Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

The Jewish Pavilion is forever thankful for their volunteers

Marian Bromberg is an active volunteer for the Pavilion. She has been visiting Health Center Windermere for the past four years. She rarely misses a Friday. Marian has greeted the residents that have passed through this facility with love, kindness and a Jewish connection. She comforts the aging, bringing Challah rolls, sharing her life and listening. Important holidays are always celebrated and made special. Marian grew up in Brooklyn, has been married to Edward for 48 years and moved to Florida in 2005. She is a member of SOJC, an active mother to three married daughters and grandmother of nine, ranging from 20 years of age down to 16 months. Two of her daughters are married to rabbis and one to a chef. Marian is always giving her time to help enhance the Jewish Pavilion and the Orlando Jewish community as a whole. She is a blessing to our community.


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