Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

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  • Iran poised to receive S-300 missile system, aircraft from Russia

    Feb 26, 2016

    (Israel Hayom/Exclusive to JNS.org)-Iran was expected to receive its first S-300 air defense system from Russia on Thursday, Russian media reported Wednesday. This will be the first the major weapons deal to be implemented in the wake of last summer's nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, which brought an end to most of the international sanctions on Iran. A Russian official denied the report later on Wednesday, telling the state-run Russian news agency TASS that there were still... Full story

  • How Syria and natural gas are pushing Israel and Turkey back together

    Ben Sales, JTA|Feb 26, 2016

    TEL AVIV (JTA)-After years of false starts, Israeli negotiators went to Geneva last week for talks aimed at ending a long-running conflict with a regional adversary. It's not the Palestinians. It's Turkey. Once a key partner of Israel, Turkey in recent years has been a thorn in its side. It supports Israel's foes, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan often uses international forums as opportunities to slam the Jewish state-particularly its treatment of Palestinians. But in December,... Full story

  • BDS South Africa lauds 'cancellation' of water confab

    Feb 26, 2016

    CAPE TOWN (JTA)—The BDS movement in South Africa welcomed the reported cancellation of an upcoming water conference featuring Israel’s ambassador to the country. But Israel’s embassy in South Africa denied the reported cancellation was BDS-related. Israel’s ambassador to South Africa, Arthur Lenk, was reportedly to participate in the conference about South Africa’s water crisis, scheduled for the end of February. The conference was reportedly organized by the Mail & Guardian newspaper. In a statement Tuesday, BDS South Africa lauded the cance... Full story

  • Weekly roundup of world briefs from JTA

    Feb 26, 2016

    Clinton gets key Nevada win, Bush drops out after Trump takes South Carolina WASHINGTON (JTA)—Hillary Rodham Clinton defeated Bernie Sanders in the Nevada Democratic caucuses, which was seen as a key contest for the former secretary of state in the race for the party’s presidential nod. Donald Trump, meanwhile, cruised to a win in the Republican South Carolina primary, while Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida were battling it out for second place. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the favorite a year ago and the candidate who attrac... Full story

  • Israel, Netherlands negotiate over Holocaust payments

    Feb 19, 2016

    (JNS.org)—Israel is expected to negotiate with the Netherlands over the alleged Dutch decision to cut monthly payments to Holocaust survivors from the European nation who immigrated to Israel, the Israeli Knesset Finance Committee announced Wednesday. Reports surfaced earlier this month claiming that the Netherlands decided to stop paying benefits to Dutch Holocaust survivors living in Israel because they were already receiving payments from the Israeli government. The Dutch Foreign Ministry denied the allegations, saying that “it is in no way... Full story

  • The Western Wall prayer decision and the shifting Israel-Diaspora paradigm

    Maayan Jaffe Hoffman, JNS.org|Feb 19, 2016

    The Israeli government’s passage of legislation that authorizes egalitarian prayer in a soon-to-be-created 9,700-square-foot, NIS 35 million ($8.85 million) section adjacent to the southern part of the Western Wall (Kotel in Hebrew) has been called groundbreaking, empowering, dramatic, and unprecedented. The section could be ready in as soon as a few months or up to two years from now. “This is a fair and creative solution,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the 15-5 vote on the measure by his cabinet. Rabbi Rick Jacobs, presi... Full story

  • Weekly roundup of world briefs from JTA

    Feb 19, 2016

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg pens passionate farewell to Antonin Scalia WASHINGTON (JTA)—Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote an impassioned tribute to Justice Antonin Scalia, her longtime ideological opposite and close friend who died over the weekend. Ginsburg, perhaps the Supreme Court’s most liberal justice, and Scalia, who with Clarence Thomas was its most conservative member, often clashed in tart dissents, depending on which side was prevailing in the opinion. In a statement released to the media on Sunday, a day after Scalia, 79, die... Full story

  • Compromise on Western Wall

    Ben Sales, JTA|Feb 12, 2016

    TEL AVIV (JTA)—Israel’s government approved a compromise to expand the non-Orthodox Jewish prayer section of the Western Wall, putting to rest the decades-long fight between Women of the Wall and Israel’s haredi Orthodox religious establishment. The deal achieves what had been an elusive goal: an interdenominational consensus on Judaism’s holiest site with official recognition. The non-Orthodox prayer section at the wall will become much larger and more accessible. But haredi control of the Orthodox section will also be solidified, though... Full story

  • CBS spotlights Palestinian terrorists as victims

    Feb 12, 2016

    (Israel Hayom/Exclusive to JNS.org)-The Israeli Foreign Ministry slammed CBS News on Wednesday over its report on a terrorist attack near Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, which carried a headline reading, "3 Palestinians killed as daily violence grinds on." The Palestinians identified in the headline were actually the terrorists who carried out the attack, which killed 19-year-old Israeli Border Police officer Hadar Cohen. Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon blasted the media outlet's "gall"... Full story

  • Hamas terror tunnels reach deep into Israel

    Feb 12, 2016

    Israel Hayom/Exclusive to JNS.org)—A senior Hamas official warned Wednesday that the Palestinian terrorist group’s efforts to rebuild the Gaza Strip’s terror tunnel grid are advancing rapidly, and that some tunnels dug under the border already run deep into Israeli territory. “Israeli technology will not be able to stop the resistance as long as Hamas exists,” Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar told Oman-based Alwatan News. “Even if Israel is able to uncover a tunnel, or two, or 10, they [the tunnels] run deep under Israel, beyond Gaza, into... Full story

  • French Jews, struggling to find work in Israel, consider going home

    Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA|Feb 12, 2016

    RAANANA, Israel (JTA)-Before she traded her native France for Israel, Catherine Berdah ran a successful drug store in an affluent suburb on the eastern edge of Paris. A 50-year-old pharmacist with a master's degree in business and decades of experience, Berdah earned over $6,000 per month and presided over an expanding business with 14 employees. But Berdah sold out last year and moved with her husband and two teenage daughters to this central Israeli city because she feared for their future in... Full story

  • New Holocaust-denying video released by Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei

    Feb 12, 2016

    (JNS.org)- On International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei published a video titled "Are The Dark Ages Over," expressing doubt whether the Holocaust took place and complaining about European nations' ban on Holocaust denial. Khamenei laments that the Holocaust denial bans are not justified by European laws regarding free speech. In the video, which was translated by the Middle East Media Research... Full story

  • Weekly roundup of world briefs from JTA

    Feb 12, 2016

    Knesset foreign affairs chief: Ex-settler leader will not be Israel’s envoy to Brazil JERUSALEM (JTA)—Former settler leader Dani Dayan will not become Israel’s ambassador to Brazil, a top Israeli government official reportedly said. “We needn’t delude ourselves; Dani Dayan will not be the ambassador to Brazil. We condemn Brazil’s behavior,” Tzachi Hanegbi, chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said Sunday during a committee discussion on Brazil’s refusal to accept Dayan’s credentials, the Times of Israel reported. Ha... Full story

  • Influx of Mideast migrants brings fear of renewed anti-Semitism to Germany

    Sean Savage, JNS.org|Feb 5, 2016

    While Germany takes pride in confronting its Holocaust past and maintaining a strong relationship with Israel, the European nation's recent influx of more than a million Middle East migrants-many originating in countries like Syria and Iraq, which have deeply rooted anti-Israel and anti-Semitic cultures-has generated fear among German Jews that the refugees will undermine their safety. In October, an official German state intelligence document leaked to the German weekly newspaper Welt am... Full story

  • B'nai B'rith condemns Ki-Moon's remarks

    Feb 5, 2016

    B’nai B’rith International condemns the recent remarks of U.N Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. During a session earlier today Ban spoke to the U.N. Security Council stating, “It is human nature to react to occupation, which often serves as a potent incubator of hate and extremism.” This speech is an unacceptable rationalization of terrorism, and Palestinian violence is not a “natural reaction” to Israeli policies. It is, sadly, an easily foreseeable consequence of continuous Palestinian incitement to hatred against Israel, Israelis and Jews in... Full story

  • U.S. and U.K. spied on Israel for past 18 years

    Feb 5, 2016

    The U.S. and U.K. have reportedly been spying on Israel for the past 18 years, watching for a potential strike on Iran and keeping tabs on Israel’s drone technology. U.S. and British intelligence “secretly tapped into live video feeds from Israeli drones and fighter jets, monitoring military operations in Gaza, watching for a potential strike against Iran, and keeping tabs on the drone technology Israel exports around the world,” The Intercept revealed in a breaking news feature on Friday. Under a classified program code-named “Anarchist,” Isra... Full story

  • Weekly roundup of world briefs from JTA

    Feb 5, 2016

    Non-Orthodox, Diaspora leaders and Netanyahu praise Western Wall compromise JERUSALEM (JTA)—A chorus of non-Orthodox and Diaspora leaders praised the landmark interdenominational compromise on the Western Wall. The compromise will expand the wall’s egalitarian section and place it under the authority of a pluralist committee while solidifying haredi Orthodox control over the site’s traditional, Orthodox section. Women of the Wall, the women’s prayer group that holds monthly services in the Orthodox section, will move to the non-Ort... Full story

  • Human Rights Watch report ramps up pressure on Israeli settlement activity

    Ron Kampeas, JTA|Jan 29, 2016

    WASHINGTON (JTA)-The collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process a year ago has led to an accelerating war of words over Israeli settlements, with Israel accusing its growing chorus of foreign critics of prejudging the final terms of a peace deal at best-and anti-Semitism at worst. The battle heated up this week with the release of a report by Human Rights Watch arguing that doing business with West Bank settlements reinforces Israel's presence there and contributes to human rights abuses. The report comes a day after the European Union,... Full story

  • Two days of terror: Israeli mother of 6 killed, pregnant woman stabbed

    JTA Staff|Jan 29, 2016

    (JTA)-A day after witnessing her mother's brutal murder, Dafna Meir's teenage daughter spoke before hundreds who had come to mourn her. Dafna Meir, 38, a mother of six, was stabbed to death on Sunday near the entrance of her West Bank home. "It's hard for me to think we will not laugh together or fight anymore, that you won't accompany me to the IDF induction ceremony, down the aisle, and to the maternity ward," Renana Meir, 17, said at a Jerusalem cemetery, calling her mother her best friend.... Full story

  • PA's uncertain future creates angst on both sides of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Sean Savage, JNS.org|Jan 29, 2016

    The ongoing wave of Palestinian terrorism that has plagued Israel since last fall has also brought to the fore the Palestinians’ frustration with their own leadership. While Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has been blamed for inciting violence against Israelis, many Palestinians have become disillusioned with the PA’s corruption and inability to attain statehood. As such, Israeli leaders are increasingly concerned that internal Palestinian dissatisfaction could bring about the PA’s collapse, resulting in a dangerous polit... Full story

  • Weekly roundup of world briefs from JTA

    Jan 29, 2016

    Trump retweets compliment from feed that posts fears of ‘white genocide’ WASHINGTON (JTA)—Donald Trump posted a flattering message from a Twitter account that features claims that Jews and others are carrying out a genocide against whites. It was not immediately clear if the Twitter account, @WhiteGenocideTM, is a hoax site or a genuine white supremacy advocacy feed, or some combination of both. The feed in recent weeks has alternated between tweets in support of Trump, the front-runner in the race for the Republican presidential nomin... Full story

  • Israel's homegrown Islamic State threat grows larger

    Sean Savage, JNS.org|Jan 29, 2016

    While the threat of border clashes with Islamic State terrorists fighting in the Syrian civil war has concerned Israeli leaders for some time now, the recruitment of Israeli Arabs to form their own terror cells or launch lone wolf attacks inside of Israel-akin to the Paris and San Bernardino attacks late in 2015-has recently become a more serious threat for the Jewish state. "This is a developing threat for Israel, the possibility that [Islamic State] will take advantage of the new recruits to... Full story

  • As Turkey reaches out to Israel, groups move to embrace rival

    Ron Kampeas, JTA|Jan 22, 2016

    WASHINGTON (JTA)-Less than a month after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signaled a readiness to mend ties with Israel after years of antipathy, a delegation of American Jewish leaders has embarked on a trip to embrace Turkey's longtime rival Greece. Members of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations are in the midst of a weeklong trip that will take them to Israel, Greece and Cyprus, the disputed Mediterranean island that has been a source of Greek-Turkish... Full story

  • PA's uncertain future creates angst on both sides of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Sean Savage, JNS.org|Jan 22, 2016

    The ongoing wave of Palestinian terrorism that has plagued Israel since last fall has also brought to the fore the Palestinians' frustration with their own leadership. While Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has been blamed for inciting violence against Israelis, many Palestinians have become disillusioned with the PA's corruption and inability to attain statehood. As such, Israeli leaders are increasingly concerned that internal Palestinian dissatisfaction could bring about... Full story

  • French Jewish politician died of asphyxiation

    Jan 22, 2016

    (JTA)-A French Jewish politician found dead in his home was killed by asphyxiation, the autopsy found. The body of Alain Ghozland, 73, a municipal councilor in the Paris suburb of Creteil, was also reportedly riddled with stab wounds when it was discovered in his apartment Tuesday morning. An unnamed judicial source told the French MetroNews website Wednesday that the cause of death was "traumatic asphyxiation," which he is quoted as saying "confirms the voluntary nature of the homicide." He dec... Full story

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