On Monday, Dec. 2nd, Chabad at UCF paired with Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, and Zeta Beta Tau for a Grand Menorah lighting and toy drive. The toy drive benefitted Jewish Adoptions and Foster Care Options (JAFCO), an organization providing services to abused and neglected children in Florida. More than 200 students attended
the event that took place at Light Up UCF outside the CFE Arena. In addition to the a grand menorah lighting, there was food, Chanukah music, and discounted rides. All UCF students and the greater Orlando Jewish community were invited to participate in the event and were encouraged to bring toys.
Rabbi Chaim Lipskier, director of Chabad at UCF addressed the crowd and shared the message of Chanukah. The menorah was then lit, accompanied by the singing of the Chanukah blessings and prayers, together as a community.
Following the lighting of all six candles, attendees enjoyed traditional Chanukah foods including latkes and applesauce, chocolate, vanilla, and jelly sufganiyot (donuts), and hot apple cider. The event also featured raffles for gift cards and complimentary menorahs for students who wished to light candles themselves. More than 200 toys were collected for JAFCO.
Chabad at UCF also held other Chanukah events, including a Menorah Lighting at the UCF Reflection Pond and a Midnight Chanukah Party at Chabad.
The Grand Menorah Lighting and toy drive marked a beautiful opportunity for the local Jewish community to come together as a whole and truly make miracles happen for a special organization and the children they care for. For more information about JAFCO please visit http://www.jafco.org and to learn more about Chabad at UCF please visit http://www.jewishucf.com.
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