NEW YORK—“We are pleased that we have reached a major milestone with over 100 universities publicly claiming their opposition to the boycott of Israeli universities and academia adopted by the American Studies Association. We anticipate more signing on as offices reopen and presidents return from their holiday vacations. As significant as this is, we have to be vigilant regarding efforts at other such bodies, like the Modern Language Association that will be convening on Jan. 9 in Chicago and will include a one-sided panel entitled ‘Academic Boycotts: A Conversation about Israel and Palestine’. We hope the clear messages issued by the presidents of the most prestigious universities in America against the boycott of Israeli institutions or academics will resonate with any who are contemplating a similar effort at the MLA,” said Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations leaders, Robert G. Sugarman, chairman, and Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman.
To read the list of universities that oppose the boycott, visit
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