The Orlando Chapter of Hadassah recently held a luncheon to pay tribute to Bunny Rosen for her years of devoted service to the organization.
She is the heart of the Orlando chapter. She oversees the monthly luncheon meetings, awards brunch, donor luncheon, and the Youth Aliyah Fashion Show.
Perfection is the key word. She will settle for nothing less, be it an event venue, a casual buffet or an elegant meal, donor accounts, the gathering of donations, an auction or a drawing.
Rosen is an integral part of the Orlando chapter. She works tirelessly for Hadassah, putting her heart and soul into each task she takes upon herself. She manages every facet of each undertaking with resolute purpose, wrapped in dignity, style and grace. For her lifelong commitment, Hadassah’s “Love-of-a- Lifetime Award” was bestowed upon her.
As an added surprise for Rosen and the 140 plus guests who feted her, the chapter named the project, which always involved her maximum effort, in her honor. The charity event dedicated to helping children in need will forever be known as The Bunny Rosen, Youth Aliyah Fashion Show. Anonymous donations have funded an endowment to guarantee the perpetuation of this event for years to come.
The afternoon overflowed with genuine love for a wonderful woman.
Editor’s note: Bunny Rosen passed away Sept. 17.
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