Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Jewish Pavilion hosts Tu B'Shevat at Arden Court

Once again, the Jewish Pavilion hosted a Tu B'Shevat seder at Arden Court, a live-in facility in Winter Springs for persons with dementia and/or Alzheimer's. The residents were gathered in anticipation of the arrival of Jewish Pavilion volunteers, and they happily participated in the program for the day. 

In addition to reciting the prayers and enjoying the foods associated with this holiday, they shared some personal stories.  Program director Judy Procell asked the residents to tell a story from their life that involved trees. One resident's story in particular was her childhood memory of a "family of raccoons that lived in the big old oak tree that was near the kitchen window of her home." She spoke of how her sister and brothers would all gather at that kitchen window and they would watch the raccoons run up and down and all around that big tree. Her face lit up with excitement as she happily told her story and remembered something from her youth.


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