Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

Oy vay, shades of Adolph Hitler...

This is information reported by the World Jewry Digest of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) about Greece and its politics:

"In the wake of continued harassment of Jews, immigrants and ethnic minorities by the far-right (Greek) Golden Dawn party, WJC urged the Greek government to crack down on the neo-Nazi extremists.

WJC president, Ambassador RONALD S. LAUDER said, 'There can be no legitimate place in the Greek Parliament for parties whose public statements and actions are racist...and who operate in many ways like the Nazis did 70 years ago.'

Golden Dawn gained nearly seven percent of the vote in general elections last year and now face charges of mounting street-gang attacks against immigrants and the murder of an antifascist rapper, allegations it denies.

WJC was gratified when Greek law enforcement officials mounted a sweeping campaign announcing that five senior police officials were reassigned pending an investigation into police collusion with the far right faction. Greek police also arrested Golden Dawn leader NICOS MICHALOLIAKOS on charges of heading a criminal gang.

In addition, lawmakers delivered a vote to cut government funds to the extremist party. The unanimous vote legally defunds Golden Dawn, which, if the Greek Parliament hadn't acted, would have been eligible to receive a state subsidy equivalent to $1.2 million."

In Memoriam...

World Jewish leaders mourn the passing of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Poland's first prime minister after the fall of communism.

WJC has praised Mazowiecki as one of the "architects of modern Polish democracy," and as "a friend of Israel and the Jewish people."

Under his leadership, the Polish government reestablished diplomatic relations with Israel, opened Polish airports for Jews leaving the Soviet Union, and helped to successfully fight for the repeal of the United Nation's infamous Zionism racism Resolution, this according to the WJC.

Tzedakah should be their middle name...

I'm referring to GAIL and EDWARD MARCUS, Floridians with close relatives in Winter Park.

Gail and Eddie are probably the kindest, most giving people I know. For the past few years, in fact, I have written about their good deeds here in this column!

Each year they give "above and beyond" to local soup kitchens. Last year, in fact, they purchased two large ovens, each costing thousands of dollars.

This year they gave $14,000 to a soup kitchen and then, wanting to teach the blessed act of giving to less fortunate folks, they brought two of their younger grandchildren, JUSTIN and NICOLE PENA, children of Gail and Eddie's daughter, BETH MARCUS PENA and her husband, RON.

The lesson of tzedakah was well taught (see photo) and the children found that it was much more enjoyable to give than to receive.

Gail and Eddie also give to many other causes, among them a monthly stipend to St.Jude's Children's Hospital.

(I truly admire Gail and Eddie Marcus who want to make sure that the act of caring for and giving to the less fortunate does not stop with them.)

Just a reminder...

I mentioned in last week's column that there would be an unveiling for the late Eleanor Raff on Sunday, Jan. 26 at 11 a.m. at the Congregation Ohev Shalom Cemetery, 6034 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando.

I know it would mean a lot to our dear BERNY RAFF, if we try to attend.

Another reminder, but on a much lighter "note"...

(Pardon the pun!)

Also on Sunday, Jan. 26, wonderful musician TERRY MYERS will perform with his equally wonderful musicians JEFF PHILLIPS, CHARLIE SILVA and WALT HUBBARD at the Altamonte Chapel.

Hosting the event will be radio celebrity, our own ALAN ROCK.

For details and directions, phone 407-339-5208.

(Professional musicians and singers are welcome to sit-in.)

For the birds?...

No way! The very lovely lady I am writing about loves animals and chickens in particular! HILDA GOFF is her name.

Hilda lives on a beautiful property with her home situated right on the shores of Lake Maitland. She has quite a garden and loves to work in it.

Ever since the city of Maitland passed a law allowing residents to own chickens, Hilda is in "heaven."

Hilda has a nice chicken coop on her property (see photo) where her little hens reside. She has named them Sparkle Plenty, Irene, Cindy Lou and Lady Bird (after you know who.)

"At first," Hilda said, "I bought four roosters, not realizing that they were roosters. They didn't get along... so I now have four hens."

The hens are a joy to own. Hilda says "They not only lay eggs but they sing."

She even said she recognizes one of the songs as "Good Night, Irene."

(Whoever composed this folk song is turning over for sure.)

Hilda's home has always been a very special place. Now with the hens, it is utterly charming... like Hilda herself!

While reading the Heritage one day...

I came upon an ad that said "Domestic Goddess" for hire. (I wondered... could it mean Roseanne Barr was renting herself out for comedy shows?)

Actually, the gal is BONNY BEALL, and "Domestic Goddess" is the name of her cleaning service.

With so much company coming to visit over the winter holidays, I NEEDED help. (HELP!)

Thank goodness for Bonny and her superb service. She saved the day... and my ___. (You know what I mean.)

More about great service...

While dining (hey, I'm no millionaire. I "dine" at Steak N Shake often and love it!)

Anyway, my big spender and I were enjoying a meal at Steak 'n Shake store # 147 in Winter Park recently, thanks to the expert service and care of JOHN DOUGLAS, (J.D. to his friends and co-workers.) He made our experience very pleasant, indeed.

One for the road...

A rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, "So, you tell me that your mother says your prayers for you each night. That's very commendable. What does she actually say?"

The little boy replied, "Thank God he's in bed!" (With grandchildren visiting, I understand that prayer very well!)

Another one for the road...

(And another rabbi story)

Rabbi Bloom asked young Paul what his favorite Bible story was.

"I guess the one about Noah and the ark, where they floated around on the water for 40 days and 40 nights" replied Paul.

"That was a good story," said Rabbi Bloom, "and, with all that water, I bet they had a good time fishing, don't you think?"

Paul thought for a moment, then replied, "I don't think so... they only had two worms."


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