Dor Shalom will gather for a potluck Shabbat at 6 p.m. Aug. 9 in Longwood. Interested in attending? Visit to register today.
The event will be held in a private home and address information will be sent to attendees prior to the event. All attendees are asked to bring their favorite vegetarian kosher-style dish prepared for at least 12 people.
It will be a great evening to connect with old friends and make new friends, says an event organizer. Everyone 40 and above are welcome, but you’ll need to RSVP to save yourself a seat at the table.
Dor Shalom is a social and educational network powered by the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando for married and single adults ages 40 and above. Dor Shalom is a community resource for JEWISH: Issues, Current Events Topics, Cultural Awareness, Personal and Spiritual Growth, Social & Professional Networking.
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