A correction…
In last week’s column I suggested sending garbage pails filled with doggie poop bags over to North Korea as a missile. I now realize that was such a bad idea because human poop is used to fertilize the soil in North Korea. If they are accustomed to inhaling that, well… what more need I say?
Texas, Boston, Ricin poisoned letters…
What a week. I shudder to think what’s in store.
It’s starting to feel like we are living in Pakistan! So much hate, so many sick and twisted people.
We don’t know who is responsible (as I write this column) for the Boston Marathon bombings. I just saw our president on television, addressing Bostonians. He said, “Run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Great words to live by.)
I believe the Ricin letter mailer has been apprehended and the Texas explosion seems to have been an accident… tragic, none-the-less.
The most inspiring words, however, came from an eight-year-old, Martin Richard, who perished at that Boston bombing. “He wrote on a huge card the following: “No More Hurting People.”
Definitely words to live by.
Singing the blues…
If anybody has a right to sing the blues, it’s JACQUELINE JONES. She has gone through much heartache and pain, but trooper that she is, she carries on and that is good for all of us as Jackie is a fine singer of blues, jazz, ballads, etc.
On Sunday, May 5, 2 p.m., the Congregation Ohev Shalom Seniors will present a musical afternoon featuring Jacqueline Jones and her fine musicians.
Jackie mixes all sorts of style elements and makes them work. There’s a little vamp, a touch of class, a bit of trash, and a lot of love. Jacqueline truly enjoys her audience and her music. Captivating audiences with her voice, wit and showmanship comes naturally for the dynamic Jacqueline Jones.
She has performed across the country and abroad, and she remains a wildly popular favorite in her adopted hometown of Orlando.
Her spirited blend of jazz, rhythm and blues and contemporary music consistently delights her audiences whether she is performing in an intimate club or on the concert stage because she is sweet and sassy too. She’s also warm and funny and full of energy!
Everyone is invited and asked to arrive early for the best seats.
Refreshments will be served after the entertainment and all for the low price of $5, COS Senior members; $8, all others. No reservations are needed.
For further information and directions, phone BERNY RAFF at 407-767-6763.
Gangnam style? You’ve got to be kidding…
Ever since South Korean singer, PSY, came up with his new dance craze titled Gangnam style, youngsters are embracing it.
Not only “youngsters” in their teens and a little beyond like me (shut-up!) but “youngsters” like 90-year-old ROBERT GELLER!
Recently, a story and large photo appeared in the Winter Park/Maitland Observer newspaper. It was all about Robert and his fellow seniors living at Village on the Green in Longwood, a beautiful retirement home in equally beautiful surroundings.
It seems Robert introduced the Gangnam Style dance to the other residents as terrific exercise… and it is!
Brittni Johnson of the Observer, wrote a story about Robert and all the others who are doing the exciting (and nutty looking) dance. It’s a lot like riding a horse.
Robert was the one who introduced it to the exercise instructor TREVA McGOWAN, and it seems to have caught on. (He had previously introduced Zumba to them.)
Just a reminder: Robert is 90 years old and handsome as ever with much more energy than my spouse! (Ahem).
Fine Art…
A “Fine Art Fiesta”, honoring PAUL and BARBARA GROSSMAN, will be held on Sunday, April 28, 5:3O p.m. at the Orlando Museum of Art, 2416 N. Mills Avenue, Orlando.
This is a historic celebration to raise money for JFS pantry programs and to honor individuals who have supported their mission.
All proceeds will benefit the JFS Emergency Pearlman Food Pantry, the Feinstein 30,000 Meal Challenge and other vital JFS programs and services.
For more information, contact MICHAEL COOPER, 407-644-7593, ext. 241.
Memories, memories…
It doesn’t seem so long ago (again, I say shut-up!) that I was a pre-teen native of Brooklyn, New York, and lover of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team also known as “Dem Bums.”
I remember spending many hours with my late dad, Alex Golub, in front of our ten-inch RCA Bystander television set, watching Jackie Robinson round the bases at Ebbets Field.
I loved Jackie Robinson. I thrilled when he ran the bases in his pigeon-toed style, after belting a homerun. (Actually, baseball is the only sport that I understand fully.)
A new movie has just opened in the last few weeks. It is titled “42” referring to Jackie’s players number. (I understand that the number 42 is to be retired).
Everyone is raving about this film. Go see it… even if you’re not from Brooklyn!
(But who isn’t?)
One for the road…
Here’s a joke I’ve told before, but it really strikes me funny, so: Two men are standing at the urinals in the San Francisco Airport.
One turns to the other and says, “You’re from New York.”
“Yes,” says the other.
“Manhattan?” the first man inquired.
“Yes, indeed!” the second man replied.
The first man then asked “On the West Side near Riverside Drive?”
To that the second man, quite astonished responded, “Yes! How did you know?”
“Between 82nd and 90th?” queried the first man.
“Extraordinary!” shouted the second man, “but how did you know?”
“Well,” said the first man, “the same Mohel who cut you cut me.
He cuts on a bias and you’re pissing on my shoe!”
(Important addition: Fast moving news is happening.
Now one suspect is dead, the other is under arrest.
Another death caused by terrorists. No need to check out photos.
FBI knows who they are… but who else may be involved?
Pray! You probably will have learned more as you read this.)
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