Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

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  • Palestinian professor who took students to Auschwitz resigns over fallout

    Abdullah H. Erakat, The Media Line|Jun 20, 2014

    [AL-QUDS UNIVERSITY]-The Palestinian professor who touched off a maelstrom of controversy by taking a group of students to visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps in Poland is now at odds with his former employer after the school accepted his resignation. Dr. Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi, who headed the American studies department and served as chief librarian at Al-Quds University, stirred-up a hornets' nest among Palestinians who felt the visit was not appropriate when he led the March trip. Dao...

  • Rolling Stones defy BDS, make history in Israel

    Paul Miller|Jun 20, 2014

    (PaulieGroup) With the first chord of one of the most famous guitar riffs reverberating through the amplifiers June 4, 50,000 music fans were greeted with the 1981 classic Start Me Up, as the Rolling Stones made their Israeli debut in Tel Aviv's Yarkon Park. As promised, the band took the stage at 9:15 p.m., pushing back their original start time to enable observant Jews to attend the entire concert after sundown marking the end of Shavuot, a holiday that celebrates the giving of the Torah at...

  • Bring back our boys

    Jun 20, 2014

    A Facebook page created Friday following the kidnapping had garnered close to 80,000 “likes” by Monday. The “Bring Back Our Boys” Facebook page, which aims to raise international awareness of the kidnapping, acquired more than 7,000 “likes” in its first four hours, and numerous viewers uploaded pictures of themselves holding signs reading “Bring Back Our Boys.” The page is predicated on the international protest formula initiated by U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama, who created a page called “Bring Back Our Girls” to campaign for the release of...

  • Netanyahu adviser: Israel must be ready to act alone against Iran

    Jun 20, 2014

    (JNS.org) Israel must be prepared to act alone in the face of the Iranian nuclear threat, Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, an adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the former head of the Israeli National Security Council, said Sunday at the annual Herzliya Conference. "While the U.S. is an irreplaceable strategic ally, we need to be ready to do things on our own," Amidror said, according to Israel Hayom. In response, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro said the U.S. "will use...

  • At prayer vigils, Israelis gather in moment of unity over kidnapping

    Ben Sales|Jun 20, 2014

    GIVAT SHMUEL, Israel (JTA)—On the rolling green fields of a suburban Tel Aviv park, hundreds gathered to pray for the imminent rescue of three kidnapped Israeli teenagers. Rabbis delivered speeches, singer Yonatan Razel performed two pieces based on liturgical invocations of God’s mercy, and a prayer was recited for the safe return of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach, who were kidnapped last week while hitchhiking from the West Bank settlement of Kfar Etzion. Nearby, the calm warmth of summer in Israel seemed to take the edge off...

  • Israel a strong focus of Sen. Ted Cruz's foreign policy push

    Dmitriy Shapiro, JNS.org|Jun 20, 2014

    Washington Jewish Week A prominent Republican senator considered by many to be a contender in the 2016 presidential election has embarked on a foreign policy push of late, with a strong focus on Israel and the Jewish community. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, a Tea Party favorite, recently returned to the Capitol after a tour of Europe and the Middle East with Secure America Now, including a two-day stop in Israel, where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, members of the Knesset, and Isr...

  • At Herzliya Conference, a split on importance of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Ben Sales, JTA|Jun 20, 2014

    HERZLIYA, Israel (JTA)—Naftali Bennett and Tzipi Livni don’t agree on much. Bennett, Israel’s economy minister, sees the West Bank as an inseparable part of the Jewish state and wants Israel to annex its settlements there. Livni, the justice minister, says Israel can remain a Jewish democracy only by evacuating settlements. But on one thing they agree: Israel must break its status quo with the Palestinians. Bennett and Livni were two of the five politicians who presented a range of responses to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict last Sunda...

  • Palestinians avoid U.S. aid cutoff, but what happens when Hamas runs in elections?

    Ron Kampeas, JTA|Jun 20, 2014

    WASHINGTON (JTA)-Is the new Palestinian government kosher under U.S. law? A range of American Middle East policy analysts and current and former U.S. officials say that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas threaded the needle last week and created a government of technocrats untainted by Hamas and not subject to its influence, although Hamas has declared its backing of the government. That could all change, however, if elections to replace the interim government are held in about six...

  • Weekly roundup of world briefs from JTA

    Jun 20, 2014

    Kerry calls for release of kidnapped Israelis, cites likely Hamas involvement (JTA)—U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called for the immediate release of three kidnapped Israeli teens and noted the “many indications” pointing to Hamas’ involvement. In a statement released Sunday afternoon, more than 48 hours after the teens’ abduction, Kerry said he “strongly condemns” the kidnapping and reiterated that Hamas is a “terrorist organization.” Kerry said Washington officials “continue to offer our full support for Israel in its search for the miss...

  • Boycotting government Holocaust commemorations, Hungary's Jews forge new path

    Ruth Ellen Gruber|Jun 20, 2014

    BUDAPEST, Hungary (JTA)—It isn’t every day that Jewish organizations reject funding for Holocaust commemorations. But that’s what happened in Hungary this spring when Jewish groups refused nearly $1 million in special state grants to protest what they see as the government’s whitewashing of Hungarian complicity in the Holocaust. “We wanted to send a very strong message to the government that we are interested in truthful, not symbolic, remembrance, and this is something money cannot buy,” sai...

  • Bitcoin makes aliyah: Cryptocurrency finds Israeli fans

    Ben Sales|Jun 20, 2014

    TEL AVIV (JTA)—Blocks away from the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and the headquarters of two major banks, in the corner of the lobby of a boutique hotel, Nimrod Gruber sticks his hand into an ATM. A few seconds later, a QR code prints out. Gruber takes the slip of paper and walks away, no cash in hand. He’s not worried. He owns the ATM, and there’s nothing like it in the Middle East. It identifies users by scanning their palms, and instead of dispensing dollars, euros or shekels, it dispenses Bitcoin. “It shows up in your account in 30 seconds...

  • Reuven Rivlin is new Israeli president

    Linda Gradstein, The Media Line|Jun 13, 2014

    Israel's 120-seat parliament today chose long-time Likud member Reuven Rivlin as the country's next president who will succeed the popular Shimon Peres, who retires next month at the age of 90. Rivlin, who served two terms as speaker of the Knesset, has been a member of parliament for almost 20 years. He won on the second round of voting after none of the original five candidates, including Nobel chemistry laureate Dan Schectman, failed to achieve an overall majority. Rivlin beat out rival...

  • 'Leave me alone' says Elie to Bibi

    Joshua Levitt, The Algemeiner|Jun 13, 2014

    Elie Wiesel, humanitarian, Nobel Prize laureate and chairman of The Algemeiner’s Advisory Board, said he turned down an offer from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to succeed Shimon Peres as president of the State of Israel, Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported. In an interview, Wiesel said he was flattered, but didn’t think the job was for him: “Why should I be president? Leave me alone. I write books. I wasn’t meant to do that.” Wiesel said Netanyahu had telephoned him in New York three times: “You will be the president of the Sta...

  • Israeli cops delay drug raid while brit mila performed

    Dave Bender, The Algemeiner|Jun 13, 2014

    Now here’s an episode for Breaking Bad. In an “Only-in-Israel” moment, border police recently delayed hauling in a suspected drug dealer until he fulfilled the ancient Jewish ritual of seeing to his son’s brit mila (circumcision). When a team of officers first arrived at the suspect’s residence in southern Israel, they were met at the front door by a 60-year-old woman and four children, who tried to stall the raid. But police pulled out their search warrant, and busted down the door in order to search the premises, according to Israel’s Channel...

  • Day after unity deal, Hamas lauds terrorist shooting at Israeli checkpoint

    David Bender, The Algemeiner|Jun 13, 2014

    The Palestinian Authority’s (PA) new partner, Hamas, praised an overnight shooting attack against soldiers at a checkpoint in northern Samaria, Israeli daily Ma’ariv reported. The Gaza-based group lauded what it called “the shooting attack that took place at the Tapuach Junction in eastern Shechem that led to the death of Alaa Mahmoud Odeh and the wounding of a Zionist soldier,” Ma’ariv said. Israeli troops shot and killed Odeh, 31, of the village of Awartaa when he pulled out a pistol and opened fire on them, near midnight. But while Ham...

  • Brussels attack underscores threat of returning jihadists

    Cnaan Liphshiz|Jun 13, 2014

    (JTA)-It was the threat that European authorities dreaded-and Europe's Jews suffered the first blow. The suspect arrested in the attack last month at the Jewish museum in Brussels that left four dead was a French-born jihadist who had returned home from fighting in Syria. Now European Jewish institutions are left to reckon with the danger of European jihadists coming home from Syria with deadly new skills, extremist fervor and malicious intentions. "There has been a change and it requires us to...

  • A holiday is born: Red Army vets promote 'Rescue Day of European Jewry'

    Julie Wiener, JTA|Jun 13, 2014

    NEW YORK (JTA)-Sol Lapidus earned the Order of Lenin, the Soviet Union's highest medal, for his role as a partisan fighter in the Belarussian forest during World War II. Lapidus proudly wore the bronze-and-red medal pinned to his suit jacket last Wednesday at the United Nations, where he joined approximately 150 mostly white-haired Jewish Red Army veterans, their lapels festooned with similar decorations. The small army of aged veterans had gathered to make history again, to announce what was...

  • As Presbyterians again weigh divestment, Jewish groups lobby, warn and worry

    Ron Kampeas, JTA|Jun 13, 2014

    WASHINGTON (JTA)—Which way will Presbyterians go this time? That’s a question Jewish groups and their Presbyterian allies are nervously asking as they work to head off divestment efforts within the church targeting Israel. The fear is the efforts could pass this time after a narrow defeat two years ago. A successful divestment vote at the biennial Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly this month could precipitate a rupture between the mainline Protestant denomination and the Jewish community, they warn. Jewish-Presbyterian rel...

  • JNF Mountain States president donates 1000 trees in memory of pets

    Jun 13, 2014

    By June Glazer Most people who donate to Jewish National Fund (JNF) for tree planting in Israel do so in honor or in memory of loved ones. So, too, with Ron Werner, board president of JNF's Mountain States region, who, on his own and with his family, has planted more than 1,500 trees. However, his most recent donation of an additional 1,000 trees, together with his partner, Jim Hering, may be a rare instance when those loved ones are canine. In late May, Werner and Hering donated a grove in...

  • Weekly roundup of world briefs from JTA

    Jun 13, 2014

    Complaints about Hitler video led to firing, Jewish banker claims (JTA)—A former executive at BNP Paribas North America Inc. filed a federal lawsuit alleging that he was fired by the bank after complaining about a training video that featured Nazi imagery. Jean-Marc Orlando said in the suit filed Friday in Manhattan U.S. District Court that he was terminated as managing director in the bank’s fixed-income division in New York after complaining about the video portraying the head of a competing bank as Hitler, Reuters reported. Orlando, who was...

  • U.S. warming to Palestinian unity draws Israeli ire

    Jun 13, 2014

    By Ron Kampeas WASHINGTON (JTA)-The new Palestinian unity government brought together rivals Hamas and Fatah, but it has opened a divide between allies Israel and the United States. "I'm deeply troubled by the announcement that the United States will work with the Palestinian government backed by Hamas," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday in an interview with The Associated Press. The Obama administration's announcement this week that it would continue working with and funding the Pa...

  • Israel vows big investment in world Jewry project-details not clear

    Ben Sales, JTA|Jun 13, 2014

    JERUSALEM (JTA)—Its leaders call it a “historic development,” a “paradigm shift” and a “change in the relationship” between Israel and Diaspora Jewry. But when it comes to the details of the Joint Initiative of the Government of Israel and World Jewry, key questions have yet to be answered, including what it will do and who will fund it. Conceived last year as a partnership between the Israeli government, the Jewish Agency for Israel and major Diaspora Jewish bodies, the initiative aims to strengthen Diaspora Jewish identity and connections b...

  • Netanyahu defends security barrier

    Algemeiner staff|Jun 6, 2014

    ALGEMEINER-A day after Pope Francis was pictured praying at Israel's security barrier on Sunday, beneath a slogan that compared Palestinians with Jews under the Nazi regime, Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu explained to him in no uncertain terms why the wall was erected in the first place. At a Jerusalem memorial for terror victims, Netanyahu told the pope, "When my son was 10 years old, his best friend was a girl, a beautiful Ethiopian girl, who sat next to him in class. One day she didn't...

  • Torah on the moon project is a go

    Shiryn Ghermezian, Algemeiner|Jun 6, 2014

    An Israeli team hopes to send a Torah scroll to the moon’s surface in an effort to preserve a part of Jewish culture in case of an apocalypse, Britain’s Daily Mail reported on Friday. The scroll would travel outside Earth’s atmosphere with other Earth artifacts as part of the Google Lunar XPrize mission, a competition among private companies to send vehicles to the moon with the goal of maintaining Earth’s relics beyond a world-ending event, such as a nuclear war. The sacred text would be transported in a capsule enabling it to survive on the...

  • Making sense of Pope Francis's whirlwind Mideast trip

    Alex Traiman, JNS.org|Jun 6, 2014

    After two intense days of religious ceremonies in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, meetings with Israeli and Palestinian officials, unscheduled photo opportunities, and debilitating traffic arrangements, Israelis and interfaith relations experts are trying to attach the appropriate symbolism to Pope Francis’s visit to the region. Nearly every stop made by the pontiff was subjected to simultaneous scrutiny and praise. While long-term tensions between the Jewish people and the Catholic Church were made apparent by the trip, some experts are a...

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