On Tuesday, Sept.10, Jewish Academy of Orlando and Walgreens presented a Health and Wellness Fair for the school’s parents, teachers, staff, and other adult professionals working on the Maitland campus.
With flu season rapidly approaching, the school wanted to provide an opportunity to help the parents and teachers obtain flu shots and other important tips that will help keep them healthy. In addition to administering the flu shots, Walgreens had a pharmacist on hand to answer health and wellness questions, as well as provided blood pressure and blood sugar checks, exposure to the store’s “Walk with Walgreens” exercise program, and a variety of other items and information that will help keep the adults that care for the school’s children healthy and fit.
“We were very excited to partner with Walgreens,” said Dori Gerber, the school’s director of tech integration and marketing. “Our students are our top priority, so by providing an outlet for their parents and teachers to keep themselves healthy, we know that they will be at their optimal best for their children and students.”
Vipul Vassa, the Walgreen’s pharmacy manager and area immunization representative stated, “(By) partnering with Jewish Academy of Orlando, we promoted wellness, and the Walgreens brand on wellness, because we want people to get well, live well, and stay well.”
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