Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Where are Reconstructionist rabbis leading their followers?

Dear editor:

The big news is that the Reconstruction Movement has a new leader who is gay [Heritage Florida Jewish News, April 5]. Rabbi Klein does not think that synagogue worship is all that important, and he was disappointed to find the College Hillel wasting valuable time with religious services on Saturday mornings. The students could be doing more important things to save the world. Really?

It is interesting that the article about Mr. Klein points out that there are 100 Reconstructionist congregations and 300 Reconstructionist rabbis. Thus, 200 of these rabbis must be active as community organizers or leaders, but whom do they lead, and where to?

The definition of rabbi in the American Heritage Dictionary is a scholar qualified to interpret Jewish law. To do so, one would expect such a person to share the Jewish belief regarding the origin of these laws. When asked whether he believed in a Master of the Universe, the founder of the Jewish “Civilzation” (which is Reconstructionalism), Mordechai Kaplan gave a response that was even less comprehensible than the Pantheism of Baruch Spinosa.

On a more pragmatic level, it is well known that the declining birth rate is rapidly reducing the number of Jews, both in Israel and the Diaspora. Should Jewish young people be led by someone who will never father a Jewish child?

David G. Danziger

Winter Park


Reader Comments(2)

ricklandman writes:

Rabbi Schneerson, (the Moshiach for Chabad), George Washington, and Jesus all were great leaders and had many followers with no children. Also CBST, the LGBT Synagogue's congregation in NYC has over 100 children of the lesbian and gay parents. Yes, in NY that is legal you know. There are so many Mitzvot that include being kind to others and the world; so they also count along with davening.

Scientist writes:

Any man can become a father through adoption or through intercourse. There are many gay fathers who are also Jewish. This should be obvious.