Egypt still in the headlines…
As we go to press, Egypt is still making news so I thought I would write about the new head of Egyptian Jews. I wrote about the passing of Carmen Weinstein, head of the Egyptian Jewish people in last week’s column. This information comes directly from the World Jewish Congress (WJC) Digest about her replacement:
“With the passing of Carmen Weinstein, MAGDA HAROUN, 60, has been unanimously elected to preside over Egypt’s thinning Jewish communities.
The daughter of a renowned Jewish activist who denounced Zionism, Haroun, like her father, self-reportedly considers herself Egyptian before Jewish.
“Continuing the agenda of her predecessor, she says her ‘priority is to preserve the Egyptian Jewish heritage.’
“Many thousands of Egyptian Jews fled the country during the hostilities with Israel 60 years ago, today leaving mostly elderly Jews numbering less than 40 in Cairo and Alexandria.
“As leader of the Jews, Haroun said, ‘I will continue taking care of them socially, medically, gathering them for the holidays and burying them with dignity.’”
Back to feelin’ good…
For most of this week I’ve been laying in bed suffering from back pain. My spine seems to be out of “wack” and, although I am going to Florida Hospital’s Spine Health Institute for treatment, I thought I would try a little relief with massage as well. My son, RON, mentioned it a long time ago and put me in touch with his longtime friend, the best massage therapist in town.
It turned out to be a great idea, because licensed massage therapist, NORM HANNA, helped me! True, it’s a temporary fix, but after the wonderful hour of pure relaxation and stretching, etc., I felt wonderful… like my old self.
Norm’s expertise got right down to the problem. I wish I could take him with me to Las Vegas in a few days.
Not only is he wonderful at massage, he is young and cute too. (I know. I know. You don’t have to remind me… I’m probably much too old for him anyway… besides, we both are married!)
Seriously, if you would like probably the best massage of your life, contact me and I will put Norm in touch with you.
Speaking of Las Vegas…
I am flying there in four days… and because I am over 65 (that’s all I will admit to) I no longer have to remove my shoes. More than a decade ago, I heard a television performer suggest a great idea and I wrote about it at the time. Unfortunately the TSA did NOT take his suggestion to heart so I will write about it again. Maybe this time it will catch on:
He suggested a new airline called CNA, which stands for “Completely Naked Airlines.” What a perfect solution! As passengers board the airline there would be no place for them to hide a weapon! No carry-on luggage would be allowed either… but who needs luggage? I can carry a wallet and keys under my left breast and my cell phone, a book and a snack under my right breast. (Maybe even a lipstick and some tissues.)
Most proficient in Congress…
At least that’s what was said about our own congressman ALAN GRAYSON a few nights ago on the “All in with Chris Hayes” television program on MSNBC. The last time Alan was in the House of Representatives he was known as very outspoken… and “outlandish” to some of his Republican mates. This time, however, Alan is getting things done, in spite of this being labeled the “Do Nothing” Congress.
(Keep up the good work!)
A dying language?...
I certainly hope not. Yiddish is such a colorful language. I would hate to think it will not be spoken any longer. I pass this on to you from NANCY LUDIN:
“Where can you go to learn a bissel Yiddish? While Yiddish may be seen as a dying language in the United States, it is alive and flourishing at Chambrel in Longwood thanks to Jewish Pavilion volunteer, JOAN POHL. Her monthly classes (the third Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m.) are free and average 18-20 students, half of whom come from outside of Chambrel to participate.
Pohl is a superb teacher who knows how to engage students who know a few words as well as those who speak fluently. Most of her pupils have not spoken a word of Yiddish since they left their childhood homes more than 60 years ago.
To make class extra special, the last 15 minutes are spent around the piano singing Yiddish tunes. MIMI SHADER is the pianist and she is accompanied by BEN ROSENBAUM on harmonica. What makes class extra special is the laughter and the tears. Yiddish words and phrases are funny and they bring back many special memories.
Pecha Kucha?...
(No… it’s NOT Yiddish!)
Brilliant entertainer JILL SHARGAA sent me this:
“Don’t know if you’ve ever been to one of the Pecha Kucha Orlando events, but it’s a really fun evening of Powerpoint shows covering all kinds of subjects—some serious, some educational, but all interesting.
I will be one of the 10 presenters at the next gig, which will be Friday, Sept. 20. Takes place at The Orange Studio, 1121 N. Mills Ave, Orlando, FL 32803. Yes, it’s that neon orange building at the corner of Mills and Lake Highland, next to Hawkers Asian Fare restaurant. The studio has a huge warehouse that can seat 400 people (warning...folding chair alert!) and there’ll be beer and wine sold inside. Food trucks will be there and free parking on the streets.
“Pecha Kucha is Japanese for ‘chit chat’ and the event centers around a person showing their Powerpoint show. Each screen is projected for only 20 seconds while the person narrates along. Then the screen automatically changes, so the narrator has to time it perfectly and seamlessly.
“Let me tell you, this is incredibly hard to do, but going to be a lot of fun. So each PPT is only 6 minutes and 40 seconds long. There are 10 Powerpoints in about an hour.”
Doors open at 7 p.m., show begins at 8 p.m. until 9 p.m. Here’s a link to buy tickets online and more information: And general info about Pecha Kucha is here:
(I will repeat this information as the event draws closer.)
Mazel tov department…
LAURA KERN, associate director of marketing and communications with the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission, successfully completed the exam for accreditation in public relations, entitling her to use the APR professional designation.
Laura is a 2006 University of Central Florida (UCF) graduate.
And two other UCF graduates, TIFFANY LEVINE and SEAN GRIFFIN, were married on March 16 in Lake Mary. Many UCF alumni attended the nuptials.
One for the road…
Bud, from Texas, is on holiday in Israel and meets farmer Shlomo there. Bud asks Shlomo what he does.
“I raise a few chickens,” says Shlomo. “I’m also a farmer.”
“So am I. How much land do you have?” asks Bud.
“Twenty acres in front, and almost 50 at the back.”
Now it was the turn of Shlomo to ask a question.
“You’re from Texas, so what about your farm?” asks Shlomo.
Bud tells him, “On my farm, I can drive from morning until sundown and not reach the end of my property.”
“That’s too bad,” says Shlomo. “I once had a car like that.”
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