Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

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  • German prosecutors mull trials for three alleged Holocaust perpetrators

    Cnaan Liphshiz|Jul 13, 2018

    (JTA)—German prosecutors have identified three suspects from a 2014 list of nine alleged Holocaust-era war criminals accused of shooting countless Jews. Kurt G., Herbert W. and Wilhelm Karl Friedrich Hoffmeister, allegedly members of the firing squads that murdered Jews in Eastern Europe during the Holocaust, have been under pretrial investigation for months for alleged war crimes and participation in genocide, the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Eastern Europe director, Efraim Zuroff, told JTA on Thursday. Each case is being handled by a dif... Full story

  • Mexico City elects first Jewish mayor

    Jul 13, 2018

    (JTA)-Mexico City elected a Jewish woman as mayor Sunday-setting two firsts for the largest city in North America. A woman had previously been appointed Mexico City's mayor on an interim basis for a year in 1999, but Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo is the first woman to be publicly elected to the office. The city, home to around 50,000 Jews, has also never had a Jewish mayor. Sheinbaum, 55, the granddaughter of Jewish immigrants from Lithuania and Bulgaria, is a scientist who holds a doctorate in... Full story

  • Highest paid Palestinian terrorist family about to get a raise

    Jul 13, 2018

    Last month, Islam Abu Hmeid murdered an Israeli soldier, earning him a spot among four of his brothers, all of whom are serving multiple life sentences in Israeli prisons. Hmeid, who tossed a marble block from a roof at Israeli staff sergeant Ronen Lubarsky, killing the soldier, confessed to the crime and is scheduled to be indicted on Thursday. With the latest Hmeid brother heading for the slammer for a murderous terror attack, the terrorists' mother, Latifa Abu Hmeid, can expect a significant... Full story

  • Australia ends direct aid to PA, citing payments to terrorists

    Jul 13, 2018

    (JTA)—Australia has stopped giving direct aid to the Palestinian Authority due to concerns that the money is being used to pay Palestinian terrorists and their families. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said in a statement Monday that the country was cutting its funding to the World Bank’s Palestinian Recovery and Development Program fund. Australia will redirect that $10 million in Australian currency ($7.4 million U.S.) to the U.N. Humanitarian Fund for the Palestinian Territories, which supplies Palestinians with health care, food, w... Full story

  • The 'forces' behind US and Israeli bills to withhold 'pay to slay' terror financing

    Alex Traiman|Jul 13, 2018

    (JNS)-The passage of an Israeli law to withhold funds that the Palestinian Authority uses to pay murderers for killing Jews is the correction of an unconscionable injustice. That a democratic country with a High Court of Justice has allowed itself to transfer funds month after month to a murder-sponsoring entity within its midst is not just bad policy, it is completely illegal and utterly immoral. Israeli parliamentarians finally awoke to the reality that the P.A. pays more than $360 million a... Full story

  • Immunotherapy treatments being developed in Israel offer new hope for cancer patients

    Michele Chabin|Jul 13, 2018

    JERUSALEM-There's a war raging in Israel with life and death consequences worldwide. This war does not involve tanks, drones or tunnels, and the enemy is not Iran, Hamas or Hezbollah. Rather the war is being waged in science labs and the battlefield is the human body. The enemy: cancer. Israeli scientists are experimenting with a new weapon in this war: immunotherapy, which manipulates one's immune system to identify, fight and destroy cancer cells. While immunotherapy has been around for decade... Full story

  • These academics want to mend Israel-Diaspora relations-but can this marriage be saved?

    Sam Sokol|Jul 13, 2018

    JERUSALEM (JTA)-When Adam Ferziger wants to describe the "deteriorating" relationship between American and Israeli Jews, he reaches back to a 2,000-year-old divide. "To use a metaphor, we have a contemporary Jerusalem and Babylon kind of dynamic," said Ferziger, a history and contemporary Jewry professor at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, "with two truly significant creative and vibrant Jewish centers developing across the world from each other." Ferziger and others point to polls in recent... Full story

  • Weekly roundup of world briefs from JTA

    Jul 13, 2018

    Israeli honeymooner killed, wife injured in zip-line accident in Honduras RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA)—A newly wed Israeli man was killed and his wife seriously injured in a zip-line accident during their honeymoon in Honduras. Egael Tishman, 24, and Shif Fanken, 27, were on a zip line over a treetop canopy near Roatan on the island of Bahia when they crashed into each other on Thursday, according to local media. “The girl stayed halfway on the cable and the guy came from behind and hit her up there,” chief firefighter Wilmer Guerrero told La Prens... Full story

  • Ukrainian general implies Jews want bloodshed

    Cnaan Liphshiz|Jul 13, 2018

    (JTA)—A Ukrainian military prosecutor suggested that Jews seek bloodshed in his country, prompting calls for his dismissal by the Simon Wiesenthal Center and others. Col. Gen. Anatoliy Matios, Ukraine’s chief military prosecutor and a highly decorated officer who also holds the title of deputy prosecutor-general of Ukraine, spoke about at least one Jew in an interview that the Insider magazine published Monday. In it, he named a communist Jewish theoretician, Alexander Parvus, and said the revolution Parvus supported “drenched Slavs with blood... Full story

  • Plaque honoring SS officer unveiled in Estonia

    Cnaan Liphshiz|Jul 13, 2018

    (JTA)—A town in Estonia unveiled a plaque honoring a Waffen SS officer, spurring protests from the Jewish community. A nonprofit unveiled the plaque in Mustla for the local Nazi collaborator Alfons Rebane, who fought with the Germans against the Russians as part of the Nazi armed force. Across Eastern Europe, collaborators with the Nazis, including perpetrators of the Holocaust, are celebrated as heroes, often for their fight against what many in the region consider Soviet occupation. There is no evidence that Rabane was involved in the m... Full story

  • Sister City presents art to US Embassy in Jerusalem

    Diana van den Boogaard|Jul 6, 2018

    COCOA-Standing in the crowd on the day the US Embassy opened in Jerusalem was Theresa Miles, former director of The Sister City Program of Cocoa (Florida), and her family. She was in Israel to celebrate the country's 70th anniversary and enjoy a family reunion with her sons, Jordan and Brandon. She also carried a framed artwork that Rabbi Joel and Tali Fox of B'nai Shira in Cocoa Beach had commissioned Orlando artist Judith Segall to create for the new embassy and to honor Israel's 70th birthday... Full story

  • The Peisners, the Prince and the Wall

    Jul 6, 2018

    Eric Peisner and Vicki Freed Peisner were in Israel last week and had a pleasant surprise as they were approaching the Western Wall. They saw a large entourage of people-Israel soldiers bearing arms and other security-surrounding Prince William. Vicki was quick to think and snapped this picture of the British royalty in this historic moment.... Full story

  • Voices from the border with Gaza

    Sarah N. Stern|Jul 6, 2018

    By Sarah N. Stern (JNS) It seems as though Hamas is itching for another war. No less than 45 rockets were fired in recent days from the Gaza Strip into Israel, two of which landed near a community center and one just outside a kindergarten—the second attack on a kindergarten in the last few weeks. Operatives also launched scores of balloons and kites with Molotov cocktails, firebombs, chemicals and other incendiary devices attached to them. So far, these seemingly innocuous instruments have destroyed more than 7,000 acres of agricultural f... Full story

  • Hamas launches over a dozen rockets at Israel, IDF strikes back

    World Israel News|Jul 6, 2018

    Hamas terrorists launched a barrage of rockets and mortar fire from the Gaza Strip at Israeli communities in the south in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. On Tuesday, Hamas orchestrated the launching of another wave of firebomb-laden kites and balloons that sparked fires. “Moments ago,” the IDF spokesman announced on twitter, “an IDF aircraft targeted a vehicle used by a group of Palestinians who launched arson balloons from the northern Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, as well as an... Full story

  • Denmark is considering a ban on circumcision

    Cnaan Liphshiz|Jul 6, 2018

    COPENHAGEN, Denmark (JTA)-In 2015, a jihadist killed a Jewish guard outside this capital city's main synagogue, where Hannah Bentow was having her bat mitzvah party. Her sense of security as a Jew in Denmark was shattered, she told JTA last week. Bentow and dozens of teenagers stayed inside for long uncertain minutes as police pursued and later killed the man who gunned down the volunteer guard, Dan Uzan. But Bentow said her decision to leave for Israel as soon as she turns 18 was sealed and rea... Full story

  • The last link to a doomed Jewish community in Crete watches its rebirth with gratitude

    Roger Rapoport|Jul 6, 2018

    HANIA, Crete (JTA)-On Sunday, 263 candles will be lit at a special interfaith memorial service at this lovely city's historic Etz Hayyim synagogue. The names of local Jews who perished during the Holocaust will be read before a delegation that is expected to include Chief Rabbi Gabriel Negrin of Athens, Greek Orthodox and Catholic clergy, and ambassadors from Italy, Germany and Israel. One person who wanted to be here will be missing. His name is Kostas Papadopoulos, who may be the last... Full story

  • US quits Human Rights Council

    Ron Kampeas|Jun 29, 2018

    WASHINGTON (JTA)-The Trump administration has withdrawn the United States from the U.N. Human Rights Council because of its bias against Israel. Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, jointly announced the pullout on June 19. "The Human Rights Council is an exercise in shameless hypocrisy," Pompeo told the media at the State Department. "For too long, the human rights council has been a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of... Full story

  • IfNotNow accosts Taglit Birthright groups at New York airport

    Eliana Rudee|Jun 29, 2018

    (JNS)-At New York's John F. Kennedy Airport on Monday night, Birthright Fellow and student leader Ariel Tidhar reported that the American Jewish activist group IfNotNow waylaid their group, as well as four other Taglit Birthright groups trying to check into their flights to Israel. IfNotNow attempts "to end American Jewish support for the occupation," referring to lands administered by Israel after wars, including eastern Jerusalem. Tidhar told JNS, "They set up a table with a sign and snacks, a... Full story

  • 'Bombs would have destroyed buses, cafes,' says battalion commander who raided Hamas terror cell

    Yaakov Lappin|Jun 29, 2018

    (JNS)—Israel’s domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Bet, announced on Sunday that it had broken up a major Hamas terrorist cell that was forming in the West Bank Palestinian city of Nablus. The Shin Bet described the cell as unusual in its scope and activities. It was plotting major terrorist atrocities, including suicide bombings, planting bombs and gun attacks targeting Israeli cities and smaller communities. The cell comprised of more than 20 suspected operatives, most of them Hamas members. During counter-terrorist raids to break it up, l... Full story

  • Trump's peace team will bypass Abbas if necessary

    Associated Press|Jun 29, 2018

    President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser said in an interview published Sunday that the administration will soon present its Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, with or without input from Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. In an interview published in the Arabic language Al-Qudsnewspaper, Jared Kushner appealed directly to Palestinians and criticized Abbas, who has shunned Washington over its alleged pro-Israel bias, particularly on the fate of Jerusalem, Israel’s capital. The interview came out after a weeklong trip around the reg... Full story

  • Social media groups are helping new immigrants navigate life in Israel

    Sam Sokol|Jun 29, 2018

    JERUSALEM (JTA)-Vanessa, a Venezuelan-American olah, or immigrant, had experienced a hard landing in Israel. Faced with persistent financial problems, she had trouble holding on to an apartment. Turning to the Internet, she found Keep Olim in Israel, an online group dedicated to crowdsourcing solutions for newcomers to the Jewish state. There she found people who were able to help her solve her personal housing crisis. Later, after she underwent surgery, the same group, which boasts 40,000... Full story

  • Syrian handler paid Hamas cell to attack Israeli cities

    Shlomi Diaz|Jun 29, 2018

    (Israel Hayom via JNS)—A Hamas plan to carry out terrorist attacks in Israeli cities has been thwarted, the Shin Bet security agency revealed on Sunday. According to available details, Shin Bet agents, in collaboration with the military and police, uncovered terrorist infrastructure they described as “extraordinary in its size and level of activity” operating in the Nablus area in the West Bank. According to the Shin Bet, the leader of the 20-member cell was paid $100,000 by a Syrian operative to target major Israeli cities. The inves... Full story

  • EU is funding legal proceedings against IDF soldiers, reports watchdog group

    Ariel Kahana|Jun 29, 2018

    (Israel Hayom via JNS)—The collaboration between the European Union and left-wing groups seeking to undermine Israel and the Israel Defense Forces now includes the funding of legal proceedings against IDF soldiers, a watchdog group revealed last week. NGO Monitor, which promotes greater transparency among foreign-funded Israeli nongovernmental organization, claims that the program, to which the European Union has allocated €250,000 ($290,000), was set up at the request of three left-wing groups and is slated to be in place at least until 202... Full story

  • Abbas under pressure by Arab states to 'end Trump boycott'

    Daniel Siryoti and Israel Hayom Staff|Jun 29, 2018

    (JNS)—Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is reportedly facing substantial pressure to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump’s top Middle East advisers this week, despite the rift between Washington and Ramallah. Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, and U.S. Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt, will visit Israel, Egypt and Jordan to discuss the upcoming U.S. peace plan for the region. Abbas has rejected the United States as a peace broker in the wake of Trump’s Dec. 6 recogni... Full story

  • Weekly roundup of world briefs from JTA

    Jun 29, 2018

    Jared Kushner: Abbas might not have the ability to make a peace deal JERUSALEM (JTA)—In a rare interview with a Palestinian newspaper, Jared Kushner called out Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for not having “the ability” to make peace with Israel. “I do question how much President Abbas has the ability to, or is willing to, lean into finishing a deal,” Kushner told Al-Quds on Sunday, according to a transcript released by the U.S. National Security Council. “He has his talking points, which have not changed in the last 25 years. T... Full story

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