanland, will discuss her book, “Florence Adler Swims Forever,” in a Zoom conversation. Based on a true story and told in the vein of J. Courtney Sullivan’s “Saints for All Occasions” and Anita Diamant’s “The Boston Girl,” Beanland’s family saga is a breathtaking portrait of just how far we will go to in order to protect our loved ones and an uplifting portrayal of how the human spirit can endure — and even...

  • The Roth Family JCC's back to school protocol

    Jul 17, 2020

    As the school year approaches, families are facing an unprecedented challenge as they seek a quality education for their children in a safe and supportive environment. The Roth Family JCC is doing its part to help. They are launching an initiative to provide all-day childcare for elementary, middle, and high school students who are enrolled in virtual/distance learning programs. As part of this initiative, the JCC will offer a safe place for students to do their schoolwork under the supervision of a dedicated academic support professional....

  • RAISE applications now being accepted

    Jul 17, 2020

    The RAISE program for young adults with special needs is now accepting online applications for a limited number of fall positions. RAISE is a 6- to 12-month work and social skills training program offered through the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando that is open to all faiths and provides paid employment at our partnering Jewish agencies. In addition, RAISE assists our employees in the transition to finding employment in the community. If you know a young adult who may benefit from RAISE or you are interested in volunteering as a Job...

  • The Orlando Senior Help Desk is here to can help

    Jul 17, 2020

    Calls at the Orlando Senior Help Desk at the Jewish Pavilion have increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Nancy Ludin, CEO, “It is harder to find the resources you need when tours are less available. In recent weeks, we have received numerous calls about assisted-living and rehabilitation facilities. We have also received calls pertaining to medical services, low-income housing, home repair and numerous other topics. Some residents of senior living communities have called with C...

  • Preparing for the next the school year, JAO uses germ-killing technology to fight COVID-19

    Jul 10, 2020

    Jewish Academy of Orlando is using Violet Defense, a patented germ-killing technology to fight COVID-19. The UV operated products are designed to prevent the spread of illness-causing germs on any surface. “When our students return to school,” commented Alan Rusonik, JAO’s head of school, “each parent will have the comfort and confidence that every morning their child is entering a facility that has been treated by a state-of-the-art technology designed to irradiate all bacteria as well or better than any school in Orlando.” This technolog...

  • Faye Novick recognized for chairmanship

    Jul 10, 2020

    The Jewish Pavilion wishes to thank Faye Novick for her two successful years as the chairman of the Jewish Pavilion Board. For all her hard work, she was presented with a custom Woman of Valor plaque designed by local artist Judith Segall. Segall specializes in Judaica and Hebrew lettering. Recently, one of her art works was gifted to the new embassy offices in Jerusalem. The Jewish Pavilion feels fortunate to have an artist of her caliber in Central Florida. To contact Judith Segall for...

  • Virtual 'Strategies for Action' programs in July

    Jul 3, 2020

    Ally or Accomplice The Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center will present two virtual events in July. As part of the Strategies for Action programs, “Ally or Accomplice: Multiple Pathways to Racial Justice” will be held virtually on July 16 at noon. This session will define the terms ally and accomplice, and explore a variety of ways that each of us can make positive changes towards understanding, community building, and justice. Facilitators Rachel Luce-Hitt, HMREC education director, and Anjella Warnshuis, administrative coo...

  • Enjoy 'Jewish Pavilion live with Cantor Nina Fine'

    Jul 3, 2020

    The Jewish Pavilion is thrilled to plan four special Shabbat services/programs with Cantor Non Fine on Zoom in July, beginning this evening. The following services will be held on the 10th, 17th and 24th. Each service will be at 4 p.m. She will do one as a Jewish Composers concert with her son, Dylan Caio, on piano. Another will be a concert featuring young artists. Another will be a talent show from children in the community, and one will be a Shabbat spiritual service with a contemporary refor...

  • Speak out against anti-Semitism on campus

    Jun 26, 2020

    Local resident Donna Render wrote a letter to FSU President Thrasher about student president Ahmad Daraldik. She is encouraging others to email him as well. “Ahmad should be expelled and nothing less,” Render said. “A message has to be sent here. Anti-Semitism on campuses have become much too common and the media largely remains quiet. We need to speak out and say this is unacceptable.” Feel free to cut and paste her message below or write your own. President Thrasher’s email address is president@fsu.edu. Dear President Thrasher, It has come...

  • Raffle to benefit Jewish life at UCF is in full swing

    Jun 26, 2020

    Hundreds of tickets have already been sold in an online raffle benefiting UCF Chabad's vital work enhancing Jewish life at UCF and Valencia. All of the proceeds gleaned from the $36 tickets will go directly to fund programming; including a grand prize of $10,000, a second prize of two tickets to Israel and various other prizes. The last few months as we are all dealing with the effects of the COVID-19, UCF Chabad has once again seen how vital their work is with the student community. Now more...

  • Rabbi Siegel provides spiritual guidance during difficult times

    Jun 26, 2020

    Rabbi E. Arnold Siegel is always available to local individuals and families who need a rabbi’s guidance and perspective. It’s a time in our lives that isn’t easy for anyone, and we all go through at some point. When a loved one or even we ourselves get sick or approach the end of life, an essential part of what we need is a listening presence and a voice of hope and healing. That is exactly what JFS Orlando’s Rabbi Siegel provides. Some of the comments from those Rabbi Siegel has helped:...

  • Visiting is on hold, but friendships persist

    Jun 26, 2020

    Jewish Pavilion volunteers Meril Salzburg, Jill Cousins Levy and Peri Goldberg miss senior resident Ruth. The weekly mahjong games may be on hold, but the friendships are still there. Consistent letter writing and phone calls hopefully keep Ruth smiling through this pandemic. Several other friends of Ruth are also reaching out to her on a regular basis. The love of the game of mahjong may have brought these ladies together but now the love of Ruth is what keeps them all staying with her,...

  • RAISE applications now being accepted

    Jun 26, 2020

    The RAISE program for young adults with special needs is now accepting online applications for a limited number of fall positions. RAISE is a 6- to 12-month work and social skills training program offered through the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando that is open to all faiths and provides paid employment at our partnering Jewish agencies. In addition, RAISE assists our employees in the transition to finding employment in the community. If you know a young adult who may benefit from RAISE or you are interested in volunteering as a Job...

  • Show the Jewish Pavilion your Shabbat

    Jun 19, 2020

    With all the craziness in the world right now, the Jewish Pavilion is trying to bring love, tradition, and comfort to those who are sheltered in elder-care facilities. Although unable to visit, Pavilion staff and volunteers have been calling and delivering cards, letters, pictures and goodies. The leadership of the Jewish Pavilion is trying to think out of the box for ways to remain in contact with our elders. One of the things the leadership of the Pavilion has learned is that many residents ca...

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