Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

“Tele-Vangelizing” in Israel?...

What else could you call it? The name “tele-vangelizing” seems perfect! This comes from The World Jewish Congress Foundation Digest with my asides:

“There’s something stirring in the air over Jerusalem and Israelis are feeling the static. It’s one thing for evangelical Christians to show their fervid support for Israel. It is quite another thing for them to tell Jews to convert in time for the Second Coming.” (Really? Sure, I pretended to convert when I was 5 years old to stop the raw beatings I was subject to because of  being Jewish….I recently wrote about my learning my “Hail Marys.” But the word “pretend” counted. I never, never felt it in my heart!)

The WJC Foundation Digest continues:

“Two of the world’s Christian blockbusting broadcasters have opened studios in the Jewish capital to proselytize. And according to the local media (depending on who you believe) some or many Jews are highly offended.

“Daystar Broadcasting, out of Texas, and California-based Trinity Broadcasting (TBN) seem to have high hopes that the ‘completed Jew’ will come around.

“Daystar streams real-time views of the Mount of Olives, believing as some Christians do, that that is where Christ will re-emerge. Top TBN executive, PAUL CROUCH says they’re even preparing upcoming programming in Hebrew.”

(So what does Pope Francis have to say about this?)

A delightful afternoon…

I repeat: A delightful afternoon, filled with surprises and entertainment, laughter and food (yum, food!) is almost upon us!

As the saying goes…and marvelous talent, THERESA SEGERS also says, “Variety is the spice of life.” (Lord knows, after being married for almost 53 years, I can use a little spice in my life.) 

So Theresa is bringing a complete show of all types to the next Congregation Ohev Shalom Seniors meeting on Sunday, April 7, at 2 p.m. sharp in the ballroom. It’s called “The COS Follies!”

A variety show will be presented with song, dance, comedy and drama, featuring Central Florida’s brightest stars.

I personally know Theresa and her equally talented husband, JOHN SEGERS, who hosts his own program on WUCF Radio, 89.9 FM. If they say it will be good it WILL BE GOOD!

No reservations are needed and you are encouraged to bring your friends. The cost is still only $5 for COS Senior members; $8 for all others.

Of course the price will include the goodies served after the show, as usual.

(Such a bargain!)

If you have any questions or need directions to COS, call BERNY RAFF at 407-767-6763.

I’ll see you there. (A spicy show, goodies, laughter, goodies, surprises, goodies… can’t wait!)

I’m over 50…

I didn’t mean to shock you with that statement, but it’s true. I am over 50! (Notice, I didn’t say how much over 50…only a few years.)

Because of my delicate age (over 50) I receive the AARP magazine.

In the most current one, on page 37, there is an article that really resonated with me. It’s titled “Gain Peace With a Pooch.”

(If you read my columns you know how much of a dog lover I am.)

Anyway, here is the article:

“Pet owners have been found to have lower blood pressure and fewer stress hormones circulating in their blood. When KAREN ALLEN, Ph.D., of the State University of New York at Buffalo, studied 240 married couples, she discovered that the presence of a pet was more effective than a spouse (I could have told you that) or a friend in easing the effects of stress.

“ALLEN McCONNELL, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Miami University in Ohio, co-authored a study published in 2011 showing that pets foster self-esteem, calmness, soothing and a feeling of acceptance. So, if your lifestyle and budget can accommodate a pet, visit your local animal shelter and consider adopting one.”

And have I got one for you:

His name is Rocky. He’s very smart and super friendly to humans and also to other pets. He likes to sleep in the bed and snuggle. He sometimes snores… but not as loud as Irving! (I’m just saying.) He has been neutered.

He is up to date on all his shots and best of all, he is HOUSEBROKEN!

For all of his life (7 years) he belonged to a guy and thought they were buddies… but his owner gave him up and said to euthanize him. (How cruel is that?) Please, do Rocky… and especially yourself, a favor and consider adopting him. He is too wonderful to die.

If you are interested, you can phone his rescuer, SCOTT (who is trying to find Rocky a loving home) at 407-925-8164 or phone me at the number above my column. You will never regret it, I promise.

Attention Seniors…

“Seniors” includes anyone over 50 (like me).

The City of Casselberry is holding a Senior Expo today so why not attend and learn about programs and services available to the senior community?

Community Education and Resource Affiliation (CERA) is holding its annual Senior Expo at the City of Casselberry Recreation Center from 9 a.m. to noon on Friday, March 29.

Everyone is invited to attend this FREE event. Come visit the vendors and learn about programs and services available to the Senior community.

The Casselberry Recreation Center is at 200 N. Triplet Lake Drive, Casselberry. Lots of door prizes and snacks and refreshments will be provided.

For more information, contact BETTY TEAGLE at bteagle@casselberry.org or 407-262-7700, ext. 1575.

Sounds like fun… and I repeat… it’s FREE!

Too important not to repeat…

This is a reminder about the Walk for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) that takes place beginning at 8 am. Sunday, April 7. (I said I would write about it again as the date got closer.)

Multiple Sclerosis is an inflammatory disease whose onset often occurs in young adults and is more common in women. MS affects the ability of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to communicate with each other effectively in many cases.

The event titled “Mid Florida Walk MS, Orlando 2013” will take place from 8 a.m. until noon Sunday, April 7 at Baldwin Park at Harbor Park, 4990 New Broad St., Orlando.

Registration is required and will take place at 8 a.m. The walk kicks off at 9 a.m. You can register to walk as an individual, join a team or create a team.

The cost is a $20 minimum donation per participant.

For further information, contact GABY CASADO, 407-478-8882, ext. 55127 or email her at gaby.casado@nmss.org. You can also visit the website ata http://www.MidFloridaMSWalks.org.

The “people’s house”…

That makes reference to the White House in Washington, D.C., so I consider it my house too. A couple of years ago, when I toured it, I found some schmutz in the corner of the hallway and I sent in a cleaning lady!

I understand DONALD TRUMP offered to pay for tours that have been canceled because of the sequester. What can I say about “The Donald”?

(Uh oh… can’t say anything. He might sue me!)

One for the road…

Here’s one I told before but it seemed appropriate today:

After Adam was created, there he was, all alone, in the Garden of Eden.

Of course it wasn’t good for him to be all by himself, so the Lord came down to visit.

“Adam,” He said, “I have a plan to make you much, much happier.

I’m going to give you a companion, a helpmate for you—someone who will fulfill your every need and desire. Someone who will be faithful, loving and obedient. Someone who will make you feel wonderful every day of your life.”

Adam was stunned. “That’s sounds incredible!”

“Well, it is,” replied the Lord, “but it doesn’t come for free. This is someone so special that it’s going to cost you an arm and a leg.”

“That’s a pretty high price to pay,” said Adam. “What can I get for a rib?”

(The Lord should have given him a dog!)


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