Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Hadassah pays tribute to Bunny Rosen

The opening meeting of the Orlando chapter of Hadassah was held Aug. 27 at Congregation Ohev Shalom, and it was a tribute to Bunny Rosen for her lifetime of service to Hadassah.

“Bunny Rosen is the heart of the Orlando chapter,” said Emily Rotenberg, chapter president. “We, the members, pay tribute to her today, for all she does to keep the organization running smoothly.”

Rosen oversees every aspect of the monthly meetings, awards brunch, the donor luncheon and Youth Aliyah Fashion Show. She is known for her perfection of any task she under takes, be it an event venue, a casual buffet or elegant meal, donor accounts, gathering of donations, an auction or drawing. Each project is wrapped in style, dignity and grace.

Mati Braun provided a concert in her honor following lunch, catered by Bagel King.


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