Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Jewish Pavilion's Senior Help Desk at your service

"Good Morning, Jewish Pavilion, Wendy speaking how may I help you?" is a common melody each morning at the Jewish Pavilion office. This particular call was directed to the Orlando Senior Help Desk for information regarding one community member's father.

"My father has been living alone independently in the area and suddenly took a fall and is now in the hospital needing rehab services and possibly an alternate living arrangement." Sounds familiar to you? It is all too familiar to Emily Newman, senior resource specialist, at the Jewish Pavilion's Senior Help Desk.

After further questions and discussions the plan was to visit several rehabilitation centers in Longwood, Maitland and Altamonte Springs and Newman would follow up in the coming few days.

The caller decided on a rehab center in Longwood, which is actually serviced by Jewish Pavilion. There her dad would be visited by a volunteer or staff person for the upcoming Shabbat.

"Ron" worked hard at his rehab regime, following physician's orders, and later decided independent senior living would be the best option for him rather than returning to his apartment. After further discussions with the family, Newman was confident in referring the family to several fine senior communities catering to independent and assisted living options. With careful consideration the family and Ron chose to move to Chambrel at Island Lake, located in Longwood. Newman followed up with Ron with a visit and encouragement to attend Shabbat services and other Jewish Pavilion programming. Ron was welcomed by the many other Jewish seniors living there.

This is the beauty of how a phone call to Jewish Pavilion can make a family's turmoil turn to a transition with ease.

Orlando's Senior Help Desk, a free service brought to you by the Jewish Pavilion, is available to all faiths in all counties in and around Orlando. The Senior Help Desk is a nonprofit resource that provides objective advice at no cost, thanks to the generous support to our partners. For more information visit us at http://www.orlandoseniorhelpdesk.org or 407-678-9363.


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