Right around the corner...
When you read this column, hopefully I will have returned safely from Las Vegas... but actually, I don’t fly out there for another day.
I hope my airport experience is more pleasant than on my last flight, which was round trip to Chicago from Orlando.
It was an especially long wait for me on the TSA lines because the guy in front of me had to remove his ear pierce, his nose pierce, his tongue pierce, his belly-button pierce...
(And I’m grateful not to have to remove my shoes because of my age!)
Next the security guard called me aside and frisked me, felt me, and patted me down. He asked, “Do you have any concealed weapons?” I said, “Who cares? Kiss me!”
(Attention: Irv. Only kidding!)
Speaking of airlines...
Have you ever flown El Al Airlines, the official airline of Israel?
Irv and I have, and found the experience wonderful... except... they don’t (or at least did not at the time) announce a flight plan until they are up in the air and well on their way. Surely that is for security purposes.
They also don’t make it easy to spot security personnel... again for safety reasons. But their food is great... at least if you crash, your last meal will not have been a bag of peanuts!
According to the World Jewish Congress Digest, a chunk of El Al is now for sale. They report:
“El Al Airlines, the national carrier of Israel, is trying to sell off a significant portion of the company to an investment fund, according to business media reports.
The FIMI fund, Israel’s largest private equity fund, has agreed to put up $75 million in return for 47 percent of the airline.
The two-stage deal, when closed last month (extendable for an additional 90 days) gives FIMI the option to invest up to $50 million for a 38 percent share of El Al and two options of $12.5 million each, which, if exercised, would give the fund a total of 47 percent of the carrier.
With the posting of a large 4th quarter (2012) loss, El Al is weathering typical airline industry woes in a challenging global economic climate.”
(Seems the entire world, except for China, is having economic problems.)
One of the best...
I know BUNNY ROSEN personally for many years. She is one of the most caring, selfless, loving individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
No matter the situation, if I am feeling uneasy about it and I spot Bunny Rosen nearby, I feel better. She has that effect on me... and surely on many others.
I know she is a dedicated volunteer for the Jewish Pavilion and NANCY LUDIN, executive director, feels the same about Bunny. This comes from Nancy:
“Bunny has brought so much sunshine into the lives of the residents of Savannah Court.
Over the years, she has cooked for them for most of the Jewish holidays, so they can enjoy the same holiday meal she prepares for her own family. Bunny’s brisket is one of her best dishes and the Jewish Pavilion now sends the recipe annually to chefs in senior communities across Orlando.
Now, residents in 50 assisted and skilled nursing facilities can enjoy a great holiday brisket.”
(I never knew about the brisket, Bunny. My readers know how much I love food. Well now, I even love Bunny more!)
Fabulous musical talent...
I know TERRY HAMMOND for most of his life... way before he moved to Florida.
I can even picture him in his crib in Brooklyn, New York!
He was artistic and super talented even then, way back when his name had a Jewish sound to it... long before show business became his life.
Terry attended Julliard School of Music in New York City. There probably is no finer school of its kind anywhere.
He is a talented pianist/singer, entertainer and composer of shows and songs.
Recently he gave me a piece he composed titled “Passover Prayer.”
I made copies and gave them to a few rabbis and cantors in our area.
His music and lyrics are touching... but then, knowing how talented he is... I’m not surprised.
And speaking of rabbis...
In a recent Jewish Federation email, in the “Mensch of the Week” segment was the following:
“This week’s mensches are a group of congregational rabbis committed to Jewish learning!
This summer, Rabbi Aaron Rubinger, Rabbi Steven Engel, Rabbi Rick Sherwin, Rabbi David Kay, and Rabbi Hillel Skolnik came together with the staff of the Jewish Federation to talk about Beit Hamidrash.
The program, powered by JFGO, is our community’s Hebrew High School. The rabbis took time out of their very busy schedules to talk about the importance of Jewish education for our teens beyond b’nai mitzvah.
Hoping to bolster Beit Hamidrash attendance by encouraging their own congregation members to participate, the rabbis have also offered to teach a class in the coming school year. As in previous years, the core Beit Hamidrash program will continue to be offered on Monday nights on the Maitland campus. In addition, the rabbis will teach a class, either on Monday nights, or in an alternative location on a different night of the week, as a part of a “satellite” program.
Beit Hamidrash begins this August with a free Open House on Aut. 12 from 7-8 p.m. We are grateful for the dedication of the Rabbis in this community that help make our Jewish community strong and vibrant.”
(We are very lucky to have such dedicated rabbis in our community.)
Back to music and super talent...
Super talent? MICHAEL KRAMER, of course. Super talent could be his middle name.
I’ve had the pleasure of performing with Michael both here and in New York City. He is one of the best pianists in my book.
Michael will be the featured entertainer at this month’s jazz concert at the Altamonte Chapel, 825 East S.R. 436 in Altamonte Springs.
Our own ALAN ROCK emcees all these programs.
Michael will bring his keyboard talents to the chapel and will have some super-duper musicians with him. Singers are often included.
The date is Sunday, Aug. 25 at noon until 2 p.m.
For directions and further information, phone 407-339-5208.
(I’m gonna try to be there and hopefully I will “sit-in” with the group.)
This joke was kind of depressing until I got to the end... so read on:
Sadie is dying. As she lay in her bed, she says, “Shlomo, are you here?”
“Sadie, can’t you see I’m standing right next to you?” replies Shlomo.
“Well that’s a change,” says Sadie, “I’m not used to having you at home.”
“Oh now come on darling,” says Shlomo, “you didn’t really expect me to be out of the house when you’re dying?”
“Well it wouldn’t have surprised me,” says Sadie.
“Please let’s not argue,” says Shlomo.
“OK,” says Sadie, “but I want you to promise me something. How many cars have you ordered to go to the cemetery?”
“Four,” replies Shlomo.
“Does that include the hearse?” asks Sadie.
“Yes,” replies Shlomo, “but this is not the time to talk about it.”
“Shlomo, it’s my funeral, remember,” says Sadie. “Four cars are too many. If people want to come, let them find their own way there. Cancel one of the cars.”
“OK,” says Shlomo.
“And I want you to promise me something else,” says Sadie.
“Anything darling,” says Shlomo.
“I want you and my mother to travel together in the same car,” says Sadie.
“But darling,” says Shlomo, “you know we’ve not spoken to one another for at least ten years.”
“I know,” says Sadie, “but I don’t care. It’s what I want. Promise me you’ll do it.”
“Well, OK,” replies Shlomo, “I’ll do it, but let me tell you now, it will ruin the day for me.”
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