The 1970’s jingle for Enjoli perfume epitomizes Jewish Pavilion volunteer and honoree Marcie Katzen. The ubiquitous jingle requires just a few “kosherizing” modifications: “I can bring home the (turkey) bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, ever forget my whole clan, ‘cause I’m a Jewish woman.…”
Katzen will be honored by the Jewish Pavilion at its annual Spring Into Fashion at Bloomingdale’s Orlando at 10:45 a.m., March 7. Marc and Henrietta Katzen and family and the Slotsky-Kramer family will sponsor a Mimosa Brunch.
Katzen has served as secretary on the Friends of the Jewish Pavilion Board for four years. She has been integrally involved with Pavilion events and has enlisted her entire family in entertaining seniors in residential facilities.
“Marcie has made the Jewish Pavilion a priority since 2008,” states executive director Nancy Ludin. Marcie is one of the most organized people I know. Several years ago, the role of recording secretary needed to be filled, and I knew that Marcie would jump at the invitation. The notes of our meetings are the Pavilion’s history, and we often look back to recall the details of an event, or a decision that was made.”
Katzen adds, “As recording secretary, I am aware of every detail of the ‘Friend’s Board.’ I am in awe of the all the behind the scenes work that makes this organization run for the benefit of Jewish seniors. I enjoy including the good and welfare in my notes, in which I get to share the simchas—the weddings, babies and blessings—of our board.”
Katzen’s highly developed organizational skills have been priceless in her roles as working mom, wife, volunteer and committed daughter, as well as daughter-in-law. In addition to her role with the Jewish Pavilion, Katzen is an involved mother to her three sons (Alex, Max and Mason), business partner in Markay Management with her husband, Hank, busy family member, not-to-mention hostess extraordinaire. She remains close with her own mother and stepfather, Bobbee Slotsky Kramer and Elliott Kramer of Pittsburgh, as well with in-laws, Marc and Henrietta Katzen of Orlando. She has been active in the Orlando Jewish community since her arrival in 1993, where she is a member of Congregation Ohev Shalom. Katzen was involved in the Jerome Bornstein Leadership Program, was a past member of Federation’s National Young Leadership Cabinet, is a Life member of Hadassah, served on the Holocaust Center Dinner of Tribute committee and served on the board of the Jewish Academy of Orlando.
Katzen says that keeping organized notes, lists and calendars has allowed her to juggle the many facets of her life. In fact, she has an organized calendar that she keeps in her head. According to Ludin, “Ask Marcie, a future upcoming date, she will know the day of the week to match.”
Marcie and Hank Katzen are deeply committed to Central Florida Hillel, where Hank is president. Currently, Hank is focused on the building of NorthView, which will provide Central Florida Hillel with a permanent home, as well as adding housing to the campus. Every year Marcie will single-handedly make a Shabbat meal for Hillel students. “My goal is to provide these kids with the taste of Jewish home,” she says.
Her Shabbat dinners for her family are a hit as well. “When sons, Alex and Max, return from Penn State they often request special dishes,” she says. “My father, Malcolm Slotsky, and I were very close. His legacy is the love of Judaism, and the Jewish life I have shared with my family.”
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