MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.)
Chabad of South Orlando—Monday and Thursday, 8 a.m. 407-354-3660.
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7 a.m .; Sunday, 8 a.m., 407-644-2500.
Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m .; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300.
Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650.
GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Temple Israel—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-647-3055
Light Shabbat candles at 5:57 p.m.
Ahavas Yisrael—Kabbalat, 30 minutes before sundown.
Share the Care—A respite care group meets in the senior lounge of the Jewish Community Center Maitland campus Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Activities include sharing Shabbat with JCC preschoolers in the morning and a program with Jewish content provided by the Jewish Pavilion in the afternoon. Info: Mary Ellen Grant, executive director of Share the Care, at 407-423-5311 or email her at
Orlando premiere screening—“Unmasked Judeophobia: The Threat to Civilization” at 5:30 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. at Chabad of Greater Orlando, 708 Lake Howell Road, Maitland. There is no charge, but donations are accepted. The film is about international anti-Semitism and it features Elie Wiesel, Alan Dershowitz, Bret Stephens and Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon. There will be a post-screening discussion with producer/director Gloria Z. Greenfield. Info: 407-575-9899.
Congregation Ohev Shalom Men’s Club, Seniors and Sisterhood—Professor Marcos Kerbel presents “The Cuban-Jewish Diaspora” at 11 a.m. at the Ohev Shalom ballroom. Kerbel is a Jewish Cuban-American who escaped Castro’s Cuba in 1961 as part of the Pedro Pan program that brought more than 14,000 Cuban youngsters to the United States. Of those 14,000, 396 were Jewish. The communitywide presentation will be followed by a brunch. Admission is $3. RSVP to Meryl Poweski by email: or phone: 407-298-4650.
Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando—“Reverse Genealogy: Finding the Living,” featuring Megan Smolenyak at 1 p.m. at the social hall at Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation. Admission is $5 for nonmembers, free for members.
Israeli Folk Dancing—7-7:30 p.m. beginners, 7:30-8:15 p.m. instruction, 8:15-10 p.m. requests. Cost: Free for JCC members, $5 nonmembers. Info: 407-645-5933.
Judaic Studies Distinguished Lecturers Series—Dr. Norman Berdichevsky on: “Do You Speak Esperanto? A Created, Modern International Language and the Revival of Hebrew.” The free lecture is scheduled for noon in Psychology room 105 at the University of Central Florida. Parking tags should be obtained from the yellow parking pay machines. Info: The Office of Judaic Studies, 407-823-5039 or 407-823-5129 or
Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center of Florida—Orlando author Greg Dawson will talk about his newest book, ‘Judgment Before Nuremberg,’ at 6 p.m. at the Holocaust Center, 851 N. Maitland Ave., Maitland. The presentation is part of the Holocaust Center’s Education Forum. Reservations are suggested but not required. Info: 407-628-0555.
Light Shabbat candles at 6:02 p.m.
Ahavas Yisrael—Kabbalat, 30 minutes before sundown.
Share the Care—A respite care group meets in the senior lounge of the Jewish Community Center Maitland campus Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Activities include sharing Shabbat with JCC preschoolers in the morning and a program with Jewish content provided by the Jewish Pavilion in the afternoon. Info: Mary Ellen Grant, executive director of Share the Care, at 407-423-5311 or email her at
Kinneret Council on Aging—Third annual 8 over 80 honorary dinner at 5 p.m. at Kinneret Apartments’ Delaney Dining Room. The eight being honored are: John Lowndes, Madeline Wolly, Gloria Newberger, Bunny Rosen, Irving Shargaa, Anita Hara, Claire Mercer and Charlotte Rotenberg. Info: Leslie Collin, 407-425-4537 or
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