Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Bar Mitzvah - Nadav Zachary Weil

Nadav Zachary Weil, son of Sharon and Aaron Weil of Maitland, will be called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014, at Central Florida Hillel in Oveido.

Nadav is in the seventh grade at the Jewish Academy of Orlando where he is a member of the soccer and basketball teams, and is playing the role of Mayor Shin in the school play "Music Man."

His hobbies and interests include collecting gems and minerals, playing sports and Dr. Who. He is also a member of Kadima.

Sharing in the family's simcha will be his sisters, Noa and Roni; grandparents, Elaine and Frank Farbenbloom of Ra'anana, Israel, and Nanci and Ted Weil of Greenville, N.C.; as well as relatives from Ra'anana, Israel, Tel Aviv, and Raleigh, N.C.


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