Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Sounding the shofar

In synagogues across the nation, a shofar (ram’s horn) is blown during the Jewish New Year. The Jewish Pavilion is an outreach organization that ensures that Jewish seniors in 54 long-term care facilities in Orlando get to experience the Jewish holidays and hear the shofar. The shofar is the quintessential symbol of Rosh Hashanah that calls for the awakening of the slumbering soul. Hearing the shofar reminds our elders of their precious heritage.


Reader Comments(1)

shofar221 writes:

For full explanation of Shofar, its influence on prayer and its historical antecedents going back to the Temple sacrifices, go to: https://sites.google.com/site/shofarwebpage/ http://www.hearingshofar.com http://ShofarCorps.com

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