Rosh Hashanah may be early for most of us, but the senior group at the Roth Jewish Community Center has already planned for their Meet and Mingle program on Aug. 26. The program committee has invited Rabbi Merrill Shapiro to present to the 39ers to mark the holiday of Rosh Hashanah.
This presentation will mark the 110th Anniversary of the publication of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” with an examination of how anti-Semitism has influence the liturgy of the High Holy Days.
Many elements of the traditional High Holy Day liturgy reflect the efforts of anti-Semites to destroy both Jews and Judaism. Why do the so-called Ten Commandments not appear in the Siddur? What ever happened to that missing line in Aleinu? Was it because of the Inquisition that an introduction was added to Kol Nidre? Did the Kol Nidre give anti-Semites reason to distrust Jews? Does a liturgical poem in the morning service of the Second Day of Rosh Hashannah refer to Elchanan, the son of Rabbi Simon ben Isaac ben Abun, kidnapped and baptized as an infant, only to become, according to legend, the second Jewish pope?
The answers to these questions and further investigations will show the connection between the 1903 serialization of the anti-Semitic hoax, The “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in Znamya, a Black Hundreds newspaper beginning Aug. 26, 1903. The tradition of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is still alive today, documented in the movie “Protocols of Zion.” It was a feature-length film that examined the belief that Jews were behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on America, and that Jews who worked in the World Trade Center in New York City had advance notice of the deadly assaults on the twin towers.
Every Monday at 1 p.m. the 39ers meet for a general meeting and program to follow. Refreshments, coffee and social time make for a complete and meaningful afternoon at the ‘J.’ For more information contact Katharine Teicher at 407-645-5933.
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